- I'm Guilherme, I am a 22 years old Electrical Engeneering undergraduate student at UFES (currently I am in the 7th grade).
🧑💼 Working as Frontend Developer at AUMO.AI
Worked as Fullstack Developer at LIFE
Currently working with Next.js
I have some experience as a Fullstack developer, working with Angular (Typescript) and Java Spring Boot. My objective is to master these frameworks and learn a little more about MySQL to get a stable knowledge;
I intend to learn more about software development, like React, VuesJS, and Kotlin, even UX and UI design;
At College I studied C, C++, Java and Python, so I can deal with them with a few study.
- Coding
- Learning different and new things;
- Playing music, currently I'm trying to master the violin;
- Reading some various kind of books (fantasy, sci-fi, philosophy, etc);
- Playing games with my friends
- Watching anime, series and movies