A MySQL driver for stringtree-migrate - the simple, flexible, database-independent, way to manage automated schema updates.
$ npm install stringtree-migrate-driver-postgres
var config = {
host: 'localhost', port: 5432,
database: 'test', user: 'uu', password: 'pp'
var scripts = [
{ level: 1, up: "create table ugh ( aa int )" },
{ level: 23, up: [
"insert into ugh (aa) values (33)",
"insert into ugh (aa) values (44)"
var driver = require('stringtree-migrate-driver-postgres')(config);
var migrate = require('stringtree-migrate')(driver, scripts);
// ensure database is at level 23 or greater
migrate.ensure(23, function(err, level) {
.. code that needs the db ..;
// ensure database has had all available updates applied
migrate.ensure(function(err, level) {
.. code that needs the db ..;
For more details, see https://github.com/stringtree/stringtree-migrate
The supplied config parameter is passed direct to the createPool method of node-postgres, so anything supported there is available. As a practical minimum, you should supply the connection details and credentials for your database, as shown in the example.