An IRC bot written in brainfuck.
I've included a simple brainfuck interpreter that uses a TCP connection for input and output.
You can probably run this through a regular old brainfuck interpreter and do some crazy shit to wire it up to a TCP connection, but I didn't feel like it. You can probably make something work with socat.
You can use the custom bf interpreter like this:
netfuck hostname:port path/to/
For example, to connect the bot to freenode, use this:
Then, to get it into your favorite channel, use this from IRC:
/msg bfbot J #channelname
A couple of simple C# programs are included.
- bf.exe: A simple brainfuck interpreter.
- netfuck.exe: A brainfuck interpreter that uses TCP for input/output.
- asciitodec.exe: Converts an ASCII string to decimal to make my life easier
Current capabilities of the bot:
- Connect to IRC, respond to PING and such
- When PRIVMSGed with "J #channelname", it joins #channelname
- In-channel, use "$message" to have "message" echoed back to you