-*- mode:org -*-
Fork is using libopencm3 library to access hardware.
- Size of VM shouldnt be over 16kb, the size of first page where VM will reside. Using what is left of 16kb is complicated, so size up to 16kb should be ok.
- Top level for ROM use is 1024KB - 32KB, maybe some additional data/configuration on one of the first pages, that is why -32KB.
- Max memory usage up to 192KB, part of that memory is CCM(DMA uncapable) and should be used taken care of accordingly.
D0 - PC8 D1 - PC9 D2 - PC10 D3 - PC11 CLK - PC12 CMD - PD2 CD - PD3
- [X] hex2bin converter
- [ ] REPL
- [X] STM32F429I-DISCO
- [ ] NAND interface
- [ ] CDC/ACM
- [ ] LCD
- [ ] Camera interface
- [ ] Network stack(S3?)
- [ ] ModBus
- [ ] SPI
- [ ] Sleep using WDG
- [ ] Decide how to implement DMA data transfers to VM side, look closely at alloc_ram_cell_init, start at list->string
- [X] USART output
- [X] USART input
- [X] LED’s
- [X] RTC
- [X] Local seconds
- [X] Clocks, timers
- [ ] Fix systick overflow(49 days)
- [ ] FPU arithmetics
- [ ] Redo Makefile structure
- [ ] Rewrite mktime function
- [ ] Fix LSI/HSE clocking junk(LSI being the RTC clock and HSE clocking everything else)
- [ ] SDIO
- [ ] MMCSD inteface