Elton helps to access, review and index existing species interaction datasets.
A commandline tool for GloBI named after ecologist Charles S. Elton, author of Animal Ecology.
Elton needs Java 8+ to run.Why OpenJDK 8?. Because OpenJDK 8 is Long Term Supported (LTS), and (at time of writing Nov 2021) supported until at least May 2026, longer than any of the newer OpenJDK versions.
On linux/mac, you can run the following to install a copy of elton:
sudo sh -c '(echo "#!/usr/bin/env sh" && curl -L https://github.com/globalbioticinteractions/elton/releases/download/0.15.8/elton.jar) > /usr/local/bin/elton && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/elton' && elton version
Configuration to help Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI, https://globalbioticinteractions.org) index:
You can now run Elton from your commandline by typing something like elton version
or any of the other documented commands.
You can also install Elton by manually downloading elton.jar
from one of the releases. To start Elton using this method, you have to execute something like java -jar elton.jar versions
or any of the other documented commands.
To install elton as a debian package use:
curl -L https://github.com/globalbioticinteractions/elton/releases/download/0.15.8/elton.deb\
> elton.deb
sudo apt install ./elton.deb
Elton is made available through a maven repository.
To include elton in your project, add the following sections to your pom.xml (or equivalent for sbt, gradle etc):
- Clone this repository
- Run
mvn package
- Copy
- Run tests using
mvn test
For documentation, see docs/elton.adoc.
Note that in the following section, it is assumed that Elton can be started by typing elton
. If this is not possible, see Install for instructions on how to run Elton commands.
Print usage
elton [command] [command options]
Usage: <main class> [command] [command options]
list List Available Datasets
Usage: list [options] [namespace1] [namespace2] ...
--cache-dir, -c
cache directory
Default: ./datasets
--offline, -o
Default: false
update Update Datasets with Local Repository
Usage: update [options] [namespace1] [namespace2] ...
--cache-dir, -c
cache directory
Default: ./datasets
names List Dataset (Taxon) Names For Local Datasets
Usage: names [options] [namespace1] [namespace2] ...
--cache-dir, -c
cache directory
Default: ./datasets
interactions List Interacting Taxon Pairs For Local Datasets
Usage: interactions [options] [namespace1] [namespace2] ...
--cache-dir, -c
cache directory
Default: ./datasets
nanopubs Generate Nanopubs Describing Interactions in Local Datasets
Usage: nanopubs [options] [namespace1] [namespace2] ...
--cache-dir, -c
cache directory
Default: ./datasets
check Check Dataset Accessibility
Usage: check [options] [namespace1] [namespace2] ...
--cache-dir, -c
cache directory
Default: ./datasets
--offline, -o
Default: false
version Show Version
Usage: version
List all datasets
elton list
Update / download single dataset and cache locally in ./dataset folder
elton update globalbioticinteractions/template-dataset
Update / download all datasets (might take a while)
elton update
Note that elton is using a rate-limited GitHub APIs. If you are seeing "Forbidden" http errors, suggest to provide OAUTH key/secret like:
java -Dgithub.client.id=[client id] -Dgithub.client.secret=[client secret] -jar elton.jar update
Please refer to GitHub API documentation like https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting learn more about getting a client id/secret pair.
List interactions of all locally cached datasets
elton interactions
Note that you can retrieve an archived (and versioned) copy of existing species interaction datasets using Elton's archive .
Feel free to join in. All welcome. Open an issue!