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Terraform Azure GitHub Runners (self-hosted)

This project includes all necessary components to spin up the infrastructure for VM based GitHub self-hosted runners in Azure. This project was created with some inspiration from the Philips Lab AWS Solution with some opinionated changes on what our team at Liatrio has seen work well across different enterprises.

These patterns include:

  • Ephemeral Only
    • Runners should only run one job to avoid interference from one workflow run to the next
  • Warm Pool by Default
    • Keeping idle runners on is a must to ensure quick feedback loops
  • Custom Images
    • Images should be able to build most apps in organization without additional tool installation (example)
    • Including necessary tools in VM Image to reduce startup time for most builds
  • Security
    • Runner VMs are granted a single use registration token with no additional access to GitHub
    • All components utilize Managed Identities for access to other resources, and are granted the least access required to function.

Architecture Diagram

Terraform Azure GitHub Runners


Terraform Module

This Terraform module generates the infrastructure required to host the applications that will manage the self-hosted runners.

Event-Handler (Azure Function App)

The event-handler will receive messages from the GitHub App during workflow run events. It will act as a filter to ensure they are from GitHub with labels that match what is provided in the module.

Runner-Controller (Azure App Service)

This application will act as the controller for the warm pool and ensure that the pool size adheres to the parameters specified in the Terraform module. It will consume events from the queue as necessary to create VMs and ensure a healthy number of VMs are always ready to process new workflow jobs.

Getting Started


  • GitHub App for Organization (owner access)
  • Azure
    • Subscription
      • Note: Subscription quota for "Total Regional Low-priority vCPUs" should be increased to allow multiple spot instances
    • Resource Group
    • Subnet with internet access
    • KeyVault for GitHub App Credential
    • Service Principal Roles/Permissions
    • Resource Provider Registration (See here for steps to register the resource provider)
      • Microsoft.AppConfiguration
    • optional - Managed Image accessible by Runner-Controller

Create Custom Image (optional)

For convenience we have provided an image in our public Azure Community Gallery that can be used for quick setup, but you may want to build a custom image tailored to your use case. Referencing the Packer Template repo, create an image and publish it to Azure Compute Gallery that can be created by this Terraform module.

Create GitHub App

The GitHub App serves as the foundation for sending webhook events to App A and retrieving registration tokens to store in Azure Key Vault.

  1. Navigate: Settings → Developer Settings → GitHub Apps → New GitHub App
  2. Configure permissions
  3. Configure settings, webhook settings to be updated later
  4. Save App and take note of App ID, Client ID

Permissions for GitHub App

Permission Access
Repository: Actions Read-only
Repository: Checks Read-only
Repository: Metadata Read-only
Organization: Self-hosted runners Read and write

Settings for Github App

Required Field Value
GitHub App Name {insert-name}
Homepage URL {insert-any-url}
Webhook Active False
Webhook URL
Subscribe to events Workflow job
Where can this GitHub App be installed? Only on this account

*Note: You will need one GitHub App per org. Allowing installation to "Any account" makes it difficult to change access if installed on orgs outside your control.

Add secrets to Azure KeyVault

(optional) Set Key Vault name variable:

export KEYVAULT_NAME=<keyvault-name>

Runner Password:

az keyvault secret set --name azure-runner-default-password --value $(uuidgen) --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME

GitHub Client Secret:

az keyvault secret set --name github-client-secret --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME --value <secret-value>

GitHub Private Key:

az keyvault secret set --name github-private-key --encoding utf-8 --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME --file <location/pem>

Webhook Secret:

az keyvault secret set --name github-webhook-secret --value $(uuidgen) --vault-name $KEYVAULT_NAME

*Note: The private key must be added via the AZ CLI, all other secrets can be added manually via the portal if you choose to do so.

Setup Terraform Module

Consume this azure_github_runner module with inputs required for your GitHub Enterprise Cloud or GitHub Enterprise server configuration. Example of how to consume the module are coming soon.

Run terraform by using the following commands

terraform init
terraform apply

The terraform output displays the Azure Function endpoint and secret, which you need in the next step.

Deploy Function App and App Service

This terraform module is set up by default to use the latest version of both apps and deploy them on terraform apply. Specific versions found in our public GitHub Packages and set in the terraform module inputs. If you choose to publish your own images, functionality to do so will be implemented soon™.

Setup the webhook and install the GitHub App

Go back to the GitHub App and update the following settings

  1. Activate the webhook
  2. Provide the webhook url, which should be part of the terraform output
  3. Provide the webhook secret
  4. Save changes and navigate to the Install App tab
  5. Next to your GitHub App, select Install next to your org and select 'All Repositories'

Required Inputs

Below are the required inputs required to get started with this module. Some may be marked with an asterisk (*) which indicates we recommend you pull this from a data source. Examples of usage are coming soon.

Name Description Type
azure_tenant_id Azure tenant ID string
azure_subscription_id Azure subscription ID string
azure_resource_group_name Resource Group that the components and runners will be created within string
azure_subnet_id Azure subnet ID string
name_suffix Identifying suffix that will be appended to all components created by this module (default: null) string
github_organization GitHub organization string
github_app_id GitHub App ID string
github_client_id GitHub Client ID string
github_installation_id GitHub App installation ID string
azure_secrets_key_vault_resource_id Key Vault ID where GitHub secrets are stored string
*azure_runner_default_password_key_vault_id Key Vault ID for Azure runner default password (data source) string
*github_client_secret_key_vault_id Keyvault Vault ID for GitHub App client secret (data source) string
*github_webhook_secret_key_vault_id Keyvault Vault ID for GitHub App webhook secret (data source) string
*github_private_key_key_vault_id Keyvault Vault ID for GitHub App private key (data source) string
*owners The list of owners that will be assigned to all components (data source) list(string)

Optional Inputs

One goal of this module is to minimize the number of customizations needed in order to run autoscaling self-hosted runners. With this being said, this list of optional inputs will grow but hopefully not so much that it becomes difficult to manage and get started with this solution.

Name Description Type Default
log_level Log level used across applications string Information
azure_gallery_image_id Azure Compute Gallery image ID to be used in runner creation, leave default to use latest Liatrio public image string /communityGalleries/liatrio-4e8ffc8d-5950-4137-b02c-df028384cdcd
azure_gallery_image_type Azure Compute Gallery image type to be used in runner creation. Available options: 'community', 'direct-shared', 'rbac' string community
event_handler_image_tag Event-Handler image tag to use from GitHub Packages string latest
runner_controller_image_tag Runner-Controller image tag to use from GitHub Packages string latest
github_runner_group Runner Group to register runners to string Default
tags Map of tags that will be added to created resources map(string) {}
azure_location Azure location in which to create resources string location of the resource group


Terraform module for scalable GitHub action runners on Azure



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