A tiny framework for Spark SQL cost analysis. This project includes several cost models for Spark SQL, as well as a library for analyzing the cost of a Spark SQL query/DataFrame.
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
.config("spark.driver.memory", "4g")
.config("spark.executor.memory", "4g")
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.codegen.wholeStage", false)
val df = spark.sql("select * from a, b where a.id = b.id and b.id < 10000000")
val analyzer = new CostAnalyzer(computeIntermediateResults = true)
|SortMergeJoinCost[inPart=200, outPart=200,rows=100000, size=17905215] -- Current Cost: 0.004155409022850999, Total Cost: 153.12430200939738
|-SortCost[inPart=200, outPart=200,rows=100000, size=17905215] -- Current Cost: 0.012912183843752454, Total Cost: 40.42083234720785
|--ShuffleCost[inPart=1, outPart=200,rows=100000, size=17905215] -- Current Cost: 39.70299043967368, Total Cost: 40.407920163364096
|---CostModelImpl[inPart=1, outPart=1,rows=100000, size=17905215] -- Current Cost: 0.0, Total Cost: 0.7049297236904205
|----FilterCost[inPart=9, outPart=1,rows=100000, size=17905215] -- Current Cost: 0.7049297236904205, Total Cost: 0.7049297236904205
|-----ScanCost[inPart=9, outPart=9,rows=5000000, size=895269692] -- Current Cost: 7.832630700672134, Total Cost: 7.832630700672134
|-SortCost[inPart=200, outPart=200,rows=99999, size=30045982] -- Current Cost: 0.012912033944868903, Total Cost: 112.69931425316669
|--ShuffleCost[inPart=1, outPart=200,rows=99999, size=30045982] -- Current Cost: 111.50348954326303, Total Cost: 112.68640221922182
|---CostModelImpl[inPart=1, outPart=1,rows=99999, size=30045982] -- Current Cost: 0.0, Total Cost: 1.1829126759587834
|----FilterCost[inPart=40, outPart=1,rows=99999, size=30045982] -- Current Cost: 1.1829126759587834, Total Cost: 1.1829126759587834
|-----ScanCost[inPart=40, outPart=40,rows=14920100, size=4482935372] -- Current Cost: 22.061689741276602, Total Cost: 22.061689741276602
The cost analyzer can be also used through spark-shell as follows:
- Start a spark-shell and import the jar:
spark-shell --jars target/costmodel-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Import the CostAnalyzer class:
import com.gsvic.spark.cost.CostAnalyzer
- Create a CostAnalyzer instance:
val analyzer = new CostAnalyzer
- Analyze the cost of a simple query:
analyzer.analyze(spark.sql("select * from table where id < 10")
scala> analyzer.analyze(spark.sql("select * from a where id < 5"))
|CostModelImpl[inPart=3, outPart=3,rows=1666667, size=298423231] -- Current Cost: 0.0, Total Cost: 3.916315350336067
|-CostModelImpl[inPart=3, outPart=3,rows=1666667, size=298423231] -- Current Cost: 0.0, Total Cost: 3.916315350336067
|--FilterCost[inPart=9, outPart=3,rows=1666667, size=298423231] -- Current Cost: 3.916315350336067, Total Cost: 3.916315350336067
|---ScanCost[inPart=9, outPart=9,rows=5000000, size=895269692] -- Current Cost: 7.832630700672134, Total Cost: 7.832630700672134
Constants that are being used by cost models, indlucding disk read, write etc. can be set in the conf/cost.properties