Template project to develop with NodeJs + Express + EJS(Template Engine)
in both cases first run npm install
npm start
Build you image
docker build -t <you-user-name>/node-web-app .
than run exposing port 80 to internet
docker run -p 80:3000 <you-user-name>/node-web-app
optionally you can change internal container port with the environment variable PORT
docker run -p 80:12345 -e "PORT=12345" <you-user-name>/node-web-app
or set the database connection string
docker run -p 80:12345 -e "MONGO_CONNECTION_STR=mongodb://user:password@host:port" <you-user-name>/node-web-app
Edit docker-compose.yml
file, and run on shell:
docker-compose build && docker-compose up
- Set restart policy
- Protect secrets
- Protect database access
- Set monitoring tools
// Gitignore