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Aziz edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 3 revisions


QuAck defines tests suites differently form other test management systems.

In QuAck a user can build any type of testcases tree depending on testcase attributes.

Tescases could be filtered by testcase attributes and their values.

The mixture of filters and groupings can be saved as a preset. This preset is called Test Suite.

Test Suites can be used to display testcases in the way you want or to run test Launches

Realtime changes

It is important to remember - testsuite is just a configuration of filters and groupings.

If you add a new testcase that will fit into that configuration - it will appear in the testsuite automatically.

When you are changing or removing a testcase within a testsuite - you are altering the one and only real testcase. You are not removing it from testsuite - you are removing it completely.


Testsuites as a bunch of filters and groupings add flexibility to the system. You are not limited with one predefined testcases tree structure. You can build your own depending on your tasks and needs.

You don't need to add testcases to newly created testsuites. They will appear their automatically.

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