To properly assert your level as a developer we would like you to do the following case. Read the briefing carefully! You have a lot of creative freedom in this, go nuts and dazzle us.
Using the API:
We want to see the following:
- Show all characters that exist (or are last seen) in a given dimension
- Show all characters that exist (or are last seen) at a given location
- Show all characters that partake in a given episode
- Showing all information of a character (Name, species, gender, last location, dimension, etc)
How do we want you to do it?
Make use of the following:
- NextJS
- styled-components
- Apollo GraphQL
Make it in the framework(s) of your choice. Just make sure you do it in PHP.
Make sure it is something you're proud of and shows us your knowledge and abilities!
Want to impress us a bit more? Here are some tips to do so
- Dockerize it
- Use awesome techniques
- Make it (the code) look pretty
- Integrate 1 or more extra API's in a creative way
- Explain to us in detail how a plumbus is made (yes, this is real)