title: | | A free and open source computational tool for solving | (nuclear-related) differential equations in the cloud author: German (a.k.a. Jeremy) Theler email: [email protected] institute: | | International Nuclear Atlantic Conference | Round Table 4 ENFIR ”Best Estimate codes and methods | for Reactor Physics, Thermal Fluid Dynamics and Fuel Behavior” aspectratio: 169 lang: en-US theme: default innertheme: rectangles fonttheme: professionalfonts outertheme: number colorlinks: true sansfont: Carlito monofont: DejaVuSansMono header-includes: \include{syntax.tex} ...
\centering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuA
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$\dot{\mathbf{x}} = F(\mathbf{x},t)$ a. program an ad-hoc numerical method b. use a standard numerical library in C or Python, or c. use a high-level system such as Octave, Maxima, etc.
. . .
Point reactor equations solved "graphically" with non-free software
$$ \begin{cases} \dot{\phi}(t) = \displaystyle \frac{\rho(t) - \beta}{\Lambda} \cdot \phi(t) + \sum_{i=1}^{N} \lambda_i \cdot c_i \ \dot{c}_i(t) = \displaystyle \frac{\beta_i}{\Lambda} \cdot \phi(t) - \lambda_i \cdot c_i \end{cases} $$
. . .
I would rather write the equations in ASCII like
phi_dot = (rho-Beta)/Lambda * phi + sum(lambda[i], c[i], i, 1, N) c_dot[i] = beta[i]/Lambda * phi - lambda[i]*c[i]
. . .
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\centering Modern/Advanced
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Wasora's an advanced suite for reactor analysis
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- Coupled unstructured fine-mesh neutronics and thermal-hydraulics methodology using open software (2018)
- Open software one-step coupled neutronics and CFD thermalhydraulics calculation (2016)
- https://github.com/seamplex/milonga-2015-workshop
- Reactivity coefficient estimation by fuel temperature for Atucha II Nuclear Power Plant from neutron flux measurements (2014)
- On the design basis of a new core-level neutronic code written from scratch (2014)
- Neutron diffusion on unstructured grids: comparison between finite volumes and finite elements (2013)
- Geometric optimization of nuclear reactor cores (2013)
- Unstructured grids and the multigroup neutron diffusion equation (2013)
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\centering https://seamplex.com/feenox/doc/srs.html
- Industrial-level: open source for V&V
- Extensible: free (as in freedom)
- Cloud-first: programatically-defined
- Arbitrarily scalable for large problems
- Flexible
- Web & mobile-based GUIs
- QA
- Reproducibility & traceability
- Automated testing
- Bug reporting & tracking
- V & V
. . .
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\centering https://seamplex.com/feenox/doc/sds.html
- GPLv3+: it is about freedom not price
- No-GUI script-friendly GNU/Linux binary {width=90%}\
- Scalability based on UNIX
- Gmsh (Metis)
- Flexibility shown in "what"
- Web GUI: https://www.caeplex.com
- Regression testing
make check
- https://github.com/seamplex/feenox
- V & V: TODO! (help appreciated)!
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0 | 0 |
5 | 0 |
10 | 10 |
30 | 10 |
35 | 0 |
100 | 0 |
\noindent for
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$ feenox reactivity-from-table.fee > flux.dat
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. . .
. . .
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$ feenox inverse-dae.fee flux.dat > inverse-dae.dat
$ feenox inverse-integral.fee flux.dat > inverse-integral.dat
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::: {.column width="50%"}
$ gmsh -2 iaea-2dpwr-quarter.geo
$ [...]
$ gmsh -2 iaea-2dpwr-eighth.geo
$ [...]
$ feenox iaea-2dpwr.fee quarter
keff = 1.02986
$ feenox iaea-2dpwr.fee eighth
keff = 1.02975
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\centering https://www.seamplex.com/feenox/examples/#iaea-2d-pwr-benchmark
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- One-group neutron transport
- The Stanford Bunny as the geometry
$S_2$ method in 3D (8 angular directions) - Finite elements for spatial discretization
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\centering \onslide<4->{\includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{cubesphere.pdf}}
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- 21st century: cloud-first approach
- Stick to free and open source software
- free
$\neq$ open source
- free
- More formulations (milonga already had them)
- FEM transport
- FVM diffusion & transport
- Massive parallelization
- MPI through PETSc/SLEPc
- Metis through Gmsh
- Documentation
- https://www.seamplex.com/feenox/doc
- https://www.seamplex.com/feenox/examples
- Come up with a nice logo
- Build a community!
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\vspace{1cm} \centering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-lKK4A2OzA ::: ::::::::::::::