aspectratio | author | colorlinks | fonttheme | innertheme | institute | lang | monofont | outertheme | sansfont | theme | title | |
169 |
Jeremy Theler |
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professionalfonts |
rectangles |
Mid-term evaluation, PhD in Nuclear Engineering
Instituto Balseiro, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina
en-US |
DejaVuSansMono |
number |
Carlito |
default |
A free and open source computational tool
for solving differential equations in the cloud
Feature | ||||
Aesthetics | ||||
Convertibility | ||||
Traceability | ||||
Mobile-friendliness | ||||
Collaborative | ||||
Licensing/openness | ||||
Non-nerd friendliness |
Feature | ||||
Flexibility | ||||
Scalability | ||||
Traceability | ||||
Cloud-friendliness | ||||
Collaborative | ||||
Licensing/openness | ||||
Non-nerd friendliness |
After a successful project with a foreign company I decided to structure the PhD based on a fictitious & imaginary “Request for Quotation” for a computational tool:
- Introduction
- 1.1. Objective
- 1.2. Scope
- Architecture
- 2.1. Deployment
- 2.2. Execution
- 2.3. Efficiency
- 2.4. Scalability
- 2.5. Flexibility
- 2.6. Extensibility
- 2.7. Interoperability
- Interfaces
- 3.1. Problem input
- 3.2. Results output
- Quality assurance
- 4.1. Reproducibility and traceability
- 4.2. Automated testing
- 4.3. Bug reporting and tracking
- 4.4. Verification
- 4.5. Validation
- 4.6. Documentation
- A fictitious & imaginary tender applying to the SRS addressing each section.
- Application to industrial problems
- Open source (to allow third-party V&V)
- First version should handle some problems
- Extensible to other problems & formulations
- Free (as in freedom to hire somebody to modify/extend it)
- Solve DAEs and/or PDEs
- Heat conduction
- Elasticity
- Electromagnetism
- Fluid mechanics
- …
- State-of-the-art cloud friendly
. . .
- Free as “software libre”
- GPLv3+
- Only FOSS dependencies
- Main target is
- Development environment is Debian
- Initial version supports
- Dynamical systems (DAE)
- Laplace/Poisson/Helmholtz (FEM)
- Heat (FEM)
- Elasticity (FEM)
- Modal (FEM)
- Neutron transport and diffusion (FEM/FVM)
- Templates for more formulations
- Electromagnetism
- Chemical diffusion/reaction
- Fluid mechanics?
- The problem should be defined programatically
- One or more input files (JSON, YAML, ad-hoc format), and/or
- An API for high-level language (Python, Julia, etc.)
- There is no need to include a GUI
- The tool should allow a GUI to be used
- Desktop
- Web
- Mobile
- The tool should allow a GUI to be used
- The mesh can be an input
- As long as its creation meets the SRS
- Include documentation about how a…
- Pre-processor should create inputs
- Post-processor should read outputs
. . .
- No GUI, console binary executable
- “Transfer-function”-like between I/O
- English-like syntactic-sugared input files
- Nouns are definitions
- Verbs are instructions
- Python & Julia API:
- But already taken into account in the design & implementation
- Separate mesher
- Gmsh (GPLv2, meets SRS)
- Anything that writes
- Possibility to use GUI
- CAEplex
Solve $$ \begin{cases} \dot{x} = \sigma \cdot (y - x) \\ \dot{y} = x \cdot (r - z) - y \\ \dot{z} = x y - b z \end{cases} $$
for 0 < t < 40 with initial conditions
and σ = 10, r = 28 and b = 8/3.
. . .
end_time = 40 # dimensionless time
sigma = 10 # parameters
r = 28
b = 8/3
x_0 = -11 # initial conditions
y_0 = -16
z_0 = 22.5
# Lorenz's equations as written in 1963
x_dot = sigma*(y - x)
y_dot = x*(r - z) - y
z_dot = x*y - b*z
PRINT %e t x y z # four-column plain-ASCII output
$ feenox lorenz.fee
0.000000e+00 -1.100000e+01 -1.600000e+01 2.250000e+01
2.384186e-07 -1.100001e+01 -1.600001e+01 2.250003e+01
4.768372e-07 -1.100002e+01 -1.600002e+01 2.250006e+01
3.997567e+01 4.442995e+00 3.764391e+00 2.347301e+01
3.998290e+01 4.399950e+00 3.886609e+00 2.314602e+01
3.999012e+01 4.368713e+00 4.016860e+00 2.282821e+01
- Should run on mainstream cloud servers
- GNU/Linux
- Multi-core Intel-compatible CPUs
- Several levels of memory cache
- A few Gb of RAM
- Several Gb of SSD
- Either
- Bare metal
- Virtualized
- Containerized
- Standard compilers, libraries and dependencies
- Available in common GNU/Linux repositories
- Preferable 100% open source
- Adhere to well-established standards
. . .
Third-system effect (after v1 & v2)
philosophy: “do one thing well”
- : no GUI
- : Gnuplot, Gmsh, …
- …more rules to come!
Third-party math libraries
Dependencies available in APT
apt-get install git gcc make automake autoconf apt-get install libgsl-dev apt-get install lib-sundials-dev petsc-dev slepc-dev
Sources on
git clone
Autotools & friends for compilation
./ && ./configure && make
- Small coarse problems should be run in single hosts to check inputs
- Local desktop/laptops (not needed but suggested)
- Windows and MacOS (not needed but suggested)
- Small cloud instances
- Large actual problems should be split into several hosts
- HPC clusters
- Scalable cloud instances
- Mobile devices (not needed but suggested)
- As control/monitoring devices
. . .
Tested on
- Raspberry Pi
- Laptop (GNU/Linux & Windows 10)
- Macbook
- Desktop PC
- Bare-metal servers
- Vagrant/Virtualbox
- Docker/Kubernetes
- AWS/DigitalOcean/Contabo
- Gmsh partitioning with METIS
- PETSc/SLEPc with MPI
Web: (v2)

Create a maze
Download it in PNG
Perform some conversions
$ wget $ convert orthogonal_maze_with_20_by_20_cells.png \ -negate maze.png $ potrace maze.pnm --alphamax 0 --opttolerance 0 \ -b svg -o maze.svg $ ./svg2dxf maze.svg maze.dxf $ ./dxf2geo maze.dxf 0.1
Solve ∇2ϕ = 0 with BCs $$ \begin{cases} \phi=0 & \text{at “start”} \\ \phi=1 & \text{at “end”} \\ \nabla \phi \cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}} = 0 & \text{everywhere else} \\ \end{cases} $$
PROBLEM laplace 2D # pretty self-descriptive, isn't it? READ_MESH maze.msh # boundary conditions (default is homogeneous Neumann) BC start phi=0 BC end phi=1 SOLVE_PROBLEM # write the norm of gradient as a scalar field # and the gradient as a 2d vector into a .msh file WRITE_MESH maze-solved.msh \ sqrt(dphidx(x,y)^2+dphidy(x,y)^2) \ VECTOR dphidx dphidy 0
$ feenox maze.fee $
Go to start and follow the gradient ∇ϕ!
- Automatically compile from source
- Particular optimization flags
- Availability of pre-compiled binaries
- Common architectures and options
- Both of them have to be available online
- Remote execution, either
- By a direct user action
- From a higher-level workflow
- Outer loops have to be supported
- scripted
- parametric
- optimization
- Ways to read data from the outer loop
- Ways to write scalar figures of merit
. . .
Compile optimized dependencies
$ cd $PETSC_DIR $ export PETSC_ARCH=linux-fast $ ./configure --with-debug=0 COPTFLAGS="-Ofast" $ make -j8
Configure FeenoX with particular flags
$ git clone $ cd feenox $ ./ $ export PETSC_ARCH=linux-fast $ ./configure MPICH_CC=clang CFLAGS=-Ofast $ make -j8 # make install
Or use pre-compiled binaries
wget wget
Everything is Docker-friendly
Execution examples follow →
# the Fibonacci sequence using the closed-form formula as a function
phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2
f(n) = (phi^n - (1-phi)^n)/sqrt(5)
. . .
# the fibonacci sequence as a vector
f[i]<1:2> = 1
f[i]<3:vecsize(f)> = f[i-2] + f[i-1]
. . .
# the fibonacci sequence as an iterative problem
static_steps = 20
#static_iterations = 1476 # limit of doubles
IF step_static=1|step_static=2
f_n = 1
f_nminus1 = 1
f_nminus2 = 1
f_n = f_nminus1 + f_nminus2
f_nminus2 = f_nminus1
f_nminus1 = f_n
PRINT step_static f_n
. . .
$ feenox fibo_formula.fee | tee one
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 5
6 8
7 13
8 21
9 34
10 55
11 89
12 144
13 233
14 377
15 610
16 987
17 1597
18 2584
19 4181
20 6765
$ feenox fibo_vector.fee > two
$ feenox fibo_iterative.fee > three
$ diff one two
$ diff two three
rm -f *.dat
for element in tet4 tet10 hex8 hex20 hex27; do
for c in $(seq 1 10); do
# create mesh if not alreay cached
if [ ! -e ${mesh}.msh ]; then
scale=$(echo "PRINT 1/${c}" | feenox -)
gmsh -3 -v 0 cantilever-${element}.geo -clscale ${scale} -o ${mesh}.msh
# call FeenoX
feenox cantilever.fee ${element} ${c} | tee -a cantilever-${element}.dat
PROBLEM elastic 3D
READ_MESH cantilever-$1-$2.msh # in meters
E = 2.1e11 # Young modulus in Pascals
nu = 0.3 # Poisson's ratio
BC left fixed
BC right tz=-1e5 # traction in Pascals, negative z
# z-displacement (components are u,v,w) at the tip vs. number of nodes
PRINT nodes w(500,0,0) "\# $1 $2"
. . .
import math
import gmsh
import subprocess # to call FeenoX and read back
def create_mesh(r, w, l1, l2, n):
return len(nodes)
def main():
target = 440 # target frequency
eps = 1e-2 # tolerance
r = 4.2e-3 # geometric parameters
w = 3e-3
l1 = 30e-3
l2 = 60e-3
for n in range(1,7): # mesh refinement level
l1 = 60e-3 # restart l1 & error
error = 60
while abs(error) > eps: # loop
l1 = l1 - 1e-4*error
# mesh with Gmsh Python API
nodes = create_mesh(r, w, l1, l2, n)
# call FeenoX and read scalar back
# TODO: FeenoX Python API (like Gmsh)
result =['feenox', 'fork.fee'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
freq = float(result.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
error = target - freq
print(nodes, l1, freq)
- Similar to to other tools in terms of
- Storage
- Small problems to check correctness
- Large problems in parallel
- Reasonable weak & strong scalability
- Engineering problems with
- Multiple materials
- Space-dependent properties
- Space & time-dependent BCs
- Handle point-wise data
- Properties
- Time-dependent scalars
. . .
- Premature optimization is the root of all evil
- Optimization:
- Parallelization:
- Comparison:
- Linear solvers
- Direct solver MUMPS
- Robust but not scalable
- GAMG-preconditioned KSP
- Near-nullspace improves convergence
- Direct solver MUMPS
- Non-linear & transient solvers
- Scalable as PETSc
- Written in ANSI C99 (no C++ nor Fortran)
Autotools & friends, POSIX
Tested with
Rust & Go, can’t tell (yet)
- Flexibility follows →
Solve heat conduction on the slab x ∈ [0:1] with boundary conditions
and uniform conductivity. Compute
. . .
- English self-evident ASCII input
- Syntactic sugar
- Simple problems, simple inputs
- Robust (
- Mesh separated from problem
- Git-friendly
- Git-friendly
- Output is 100% user-defined
no output
- There is no node at x = 1/2 = 0.5!
Point(1) = {0, 0, 0}; // geometry:
Point(2) = {1, 0, 0}; // two points
Line(1) = {1, 2}; // and a line connecting them!
Physical Point("left") = {1}; // groups for BCs and materials
Physical Point("right") = {2};
Physical Line("bulk") = {1}; // needed due to how Gmsh works
Mesh.MeshSizeMax = 1/3; // mesh size, three line elements
Mesh.MeshSizeMin = Mesh.MeshSizeMax;
PROBLEM thermal 1D # tell FeenoX what we want to solve
READ_MESH slab.msh # read mesh in Gmsh's v4.1 format
k = 1 # set uniform conductivity
BC left T=0 # set fixed temperatures as BCs
BC right T=1 # "left" and "right" are defined in the mesh
SOLVE_PROBLEM # we are ready to solve the problem
PRINT T(1/2) # ask for the temperature at x=1/2
$ gmsh -1 slab.geo
Info : 4 nodes 5 elements
Info : Writing 'slab.msh'...
$ feenox thermal-1d-dirichlet-uniform-k.fee
READ_MESH slab.msh
BC left T=0
BC right T=1
INCLUDE $1.fee # read k and solution from $1
k = 1 # uniform.fee
T_analytical(x) = x
k(x) = 1+x # space.fee
T_analytical(x) = log(1+x)/log(2)
a = 2 # temperature.fee
k(x) = 1+a*T(x)
T_analytical(x) = (1/a)*(sqrt(1+(2+a)*a*x)-1)
. . .
- Everything is an expression
- Similar problems need similar inputs
- : k(x) = 1 + x
PROBLEM thermal 2d
READ_MESH two-squares.msh
1 0 1.0
1 1 1.5
2 0 1.3
2 1 1.8
1.5 0.5 1.7 }
# name conductivity power density
MATERIAL yellow k=0.5+T(x,y) q=0
MATERIAL cyan k=cond(x,y) q=1-0.2*T(x,y)
BC left T=y # temperature
BC bottom T=1-cos(pi/2*x)
BC right q=2-y # heat flux
BC top q=1
WRITE_MESH two-squares.vtk T CELLS k
. . .
. . .
# NAFEMS-T3 benchmark: 1d transient heat conduction
READ_MESH slab-0.1m.msh
T_0(x) = 0 # initial condition
BC left T=0 # prescribed temperatures
BC right T=100*sin(pi*t/40)
k = 35.0 # conductivity [W/(m K)]
cp = 440.5 # heat capacity [J/(kg K)]
rho = 7200 # density [kg/m^3]
end_time = 32 # trasient up to 32 seconds
PRINT %.3f t dt %.2f T(0.1) T(0.08)
IF done
PRINT "\# result = " T(0.08) "ºC"
$ feenox nafems-t3.fee
0.000 0.062 0.00 0.00
0.002 0.002 0.01 0.00
30.871 0.565 65.71 36.04
31.435 0.565 62.31 36.33
32.000 1.050 58.78 36.56
# result = 36.5636 ºC
t [s] | ρ(t) [pcm] |
0 | 0 |
5 | 0 |
10 | 10 |
30 | 10 |
35 | 0 |
100 | 0 |
for 0 < t < 100 starting from steady-steate conditions at full power.
. . .
INCLUDE parameters.fee # kinetic parameters
# our phase space is flux, precursors and reactivity
PHASE_SPACE phi c rho
end_time = 100
# we need a tighter error to handle small reactivities
rel_error = 1e-7
# steady-state initial conditions
rho_0 = 0 # no reactivity
phi_0 = 1 # full power
c_0[i] = phi_0 * beta[i]/(Lambda*lambda[i])
FUNCTION react(t) DATA { 0 0 # in pcm
5 0
10 10
30 10
35 0
100 0 }
# reactor point kinetics equations
rho = 1e-5*react(t) # convert pcm to absolute
phi_dot = (rho-Beta)/Lambda * phi + vecdot(lambda, c)
c_dot[i] = beta[i]/Lambda * phi - lambda[i]*c[i]
PRINT t phi rho
$ feenox reactivity-from-table.fee > flux.dat
INCLUDE parameters.fee
FUNCTION flux(t) FILE_PATH $1 # read flux from file
# define a flux function that allow for negative times
t_min = vec_flux_t[1]
t_max = vec_flux_t[vecsize(vec_flux)]
phi(t) := if(t<t_min, flux(t_min), flux(t))
VAR t' # dummy integration variable
# compute the reactivity with the integral formula
rho(t) := Lambda * derivative(log(phi(t')),t',t) + Beta * ( 1 - 1/phi(t) * integral(phi(t-t') * sum((lambda[i]*beta[i]/Beta)*exp(-lambda[i]*t'), i, 1, nprec), t', 0, 1e4) )
PRINT_FUNCTION rho MIN t_min MAX t_max STEP (t_max-t_min)/1000
. . .
INCLUDE parameters.fee
PHASE_SPACE phi c rho
end_time = 100
rel_error = 1e-7
rho_0 = 0
phi_0 = 1
c_0[i] = phi_0 * beta(i)/(Lambda*lambda(i))
FUNCTION flux(t) FILE $1
phi = flux(t) # force the variable phi to the data
phi_dot = (rho-Beta)/Lambda * phi + vecdot(lambda, c)
c_dot[i] = beta[i]/Lambda * phi - lambda[i]*c[i]
PRINT t phi rho
. . .
$ feenox inverse-dae.fee flux.dat > inverse-dae.dat
$ feenox inverse-integral.fee flux.dat > inverse-integral.dat
- Possibility to add more features
- More PDEs
- New material models (i.e. stress-strain)
- Other element types
- Clear licensing scheme for extensions
- Ability to exchange data with other tools following this SRS
- Pre and post processors
- Optimization tools
- Coupled multi-physics calculations
. . .
- Think for the future!
- GPLv3**+**: the ‘+’ is for the future
- Nice-to-haves:
- Lagrangian elements, DG, h-p AMR, …
- Other problems & formulations:
- Each PDE has an independent directory
- “Virtual methods” as function pointers
- Use Laplace as a template (elliptic)
- Coupled calculations:
- Wide experience from CNA2 (v2)
- Plain (RAM-disk) files
- Shared memory & semaphores
- Interoperability
- Gnuplot, matplotlib, etc.
- Gmsh (+ Meshio), Paraview
- CAEplex
- PrePoMax, FreeCAD, …:
Solve ∇2ϕ = 0 over [−1:+1] × [−1:+1] with
PROBLEM laplace 2d
READ_MESH square-centered.msh # [-1:+1]x[-1:+1]
# boundary conditions
BC left phi=+y
BC right phi=-y
BC bottom dphidn=sin(pi/2*x)
BC top dphidn=0
# same output in .msh and in .vtk formats
WRITE_MESH laplace-square.msh phi VECTOR dphidx dphidy 0
WRITE_MESH laplace-square.vtk phi VECTOR dphidx dphidy 0
. . .
- Fully human-less execution
- Input files (1 or more)
- Output files (0 or more)
- Ability to remotely report status
- Progress
- Errors
- Problem fully defined in input files
- Ad-hoc syntax
- API for high-level languages
- Other files (data, meshes, scripts)
- Preferably ASCII (for DCVS)
- Avoid mixing problem and mesh data
- GUI not mandatory but possible
- Ok to have basic usage through GUI
- Advanced features through API
. . .
Already deployed industrial human-less production workflow (based on v2)
There are ASCII progress bars
- Build matrix
- Solve equations
- Gradient recovery
English self-evident ASCII input
- Nouns are definitions
- Verbs are instructions
Simple problems, simple inputs
Similar problems, similar inputs
Everything is an expression!
$f(x)=\frac{1}{2} \cdot x^2$ f(x) = 1/2 * x^2
Expansion of command line arguments
. . .
# NAFEMS Benchmark LE-10: thick plate pressure
READ_MESH nafems-le10.msh # mesh in millimeters
# LOADING: uniform normal pressure on the upper surface
BC upper p=1 # 1 Mpa
BC DCD'C' v=0 # Face DCD'C' zero y-displacement
BC ABA'B' u=0 # Face ABA'B' zero x-displacement
BC BCB'C' u=0 v=0 # Face BCB'C' x and y displ. fixed
BC midplane w=0 # z displacements fixed along mid-plane
# MATERIAL PROPERTIES: isotropic single-material properties
E = 210e3 # Young modulus in MPa
nu = 0.3 # Poisson's ratio
# print the direct stress y at D (and nothing more)
PRINT "sigma_y @ D = " sigmay(2000,0,300) "MPa"
$ gmsh -3 nafems-le10.geo
Info : Done meshing order 2 (Wall 0.433083s, CPU 0.414008s)
Info : 205441 nodes 59892 elements
Info : Writing 'nafems-le10.msh'...
$ feenox nafems-le10.fee
sigma_y @ D = -5.38361 MPa
. . .
PROBLEM mechanical 3D
READ_MESH nafems-le11.msh
# linear temperature gradient in the radial and axial direction
T(x,y,z) := sqrt(x^2 + y^2) + z # UTEMP for this????
BC xz v=0 # displacement vector is [u,v,w]
BC yz u=0 # u = displacement in x
BC xy w=0 # v = displacement in y
BC HIH'I' w=0 # w = displacement in z
E = 210e3*1e6 # mesh is in meters, so E=210e3 MPa -> Pa
nu = 0.3 # dimensionless
alpha = 2.3e-4 # in 1/ºC as in the problem
# for post-processing in Paraview
WRITE_MESH nafems-le11.vtk VECTOR u v w T sigmax sigmay sigmaz
PRINT "sigma_z(A) = " sigmaz(0,1,0)/1e6 "MPa" SEP " "
$ gmsh -3 -clscale 0.5 nafems-le11.geo
Info : 8326 nodes 1849 elements
Info : Writing 'nafems-le11.msh'...
$ feenox nafems-le11.fee
sigma_z(A) = -105.043 MPa
- Clean output expected
- Do not clutter the output with
- ASCII art
- Notices
- Explanations
- Page separators
- Output should interpreted by both
- A human
- A computer
- Open standards and well-documented formats should be preferred
. . .
For the model below, draw the sequence of loading and unloading for different levels of strains. All bars have the same geometry and elastic properties but different yield stresses.
for i in 1 2 3 4; do
feenox 3bars.fee ${i}
pyxplot 3bars.ppl
mv 3bars-sigma-vs-eps.pdf 3bars-sigma-vs-eps-${i}.pdf
E = 1 # non-dimensional Young modulus
yield1 = 3.5 # non-dimensional yield stresses
yield2 = 2.5
yield3 = 1.5
eps_max = $1 # max strain from command line
end_time = 2*eps_max
PHASE_SPACE eps sigma1 sigma2 sigma3 P
eps_0 = 0 # initial conditions
sigma1_0 = 0
sigma2_0 = 0
sigma3_0 = 0
P_0 = 0
# DAEs
eps = eps_max * sin(3*pi*t/end_time)
sigma1_dot = E * eps_dot * if((eps_dot < 0 | sigma1 < yield1) & (eps_dot > 0 | sigma1 > (-yield1)))
sigma2_dot = E * eps_dot * if((eps_dot < 0 | sigma2 < yield2) & (eps_dot > 0 | sigma2 > (-yield2)))
sigma3_dot = E * eps_dot * if((eps_dot < 0 | sigma3 < yield3) & (eps_dot > 0 | sigma3 > (-yield3)))
P = sigma1 + sigma2 + sigma3
PRINT FILE 3bars.dat t eps P sigma1 sigma2 sigma3
# compare the frequencies
PRINT " \$n\$ | FEM | Euler | Relative difference [%]"
PRINT ":----:+:------:+:-----:+:-----------------------:"
PRINT_VECTOR i f(2*i-1) f_euler 100*(f_euler(i)-f(2*i-1))/f_euler(i)
PRINT ": $2 wire over $1 mesh, frequencies in Hz"
$ feenox wire.fee copper hex >
n | FEM | Euler | Relative difference [%] |
1 | 45.8374 | 45.8448 | 0.0161707 |
2 | 287.126 | 287.302 | 0.0611787 |
3 | 803.369 | 804.454 | 0.134888 |
4 | 1572.59 | 1576.41 | 0.242324 |
5 | 2595.99 | 2605.92 | 0.381107 |
copper wire over hex mesh, frequencies in Hz
Computation of NUREG-EPRI sample problem for Environmentally-assisted fatigue in NPP piping
Top is a table from a publication by a multi-billion dollar agency
Bottom is a PDF from FeenoX output piped through
- One-group neutron transport
- The Stanford Bunny as the geometry
- S2 method in 3D (8 angular directions)
- Finite elements for spatial discretization
- Generic good software QA practices
- Distributed version control system
- Automated testing suites
- User-reported bug tracking support
- Signed releases
- etc.
- Both the source and the documentation should be tracked with a DVCS
- Repository should be accessible online
- Might need credentials even for RO
- Version reporting
- Executables must allow
- Libraries must provide an API call
- Executables must allow
- The files needed to solve a problem should be simple & traceable by a DVCS
. . .
- Hosted on Github (
)- Previously on Bitbucket (
) - Previously on Launchpad (
) - Previously on-premise (
- Previously on Bitbucket (
- Mailing list (Google group)
- Build a community!
- Code of conduct
$ feenox
FeenoX v0.1.12-gb9a534f-dirty
a free no-fee no-X uniX-like finite-element(ish) computational engineering tool
usage: feenox [options] inputfile [replacement arguments]
: copyright notice -
: linked libraries -
: inputs from M4
- A mean to test the code is mandatory
- After each change
- Check for regressions
- Problems with already-computed solutions
- Different from verification
- The compiler should not issue warnings
- Dynamic memory allocation checks are recommended
- Good practices are suggested
- Unit testing
- Continuous integration
- Test coverage analysis
- Users should be able to report bugs
- A task should be created for each report
- Address and document
. . .
Standard test suite
$ make check Making check in src [...] PASS: tests/ PASS: tests/ ============================================= Testsuite summary for feenox v0.1.12-gb9a534f ============================================= # TOTAL: 26 # PASS: 25 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 1 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================= $
runs -
Integration tests:
CI & test coverage:
Github issue tracker
Branching & merging procedures:
- Code must be always verified
- Check it solves right the equations
- MES (mandatory)
- MMS (recommended)
- One test case has to be added to the automated testing
- Third-party verification should be allowed
- Per-problem documentation
- Code should be validated as required
- Check it solves the right equations
- Against experiments
- Against other codes
- Third-party validation should be allowed
- Per-application/industry documentation
- Procedures following standards
. . .
There is a V&V report for the industrial human-less workflow project
- Medical devices
- Based on ASME V&V 40
There is a lot to do!
- Set of well-known benchmarks
- NAFEMS, IAEA, etc.
- Everything is an expression
- Parametric runs
allows to compute L2 norms directly in the.fee
TL;DR: ← because it is FOSS!
- Documentation should be complete
- User manual
- Tutorial
- Reference
- Developer guide
- User manual
- Quick reference cards, video tutorials, etc. not mandatory but recommended
- Non-trivial mathematics and methods
- Explained
- Documented
- Should be available as hard copies and mobile-friendly online
- Clear licensing scheme for the documentation
- People extending the functionality ought to be able to document their work
- closes a 15-year loop (2006–2021) with a third-system effect
- is to FEA what Markdown is to documentation
- is (so far) the only tool that fulfills 100% a fictitious SRS:
- Free and open source (GPLv3+)
- No recompilation needed
- Cloud and web friendly
- Human-less workflow
- follows the philosophy: “do one thing well”
- is already usable (and used!)
- FeenoX v1.0 coincident with the PhD ()
- Laplace, heat, elasticity, modal, neutron transport & diffusion
- Every current feature is there because there was at least one need from an actual project
- Future versions online ()
- Electromagnetism? CFD? Schrödinger’s equation?
- Python & Julia API
- Coupled & multiphysics computations
- Free and open-source online community
- FeenoX v1.0 coincident with the PhD ()