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Dream Theater CMS

Life's biggest battles often are fought alone
- Breaking All Illusions, Dream Theater

Starting guide

The project is made with the support of Laravel framework, and uses Laravel Sail (thanks to the support of Docker Engine) for creating a compact system based on two containers, one for the applicative and another for the database.


Make sure that:

  • Docker is already installed on your computer
  • Ports 80 and 3306 are not used by any other services - if they are, you can change it with other ports in the .env file
  • Composer is already installed on your computer

Necessary step

  • Copy the .env.example file into .env file and change any parameter with values that you need
    • N.B.: Before executing the following command, make sure that you must be in the root of the project
      cp .env.example .env

Start docker containers

Open a terminal in the root of the project and type:
docker-compose up -d

Install necessary third-part dependecies

Open a terminal in the root of the project and type:
composer i npm i && npm run dev

Last but not least, click here and visit the Dream Theater CMS

If the website doesn't work, maybe you have changed the app port in the env file, so change the url appending the port at the end of the url.

Original request

Sviluppo di un sito web in Laravel per consentire ad una band musicale di pubblicare notizie, video, musica, album, etc etc.

In particolare, il sito avrà un lato backend per l'editing dei contenuti con accesso riservato agli amministratori del sito e un frontend per gli utenti (i fan della band) che vedranno i contenuti caricati.

Per delimitare meglio l'ampiezza del progetto, i contenuti da caricare devono essere:

  • dati e info sulla band
  • video della band
  • canzoni della band
  • info su concerti passati e futuri
  • immagini della band
  • contatti


A common place where bands and their fans stay in tune, together.




