OpenEdge™ Connector
An RPC endpoint for interfacing with OpenEdge™/RAW. The goal is to provide decoupled RPC connectivity with OpenEdge™ regardless of what ecosystem the microservice runs on. This should vastly increase development speed and production resource usage through the use of docker containers.
- Centralized access to OpenEdge™/RAW
- Caching of procedures using in-memory storage via Redis
- Logging to the EK-stack
- Serilog with an Elasticsearch Sink
- Crossplatform access through SignalR
- SignalR - RPC interface
- ASP.NET 5 with SignalR - Interface service
- Compatibility mode - Access to the .NET Framework DLL provided by RAW
- SignalR DLL - .NET applications to interface
- SignalR node package - NodeJS communication with OpenEdge
- ASP.NET 5 with SignalR - Interface service
- MessagePack - Fast and efficient transport, it's JSON but even smaller.
- Redis - Efficient caching for procedure responses
- Windows Server Core on Docker
After the connection is initialized, the client will need to state the microservice it's representing. The server will then communicate back the connection details
The following structure is expressed in JSON, though through RPC this will be sent in the MessagePack format using our libraries.
// (Optional when using in HTTP uri suffix) Name of the procedure to be called in OpenEdge
"proc": "{{Procedure Name}}",
// Parameters to provide with the procedure
"parm": [
{ "pos": 1, "value": "{{Value}}" },
// (Optional) "redact": Redact the input value from any logging.
{ "pos": 2, "value": "{{Value}}", "redact": true },
// (Optional) "out": Optional parameter, specifies the output field.
{ "pos": 3, "out": true },
"pos": 4,
// (Optional) Set a label for this result instead of using the position as key.
"label": "test",
// (Optional) Do not remove encapsulating array if the result is an array of length 1
"ar": true,
"out": true
// (Optional, default = 0) Time in milliseconds the procedure should be cached if not cached already, 0 bypasses caching
// Always bypass caching for confidential information
"cache": 0,
// (Optional, default = no timeout) Timeout in miliseconds for the request to openedge to abort.
// 0 or less = no timeout, timeout window range (1 - 300,000) ->
"tw": 500,
// (Optional) Credentials
"creds": {
// OpenEdge Username
"user": "john",
// OpenEdge user password
"pwd": "VerrySecurePasswordWithSp$cialCh4rs"
The following structure is expressed in JSON, though through RPC this will be sent in the MessagePack format using our libraries.
// Name of the procedure that was called in OpenEdge
"proc": "{{Procedure Name}}",
// Response statuscode, TBD: Whether or not this is required is to be verified when researching SignalR.
"status": 0,
// null if none/at failure
"result": {
// The response will always be a binary array
"3": "{{Pos3Result}}",
"test": "{{Post4Result}}"
// Content age timestamp, null if newly requested/not cached
"lastMod": -1,
// Time taken to execute procedure and get result (ms)
"origTime": 135
A couple of formats will be specified for structured logging. The provided forats are subject to additional fields but should at least contain their respective following fields
Field | Type | Description |
ConnectionId | text | Connection identifier for a specific RPC client connection and request |
IP | ip | IP Address off the connecting application |
AppId | text | Application identifier used to authorize the application |
Field | Type | Description |
Procedure | text | The procedure name executed in the context |
ConnectionId | text | Connection identifier for a specific RPC client connection |
RequestId | long | Request identifier identifying a specific task/request, most likely a procedure execution |
Inputs | text | JSON representation of the input parameters Warning: The inputs specified as redacted should be filtered out at all times! |
Date | date | Time the procedure was executed |
Field | Type | Description |
Procedure | text | The procedure name executed in the context |
ConnectionId | text | Connection identifier for a specific RPC client connection |
RequestId | long | Request identifier identifying a specific task/request, most likely a procedure execution |
Date | date | Time the procedure was completed |
ElapsedTime | long | Time in milliseconds that elapsed between execution and completion |
Field | Type | Description |
Procedure | text | The procedure name executed in the context |
ConnectionId | text | Connection identifier for a specific RPC client connection |
RequestId | long | Request identifier identifying a specific task/request, most likely a procedure execution |
Exception | exception | The generic Serilog exception fields containing the error details provided by .NET |