This is TeX-like, new typesetting system written by Achim Blumensath. It resembles TeX, but improves the internal language, which is ML dialect with rich domain-specific features for typesetting. For more information read the MANUAL.PDF.
- TeX syntax
- Unicode support
- Font Support: Type1, TrueType, and OpenType
- Simple Page Layout Specifications
- Color and Graphics
- Hyphenation System
- ML-like typesetting language
- Best suited for academic papers
$ opam switch install 4.11.2
$ opam install ocamlfind omake zlib camlimages
$ omake Runtime/freetype-stubs.o
$ omake Runtime/kpathsea-stubs.o
$ omake Unicode/Tables.o
$ omake
- Achim Blumensath (author)
- Gabriel Scherer
- Maxim Sokhatsky