- G. De Cesare - decesare.giovanni at gmail.com
- Ezio Caroli
- Rui Miguel Curado da Silva
Some simple matlab function to reduce Monte Carlo event file generate by a GEANT4 code.
The GEANT4 mass model is a CdZnTe BOX
- matlab: MATLAB source code
- dataset: it contains a short sample data file
- Open the MATLAB gui on your pc
- To set some file path, edit PAR.m file
- Also edit mc.m file, if required
- Run mc.m
The code is based on two steps data analysis.
In step 1 the data file is read and the energy deposits list for each input photons is evaluated. We call these data "raw photon history" or LEVEL 1 DATA for short (stored into the A array).
In step 2 the energy deposits are sampled in a pixelated detector. We call these data "pixelated photon history" ore LEVEL 2 DATA for short (stored into Apix array).
The parameters of the run are stored into the PAR.m class.
%% Step 1: read the file and return the data array
disp('> Step 1...');
ticID = tic; [A, len] = mc_read('01PolCrabCusp.dat', [190., 337.]); toc(ticID);
Ared = A(:,:,1:len);
disp('> The raw photons history Ared is ready.');
%% Analysis of the level 1 data (see 'help mc_tools1' for more)
mc_tools1(Ared, 1);
hold on;
mc_tools1(Ared, 2);
hold off;
%% Step 2: Convert A into a 'photons history' into a pixelated detector
disp('> Step 2...');
ticID = tic; Apix = mc_pixelize2(Ared); toc(ticID);
disp('> The pixelated photons history Apix is ready.');
%% Analysis of the level 2 (pixelated detector) data (see 'help mc_tools2' for more)
mc_tools2(Apix, 2);
mc_tools2(Apix, 3);
%% Analysis of the level 2 (pixelated detector) data (see 'help mc_polarization' for more)
load 'double_map.mat'
newMap = mc_map_filter(double_map, 2, 5);
[alpha, q]= mc_polarization(newMap, 3);
plot(alpha, q, 'r*')
axis([0 400 -0.8 0.8]);
xlabel('alpha (degree)','FontSize',18);