Under (permanent) construction
- On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem - By A.M. Turing, 1936
- Computing Machinery and Intelligence By A.M. Turing, 1950.
- A Mathematical Theory of Communication By C. Shannon, 1948
- The perceptron: A probabilistic model for information storage and organization in the brain by F. Rossenblat.
- Learning representations by back-propagating errors By D.Rumelhart, G.Hinton y R.Williams.
- Attention is all you need by Ashish Vaswani et al.
- Probability Theory: The Logic of Science By E.T. Jaynes
- Speech and Language Processing By J.H. Martin and D. Jurafsky (3rd edition draft)
- Reinforcement Learning: an Introduction - By R. Sutton and A. Barto
- Machine Learnning - By T. Mitchell
- Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn: Develop machine learning and deep learning models with Python - By S. Raschka (Author), Y. Liu (Author), V. Mirjalili
- Turing Machines - An article in 1984 Scientific American by John E. Hopcropt, about Turing Machines, A.M. Turing, and the history of computability and computational complexity.
- Deep Learning - A review of Deep Learning for Nature. By LeCun, Bengio & Hinton
- Machine Learning is fun! - A really nice machine learning intro. By Adam Geitgey.
- Intuition for Simulated Annealing - Shake!. By Robb Seaton.
- Everything You Wanted to Know about the Kernel Trick (But Were Too Afraid to Ask). By Eric Kim.
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) vs Ordinary Least Squares (OLS): A Visual Explanation - By J.D. Long
- Markov Chains - A visual explanation. By Lewis Lehe.
- A Beginner’s Guide to Eigenvectors, PCA, Covariance and Entropy - by Skymind. The most intuitive introduction to Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues I've found so far.
- Visual Information Theory - by C. Olah. Entropy, Cross-entropy, and KL-divergence visually explained...
- The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning - by Terrence Parr and Jeremy Howard.
- Seeing Theory By Daniel Kunin. A visual introduction to Probability and Statistics
- The book of why - by J. and D. Mackenzie
- Casual Inference in Statistics - A Primer - by J. Pearl webpage and references
- Fairness and machine learning - Chapter 4: Causality by S. Barocas et al.
- Causality: Models Reasoning and Inference by J. Pearl
- Causality for Machine Learning by B. Schölkopf
- ML beyond Curve Fitting: An Intro to Causal Inference and do-Calculus by F. Huszár
- Introduction to Causal Inference course by B. Neal
- Deep Learning, NLP, and Representations - By C. Olah
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning - By Micheal Nielsen. A great online book on neural networks.
- Calculus on computational graphs: backpropagation - by C. Olah. Backpropagation explained as calculus on computational graphs
- Understanding LSTM Networks - by C.Olah
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks - by A. Karpathy. An introduction to RNN and charater-level language models.
- Understanding Convolutions - by C.Olah (2014)
- Conv Nets: A Modular Perspective - by C.Olah (2014) - How convolutional neural networks work.
- Attention is All you Need: Before you Read Transformer - Video tutorial by @NamVo about the Transformer Architecure presente in the paper Attention is All You Need
- A tutorial on PCA - Lindsay Smith - 2002 - Very clear, step by step, introduction to Principal Component Analysis
- Model Evaluation, Model Selection, and Algorithm Selection in Machine Learning - Sebastian Raschka - A great overview of supervised learning methodology
- Introduction to NumPy - By Sebastian Raschka (Appendix F)
- An introduction to NumPy and SciPy - By M. Scott Shell
- Implementing a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - by Sebastian Raschka. Using Python and NumPy.
- Visual Vocabulary (.png) - By ft.com - How to visualize your data, depending on what you want to emphasize.
- Visualizing the uncertainty in data - By Nathan Yau
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization - By Claus Wilke - "The book is meant as a guide to making visualizations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional."
- How to make beautiful data visualizations in Python with matplotlib - By Randal Olson
- Movie Recommendations with k-Nearest Neighbors and Cosine Similarity - By Nicole White.
- Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews - By Rafael Carrascosa. Sentiment Analysis using Random Forests.
- Logs, Tails, Long Tails - By Ryan Moulton. Why log probabilities are useful. Why long tails matter.
- Tiny Data, Approximate Bayesian Computation and the Socks of Karl Broman - By Rasmus Bååth.
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Doesn't Work Yet - By Alex Irpan.
- The Bitter Lesson by Richard Sutton. Reflections on The Bitter Lesson by Michael Nielsen.
- On the Bias-Variance Tradeoff: Textbooks Need an Update - By Brady Neal
- NLP Year in Review 2019 - By Elvis. Very comprehensive.
- Yet Another Python Encoding Tutorial (Python 2)
- Matrices for Data Scientists
- Natural Language Parsing with Python
- Aprendizaje Automático: lo mínimo que hay que saber
- 4.1 NumPy Actualizado!
- 4.2 Pandas Actualizado!
- 4.3 Matplotlib y Seaborn Actualizado!
- Seminario Ciencia de Datos - Slides for a 8-hour seminar on Data Science. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad de la República - Uruguay
- Veinte Años de Aprendizaje Automático - Talk at the GX27 Meeting - Uruguay - 2017
- Machine Learning, Python y el Titanic - Talk at Tech Meetup Uruguay - 2014 - Slides
- Aprendizaje automático en el mundo real - Talk at the GX28 Meeting - Uruguay 2018
- Olas, inviernos, ciencia y tecnología: Lo que aprendí del Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural - Talk at the GX29 Meeting - Uruguay - 2019
- Computabilidad y Máquinas de Turing - Talk about computability for a Cognitive Sciences course.
- Figuritas
- Mentiras, malditas mentiras, y encuestas
- Mi "predicción" para las elecciones 2014 en Uruguay
- Sobreajuste - Una increíblemente precisa predicción de casos de COVID-19