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Per Martin-Löf: Calculus of Inductive Constructions


Per is MLTT/CIC tactical theorem prover implemented in OCaml, constitutes a minimal core for a dependently-typed lambda calculus, constrained to exclude pattern matching, let-bindings, implicit arguments, modules, namespaces, and function extensionality. It encompasses universes, dependent products Pi, dependent pairs Sigma, identity types Id, and Inductive types with strict positivity enforcement. Recent refinements ensure totality for user-defined lambda terms via a positive occurrence check. Its mathematical properties, focusing on correctness, soundness, totality, canonicity, decidability and related attributes relevant to formal mathematics are being analyzed.


The type checker operates over a term syntax comprising:

  • Universe i: Type universes with level i ∈ ℕ.
  • Pi (x, A, B): Dependent function, where A : Universe i and B : Universe j under x : A. Lam (x, A, t): Lambda abstraction with totality enforced. App (f, a): Function application.
  • Sigma (x, A, B): Dependent pair types. Pair (a, b), Fst p, Snd p construction and projections.
  • Id (A, a, b): Identity type, with Refl a and J eliminator.
  • Inductive d: Inductive types with intros Constr and eliminator Ind.

The typing judgment Γ ⊢ t : T is defined via infer and check functions, with definitional equality Γ ⊢ t = t' implemented via equal.


type term =
  | Var of name | Universe of level
  | Pi of name * term * term | Lam of name * term * term | App of term * term
  | Sigma of name * term * term | Pair of term * term | Fst of term | Snd of term
  | Id of term * term * term | Refl of term
  | J of term * term * term * term * term * term  (* J A a b C d p *)
  | Inductive of inductive | Constr of int * inductive * term list
  | Elim of inductive * term * term list * term


Syntactic Equality equal

Structural equality of terms under an environment and context.

The function implements judgmental equality with substitution to handle bound variables, avoiding explicit α-conversion by assuming fresh names (a simplification over full de Bruijn indices [3]). The recursive descent ensures congruence, but lacks normalization, making it weaker than CIC’s definitional equality, which includes β-reduction.

  • Terminal Cases: Variables Var x are equal if names match; universes Universe i if levels are identical.
  • Resursive Cases: App (f, arg) requires equality of function and argument. Pi (x, a, b) compares domains and codomains, adjusting for variable renaming via substitution. Inductive d checks name, level, and parameters. Constr and Elim compare indices, definitions, and arguments/cases.
  • Default: Returns false for mismatched constructors.

Theorem. Equality is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive modulo α-equivalence (cf. [1], Section 2). For Pi (x, a, b) and Pi (y, a', b'), equality holds if a = a' and b[x := Var x] = b'[y := Var x], ensuring capture-avoiding substitution preserves meaning.

Context Variables Lookup lookup_var

Retrieve a variable’s type from the context. Context are the objects in the Substitutions categories.

  • Searches ctx for (x, ty) using List.assoc.
  • Returns Some ty if found, None otherwise.

Theorem: Context lookup is well-defined under uniqueness of names (cf. [1], Section 3). If ctx = Γ, x : A, Δ, then lookup_var ctx x = Some A.

Substitution Calculus subst

Substitute term s for variable x in term t. Substitutions are morphisms in Substitution categorties.

The capture-avoiding check if x = y prevents variable capture but assumes distinct bound names, a simplification over full renaming or de Bruijn indices. For Elim, substituting in the motive and cases ensures recursive definitions remain sound, aligning with CIC’s eliminator semantics.

  • Var: Replaces x with s, leaves others unchanged.
  • Pi/Lam: Skips substitution if bound variable shadows x, else recurses on domain and body.
  • App/Constr/Elim: Recurses on subterms.
  • Inductive: No substitution (assumes no free variables).

Theorem. Substitution preserves typing (cf. [13], Lemma 2.1). If Γ ⊢ t : T and Γ ⊢ s : A, then Γ ⊢ t[x := s] : T[x := s] under suitable conditions on x.

Inductive Instantiation apply_inductive

Instantiate an inductive type’s constructors with parameters, used only in infer_Ind.

This function ensures type-level parametricity, critical for polymorphic inductives like List A. The fold-based substitution avoids explicit recursion, leveraging OCaml’s functional style, but assumes args are well-typed, deferring validation to infer.

  • Validates argument count against d.params.
  • Substitutes each parameter into constructor types using subst_param.

Theorem: Parameter application preserves inductiveness (cf. [4], Section 4). If D is an inductive type with parameters P, then D[P] is well-formed with substituted constructors.

Infer Contstructor infer_ctor

Validate constructor arguments against its type.

This function implements the dependent application rule for constructors, ensuring each argument satisfies the constructor’s domain type in sequence. The recursive descent mirrors the structure of Pi types, where ty is peeled layer by the layer, and subst x arg b updates the type for the next argument.

  • Recursively matches ty (a Pi chain) with args, checking each argument and substituting.
  • Returns the final type when all arguments are consumed.

Theorem. Constructor typing is preserved (cf. [1], Section 4, Application Rule; [1], Section 4.3). If ctx ⊢ c : Π (x:A), B and ctx ⊢ a : A, then ctx ⊢ c a : B[x := a].

Infer General Induction infer_Ind

Type-check an dependent elimination (induction principle) over inductive type d.

This function implements the dependent elimination rule of CIC, generalizing both computation (e.g., plus : Nat → Nat → Nat) and proof (e.g., nat_elim : Πx:Nat.Type0). The check equal env ctx t_ty a ensures the motive’s domain aligns with the target, while compute_case_type constructs the induction principle by injecting App (p, var) as the hypothesis type for recursive occurrences, mirroring the fixpoint-style eliminators of CIC [1]. The flexibility in result_ty avoids hardcoding it to D, supporting higher-type motives (e.g., Type0).

Theorem. Elimination preserves typing (cf. [1], Section 4.5; Elimination Rule for Inductive Types). For an inductive type D with constructors c_j, if ctx ⊢ t : D and ctx ⊢ P : D → Type_i, and each case case_j has type Πx:A_j.P(c_j x) where A_j are the argument types of c_j (including recursive hypotheses), then ctx ⊢ Ind(D, P, cases, t) : P t.

Infer Equality Induction infer_J

Ensuring J (ty, a, b, c, d, p) has type c a b p by validating the motive, base case, and path against CIC’s equality elimination rule.

The infer_J function implements the dependent elimination rule for identity types in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC), enabling proofs and computations over equality (e.g., symmetry : Π a b : ty, Π p : Id (ty, a, b), Id(ty, b, a)). It type-checks the term J (ty, a, b, c, d, p) by ensuring ty : Universe 0 is the underlying type, a : ty and b : ty are endpoints, c : Π (x:ty), Π (y:ty), Π (p: Id(ty, x, y)), Type0 is a motive over all paths, d : Π (x:ty), c x x (Refl x) handles the reflexive case, and p : Id(ty, a, b) is the path being eliminated. The function constructs fresh variables to define the motive and base case types, checks each component, and returns c a b p (normalized), reflecting the result of applying the motive to the specific path.

Theorem. For an environment env and context ctx, given a type A : Type_i, terms a : A, b : A, a motive C : Π (x:A), Π (y:A), Π(p:Id(A, x, y)),Type_j, a base case d : Π(x:A), C x x (Refl x), and a path p : Id(A, a, b), the term J (A, a, b, C, d, p) is well-typed with type C a b p. (Reference: CIC [1], Section 4.5; Identity Type Elimination Rule).

Type Inference infer

Infer the type of term t in context ctx and environment env.

For Pi and Lam, universe levels ensure consistency (e.g., Type i : Type (i + 1)), while Elim handles induction, critical for dependent elimination. Note that lambda agrument should be typed for easier type synthesis [13].

Check Universes check_universe

Ensure t is a universe, returning its level. Infers type of t, expects Universe i.

This auxiliary enforces universe hierarchy, preventing paradoxes (e.g., Type : Type). It relies on infer, assuming its correctness, and throws errors for non-universe types, aligning with ITT’s stratification.

Theorem: Universe checking is decidable (cf. [13]). If ctx ⊢ t : Universe i, then check_universe env ctx t = i.

Check check

Check that t has type ty.

  • Lam: Ensures the domain is a type, extends the context, and checks the body against the codomain.
  • Constr: Infers the constructor’s type and matches it to the expected inductive type.
  • Elim: Computes the elimination type via check_elim and verifies it equals ty.
  • Default: Infers t’s type, normalizes ty, and checks equality.

The function leverages bidirectional typing: specific cases (e.g., Lam) check directly, while the default case synthesizes via infer and compares with a normalized ty, ensuring definitional equality (β-reduction). Completeness hinges on normalize terminating (ITT’s strong normalization) and equal capturing judgmental equality.

Theorem. Type checking is complete (cf. [1], Normalization). If ctx ⊢ t : T in the type theory, then check env ctx t T succeeds, assuming normalization and sound inference.

Branch Evaluation apply_case

Apply a case branch to constructor arguments, used only in reduce.

This function realizes CIC’s ι-reduction for inductive eliminators [1], where a case branch is applied to constructor arguments, including recursive hypotheses. For Nat’s succ in plus, ty = Πn:Nat.Nat, case = λk.λih.succ ih, and args = [n]. The recursive check a = Inductive d triggers for n : Nat, computing ih = Elim(Nat, Π_:Nat.Nat, [m; λk.λih.succ ih], n), ensuring succ ih : Nat. The nested apply_term handles multi-argument lambdas (e.g., k and ih), avoiding explicit uncurrying, while substitution preserves typing per CIC’s rules.

Theorem. Case application is sound (cf. [1] Elimination Typing). If case : Πx:A.P(c x) and args match A, then apply_case env ctx d p cases case ty args yields a term of type P(c args).

One-step β-reductor reduce

Perform one-step β-reduction or inductive elimination.

The function implements a one-step reduction strategy combining ITT’s β-reduction with CIC’s ι-reduction for inductives. The App (Lam, arg) case directly applies substitution, while Elim (Constr) uses apply_case to handle induction, ensuring recursive calls preserve typing via the motive p. The Pi case, though unconventional, supports type-level computation, consistent with CIC’s flexibility.

  • App (Lam, arg): Substitutes arg into the lambda body (β-reduction).
  • App (Pi, arg): Substitutes arg into the codomain (type-level β-reduction).
  • App (f, arg): Reduces f, then arg if f is unchanged.
  • Elim (d, p, cases, Constr): Applies the appropriate case to constructor arguments, computing recursive calls (ι-reduction).
  • Elim (d, p, cases, t'): Reduces the target t'.
  • Constr: Reduces arguments.
  • Default: Returns unchanged.

Theorem. Reduction preserves typing (cf. [8], Normalization Lemma, Subject Reduction). If ctx ⊢ t : T and t → t' via β-reduction or inductive elimination, then ctx ⊢ t' : T.

Normalization normalize

This function fully reduces a term t to its normal form by iteratively applying one-step reductions via reduce until no further changes occur, ensuring termination for well-typed terms.

This function implements strong normalization, a cornerstone of MLTT [9] and CIC [1], where all reduction sequences terminate. The fixpoint iteration relies on reduce’s one-step reductions (β for lambdas, ι for inductives), with equal acting as the termination oracle. For plus 2 2, it steps to succ succ succ succ zero, terminating at a constructor form.

Theorem. Normalization terminates (cf. [1]. Strong Normalization via CIC). Every well-typed term in the system has a ormal form under β- and ι-reductions.


Per’s elegance rests on firm theoretical ground. Here, we reflect on key meta-theorems for Classical MLTT with General Inductive Types, drawing from CIC’s lineage:

  • Soundness and Completeness: Per’s type checker is sound—every term it accepts has a type under MLTT’s rules [Paulin-Mohring, 1996]. This ensures that every term accepted by Per is typable in the underlying theory. Relative to the bidirectional type checking algorithm, context is appropriately managed [Harper & Licata, 2007]. The interplay of inference and checking modes guarantees this property.
  • Canonicity, Normalization, and Totality: Canonicity guarantees that every closed term of type Nat normalizes to zero or succ n [Martin-Löf, 1984]. Per’s normalize achieves strong normalization—every term reduces to a unique normal form—thanks to CIC’s strict positivity [Coquand & Paulin-Mohring, 1990]. Totality follows: all well-typed functions terminate, as seen in list_length reducing to succ (succ zero).
  • Consistency and Decidability: Consistency ensures no proof of ⊥ exists, upheld by normalization and the absence of paradoxes like Girard’s [Girard, 1972]. Type checking is decidable in Per, as our algorithm terminates for well-formed inputs, leveraging CIC’s decidable equality [Asperti et al., 2009].
  • Conservativity and Initiality: Per is conservative over simpler systems like System F, adding dependent types without altering propositional truths [Pfenning & Paulin-Mohring, 1989]. Inductive types like Nat satisfy initiality—every algebra morphism from Nat to another structure is uniquely defined—ensuring categorical universality [Dybjer, 1997].


  • Definition: Type preservation and logical consistency hold.
  • Formal Statement: 1) If Γ ⊢ t : T and infer t = t', then Γ ⊢ t' : T; 2) No t exists such that Γ ⊢ t : Id (Universe 0, Universe 0, Universe 1).
  • Proof: Preservation via terminating reduce; consistency via positivity and intensionality.
  • Status: Sound, inforced by rejecting non-total lambdas.


  • Definition: The type checker captures all well-typed terms of MLTT within its bidirectional framework.
  • Formal Statement: If Γ ⊢ 𝑡 : T, then infer Δ Γ 𝑡 = T or check Δ Γ 𝑡 T holds under suitable Δ.
  • Status: Complete relative to the implemented algorithm.


  • Definition: Reduction reaches a normal form; equality is decidable.
  • Formal Statement: equal Δ Γ t t' terminates, reflecting normalize’s partial eta and beta reductions in normnalize.
  • Status: Satisfied within the scope of implemented reductions.


  • Definition: All well-typed constructs terminate under reduction.
  • Formal Statement: 1) For Inductive d : Universe i, each Constr (j, d, args) is total; 2) For t : T with Ind or J, reduce t terminates; 3) For Lam (x, A, t) : Pi (x, A, B), reduce (App (Lam (x, A, t), a)) terminates for all a : A; 4) normalize Δ Γ t terminates.


The system is logically consistent, meaning no term t exists such that Γ ⊢ t : ⊥. This is upheld by normalization and the absence of paradoxes such as Girard's [Girard, 1972].


  • Definition: Type checking and equality are computable.
  • Formal Statement: infer and check terminate with a type or TypeError.
  • Status: Decidable, enhanced by termination checks on lambda expressions.


  🧊 MLTT/CIC Theorem Prover version 0.5 (c) 2025 Groupoїd Infinity

For help type `help`.

Starting proof for: Π(n : Nat).Nat
Goal 1:
Context: []
⊢ Π(n : Nat).Nat

1 goals remaining


[1]. Coquand, T., & Paulin-Mohring, C. Inductively defined types. 1990.
[2]. Christine Paulin-Mohring. Inductive Definitions in the System Coq. Rules and Properties. 1992.
[3]. Christine Paulin-Mohring. Introduction to the Calculus of Inductive Constructions. 2014.
[4]. Frank Pfenning, Christine Paulin-Mohring. Inductively Defined Types in the Calculus of Construction 1989.
[5]. A. Asperti, W. Ricciotti, C. Sacerdoti Coen, E. Tassi. A compact kernel for the calculus of inductive constructions.
[6]. P.Dybjer. Inductive families. 1997.
[7]. R.Harper, D.Licata. Mechanizing metatheory in a logical framework. 2007.
[8]. M.Bezem, T.Coquand, P.Dybjer, M.Escardó. Type Theory with Explicit Universe Polymorphism 2024.


[9]. Martin-Löf, P. Intuitionistic Type Theory. 1980.
[10]. Thierry Coquand. An Algorithm for Type-Checking Dependent Types. 1996.


[11]. N. G. de Bruijn. Lambda Calculus Notation with Nameless Dummies. 1972.
[12]. J.-Y. Girard. Interprétation fonctionnelle et élimination des coupures. 1972.
[13]. Thierry Coquand, Gerard Huet. The Calculus of Constructions. 1988.


Namdak Tonpa


🧊 Автоматизована система доведення теорем на основі W-індукції







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