基于Gitlab + Jenkins + Harbor + Sonarqube + Docker + Kubernetes 完成可持续集成与可持续交付解决方案
是一个可持续集成的demo架构,基于spring cloud技术栈
- jdk1.8
- gitlab
- jenkins
- sonarqube
- harbor & nexus3 & artifactory (本示例采用harbor)
- docker
- kubernetes
- A machine with:
- linux environment
- 256 MB of RAM, although more than 512MB is recommended
- 10 GB of drive space (for Jenkins and your Docker image)
- The following software installed:
Java 8
(either a JRE or Java Development Kit (JDK) is fine)- Docker (navigate to Get Docker at the top of the website to access the Docker download that’s suitable for your platform)
Author :GuoliangDi
Email :[email protected]