This README provides a step-by-step guide for setting up an Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster and deploying various applications using Terraform. Follow the instructions below to seamlessly configure your environment.
Navigate to the eks-setup directory:
cd eks-setup
Deploy the EKS cluster:
terraform init terraform apply
Connect to the EKS cluster:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name eks-cluster-traking-project
Navigate to the ArgoCD setup directory:
cd ../argo-cd-setup
Deploy ArgoCD:
terraform init terraform apply
Port-forward the ArgoCD service:
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
Fetch and decrypt the password to connect to the ArgoCD server:
kubectl get secrets argocd-initial-admin-secret -o yaml -n argocd | grep password: | sed 's#.*password: ##g' | base64 -d
Deploy the configurations in ArgoCD. Create a new app and paste the YAML configuration provided.
apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: mahat spec: destination: name: '' namespace: project server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc' source: path: . repoURL: '' targetRevision: HEAD sources: [] project: default syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true - ServerSideApply=true - ApplyOutOfSyncOnly=true syncInterval: 3m # Set the sync interval to 3 minutes
Navigate to the prometheus-setup directory:
cd ../prometheus-setup
Deploy Prometheus:
terraform init terraform apply
Port-forward the Prometheus service:
kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operated -n monitoring 9090:9090
Port-forward Grafana service:
kubectl port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stackr-grafana 3000:80 -n monitoring
- Username: admin
- Password: prom-operator
Port-forward the app and mongo services:
kubectl port-forward svc/trading-app-svc 5000:8080 -n project kubectl port-forward svc/mongo 27017:27017 -n project
- To view the cluster in the AWS website, apply the view-pods-role.yaml file:
kubectl apply -f view-pods-role.yaml
On the AWS console, delete the load balancer and the S3 bucket that contains the Terraform state.
Navigate to the eks-setup directory:
cd eks-setup
Destroy the EKS cluster:
terraform destroy
Follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth setup and teardown process for your EKS cluster and associated applications.