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First Implementation of the Age Distribution tab
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lboullu committed Apr 15, 2020
1 parent d62486f commit 80858c6
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Showing 4 changed files with 102 additions and 334 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,10 @@
# COVIDiStress-Shiny
A R Shiny app for COVIDiStress Survey
A R Shiny app for COVIDiStress Survey

To launch the app, put all the files in a "COVIDiStress-Shiny" folder, the data [available here]( renamed `covid_06042020_choice_values` in a folder above (`../`) and run the following code:

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Shiny_All-in-1.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,4 +30,5 @@ ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output) {}
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

353 changes: 53 additions & 300 deletions server.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,310 +1,63 @@
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Loading Data ----
data <- read.csv("../covid_06042020_choice_values.csv", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
data <- data[3:nrow(data),]

# Creating Variables ----

Unique_CountryName_full <- read.csv("../Unique_CountryName_full.csv", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)$x
# Unique_CountryName_full <- unique(toTitleCase(tolower(data$Country)))
# Unique_CountryName_full <- sort(Unique_CountryName_full[Unique_CountryName_full!=""])
# Unique_CountryName_full <- c(Unique_CountryName_full, "World")
#execute the following line to speed up the process (not generate country names at every run)
#write.csv(Unique_CountryName_full,"Unique_CountryName_full.csv", row.names = TRUE)

updateSelectizeInput(session, 'CountryChoice', choices = Unique_CountryName_full, server = TRUE,
selected=c("France", "Italy"))

#Beginning of the dynamic part

## Charger les données ----

#create the URL where the dataset is stored with automatic updates every day
url <- paste("",format(Sys.Date()-1, "%Y-%m-%d"), ".xlsx", sep = "")
#url <- paste("",format(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-%d"), ".xlsx", sep = "")
#download the dataset from the website to a local temporary file
GET(url, authenticate(":", ":", type="ntlm"), write_disk(tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")))
#read the Dataset sheet into R
data <- read_excel(tf)

## Additionnal variables
Unique_GeoId_full <- unique(data$geoId)
Unique_CountryName_full <- unique(toTitleCase(tolower(data$countriesAndTerritories)))
Unique_CountryName_space <- gsub("_", " ", Unique_CountryName_full)
data$casesCumSum <- unlist(lapply(Unique_GeoId_full,
function(n_GeoId) rev(cumsum(rev(data$cases[as.logical(data$geoId==n_GeoId)])))))
data$deathsCumSum <- unlist(lapply(Unique_GeoId_full,
function(n_GeoId) rev(cumsum(rev(data$deaths[as.logical(data$geoId==n_GeoId)])))))

updateSelectizeInput(session, 'CountryChoice', choices = Unique_CountryName_space, server = TRUE,
#selected=c("France", "Italy", "Spain"))

## Additional function
gg_color_hue <- function(n) { #fonction couleur
hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
pays_apply <- function(data_source, data_Pays, FUN = max){ #source = ce sur quoi on applique, pays = les pays
unlist(lapply(unique(data_Pays), function(N_Pays) FUN(data_source[as.logical(data_Pays == N_Pays)])))

f_DateRelThreshold <- function(data_to_cut, t_threshold){#we use "rev" because data starts with earliest
rep(-1, length(data_to_cut))
rep(-1, length(data_to_cut))
below_threshold <- rev(which(rev(data_to_cut)<t_threshold))[1]
rev(c(rep(0, ifelse(,0,below_threshold)),
c(1:length(which(rev(data_to_cut) >= t_threshold))))-1)

f_RollingMean <- function(data_to_smooth, smooth_value){
if(smooth_value==1){ data_to_smooth
}else{ rollmean(data_to_smooth, k = input$slider_lissage, fill= NA)
country_list <- input$CountryChoice
#country_list <- c("France", "Italy")

#Generating Gender 100% barplot ----

#CB_percent <- input$CheckBox_percent; pred_forward <- input$prediction_forward; pred_data <- input$prediction_data; df <- df2

f_prediction <- function(df, pred_forward, pred_data, CB_percent)
df$DifCasesCumMod <- df$DifCasesCumMod/df$CasesCumMod
dfPred <- df[1:input$prediction_data,]
model <- lm(DifCasesCumMod~ DateRelCases, data = dfPred)
ndata <- data.frame(DateRelCases =
seq(max(dfPred$DateRelCases), by="1 day",
frcst <- forecast(model, newdata=ndata)
vec0 <- rep(0, length(ndata))
frcst$mean <- pmax(vec0, frcst$mean)
frcst$lower[,1] <- pmax(vec0, frcst$lower[,1])
frcst$upper[,1] <- pmax(vec0, frcst$upper[,1])

NewCasespercent <- data.frame(
mean = c(dfPred$DifCasesCumMod[1], frcst$mean),
lower = c(dfPred$DifCasesCumMod[1], frcst$lower[,1]),
upper = c(dfPred$DifCasesCumMod[1], frcst$upper[,1])
CasesCumSum <- data.frame(
mean = c(dfPred$CasesCumMod[1], dfPred$CasesCumMod[1]*cumprod(1+frcst$mean)),
lower = c(dfPred$CasesCumMod[1],dfPred$CasesCumMod[1]*cumprod(1+frcst$lower[,1])),
upper = c(dfPred$CasesCumMod[1],dfPred$CasesCumMod[1]*cumprod(1+frcst$upper[,1]))
NewCasesAbs <- data.frame(
mean = c(dfPred$Cases[1],diff(CasesCumSum$mean)),
lower = c(dfPred$Cases[1],diff( CasesCumSum$lower)),
upper = c(dfPred$Cases[1],diff( CasesCumSum$upper))
pred <- data.frame(
DateRelCases = c(max(dfPred$DateRelCases), ndata$DateRelCases),
NewCasespercentMean = NewCasespercent$mean,
NewCasespercentLower = NewCasespercent$lower,
NewCasespercentUpper = NewCasespercent$upper,
CasesCumSumMean = CasesCumSum$mean,
CasesCumSumLower = CasesCumSum$lower,
CasesCumSumUpper = CasesCumSum$upper,
NewCasesAbsMean = NewCasesAbs$mean,
NewCasesAbsLower = NewCasesAbs$lower,
NewCasesAbsUpper = NewCasesAbs$upper
pred$CasesCumMod <- pred$CasesCumSumMean
pred$DifCasesCumMod <- pred$NewCasesAbsMean

genders <- c("Female","Male","Other/would rather not say")

test_NAandNeg <- function(v) {
processed_data = data %>%
filter(Country%in%country_list,Dem_gender != "") %>%
group_by(Country,Dem_gender) %>%
summarise(nb_surveyed=n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(perc_surveyed_by_country = (nb_surveyed / sum(nb_surveyed)) * 100) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(country_gender_text = paste0(
"Country: ", Country, "\n",
"Gender: ", Dem_gender, "\n",
"# of surveyed: ", nb_surveyed, "\n",
"% of surveyed: ", round(perc_surveyed_by_country, 2), "\n"))
processed_data$Country <- factor(processed_data$Country, levels = rev(country_list))
processed_data$Dem_gender <- factor(processed_data$Dem_gender, levels = rev(genders))
pGender100 <- ggplot(data = processed_data) +
geom_bar(aes(x = Country, y = perc_surveyed_by_country, fill = Dem_gender, text = country_gender_text), stat="identity") +
scale_fill_manual(name="Gender", values=c("Female" = "#00c7b8ff", "Male" = "#31233bff","Other/would rather not say" = "#fbedcdff")) +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = "Country", y = "% Gender") +

## Filtrer les données en fonction des pays ----

#input <- c(); input$slider_lissage = 1; input$num_Relative_case = 0; input$CB_log = 0; input$CB_ratio = 0;
#input$CheckBox_percent=1; input$Start_Date = "2020-03-01"; input$num_Relative_death = 0;
#input$prediction_data <- 10; input$prediction_forward <- 5
#input$slider_lissage = 1; input$num_Relative_case = 0; input$CB_log = 0; input$CB_ratio = 0; input$num_Relative_death = 0;

vec_code <- Unique_GeoId_full[which(Unique_CountryName_space %in% input$CountryChoice)]
if(length(vec_code)>0){list_pays <- vec_code
list_pays <- "FR"

filterPays <- as.logical((data$geoId %in% list_pays)*(data$dateRep>=ymd(input$Start_Date)))
#list_pays <- c("BE") #list_pays <- c("ES", "IT")
#filtre1Pays <- function(N_Pays) as.logical((data$geoId == N_Pays))#*(data$Month>2)*(data$Month<12))

df2 <- data.frame(Country = data$geoId[filterPays],
Date = data$dateRep[filterPays],
DateRelCases = pays_apply(data$casesCumSum[filterPays], data$geoId[filterPays],
FUN = function(x) f_DateRelThreshold(x, input$num_Relative_case)),
DateRelDeaths = pays_apply(data$deathsCumSum[filterPays], data$geoId[filterPays],
FUN = function(x) f_DateRelThreshold(x, input$num_Relative_death)),
# DateRelLockdown = # à faire
Cases = data$cases[filterPays],
CasesCumMod = pays_apply(data$casesCumSum[filterPays], data$geoId[filterPays],
FUN = function(x) f_RollingMean(x, input$slider_lissage))/(
DifCasesCumMod = pays_apply(
FUN = function(x) f_RollingMean(x, input$slider_lissage)),
DifCasesCumMod_2 = pays_apply(
FUN = function(x) c(f_RollingMean(-diff(x),input$slider_lissage), 0)),
Deaths = data$deaths[filterPays],
DeathsCumMod = pays_apply(data$deathsCumSum[filterPays], data$geoId[filterPays],
FUN = function(x) f_RollingMean(x, input$slider_lissage))/(
DifDeathsCumMod = pays_apply(
FUN = function(x) f_RollingMean(x, input$slider_lissage)),
DifDeathsCumMod_2 = pays_apply(
FUN = function(x) c(f_RollingMean(-diff(x),input$slider_lissage), 0))

Unique_CountryName_filter <- gsub("_", " ", unique(toTitleCase(tolower(data$countriesAndTerritories[filterPays]))))

SCM <- scale_color_manual(labels = Unique_CountryName_filter[order(list_pays)],
values = gg_color_hue(length(Unique_GeoId_full))[
Unique_GeoId_full %in% sort(list_pays)][order(list_pays)])
#values = gg_color_hue(length(Unique_GeoId_full))[Unique_GeoId_full %in% list_pays])
theme_attribute <- theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size=20, face="bold"),
axis.title.y = element_text(size=20, face="bold"),
axis.text.x = element_text(size=15),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=10))

test_cases <- test_NAandNeg(input$num_Relative_case)
test_deaths <- test_NAandNeg(input$num_Relative_death)
if(!test_cases){df2$DateRelCases = df2$Date}
if(!test_deaths){df2$DateRelDeaths = df2$Date}

pCasesCum <- ggplot(data=df2, aes(x=DateRelCases, y = CasesCumMod)) + dark_theme_dark()
for (cntry in unique(df2$Country)) {
pCasesCum <- pCasesCum +
geom_line(aes(x = DateRelCases, y =CasesCumMod, group = Country, colour = Country),
size = 2, na.rm = TRUE, data = df2[df2$Country == cntry,]) +
geom_point(aes(x = DateRelCases, y =CasesCumMod, group = Country, colour = Country),
size = 5, shape = 16, na.rm = TRUE, data = df2[df2$Country == cntry,])
pCasesCum <- pCasesCum + SCM + {if(input$CB_log)scale_y_log10()} +
xlab("Days") + ylab("Total number of cases") +
theme_attribute + {if(test_cases)xlim(c(0, max(df2$DateRelCases)))} +
guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = NA)))

pDeathsCum <- ggplot(data=df2, aes(x = DateRelDeaths, y=DeathsCumMod)) + dark_theme_dark()
for (cntry in unique(df2$Country)) {
pDeathsCum <- pDeathsCum +
geom_line(aes(x= DateRelDeaths, y = DeathsCumMod, group = Country, colour = Country),
size = 2, na.rm = TRUE, data = df2[df2$Country == cntry,]) +
geom_point(aes(x= DateRelDeaths, y = DeathsCumMod, group = Country, colour = Country),
size = 5, shape = 16, na.rm = TRUE, data = df2[df2$Country == cntry,])
pDeathsCum <- pDeathsCum +
SCM + {if(input$CB_log)scale_y_log10()} + xlab("Days") + ylab("Total number of deaths") +
theme_attribute + {if(test_deaths)xlim(c(0, max(df2$DateRelDeaths)))} +
guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = NA)))

pCasesRel <- ggplot(data=df2, aes(x = DateRelCases, y = DifCasesCumMod)) + dark_theme_dark()
for (cntry in unique(df2$Country)) {
pCasesRel <- pCasesRel +
geom_line(aes(x = DateRelCases, y =DifCasesCumMod, group = Country, colour = Country),
size = 2, na.rm = TRUE, data = df2[df2$Country == cntry,]) +
geom_point(aes(x = DateRelCases, y =DifCasesCumMod, group = Country, colour = Country),
size = 5, shape = 16, na.rm = TRUE, data = df2[df2$Country == cntry,])
pCasesRel <- pCasesRel +
SCM + {if(input$CB_log && !input$CheckBox_percent)scale_y_log10()} +
xlab("Days") + ylab("Increase in cases") +
theme_attribute + {if(test_cases)xlim(c(0, max(df2$DateRelCases)))} +
guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = NA)))

pDeathsRel <- ggplot(data=df2, aes(x = DateRelDeaths, y = DifDeathsCumMody)) + dark_theme_dark()
for (cntry in unique(df2$Country)) {
pDeathsRel <- pDeathsRel +
geom_line(aes(x = DateRelDeaths, y = DifDeathsCumMod, group = Country, colour = Country),
size = 2, na.rm = TRUE, data = df2[df2$Country == cntry,]) +
geom_point(aes(x = DateRelDeaths, y = DifDeathsCumMod, group = Country, colour = Country),
size = 5, shape = 16, na.rm = TRUE, data = df2[df2$Country == cntry,])
pDeathsRel <- pDeathsRel +
SCM + {if(input$CB_log && !input$CheckBox_percent)scale_y_log10()} +
xlab("Days") + ylab("Increase in deaths") +
theme_attribute + {if(test_deaths)xlim(c(0, max(df2$DateRelDeaths)))} +
guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = NA)))

test_data <- test_NAandNeg(input$prediction_data)
test_forward <- test_NAandNeg(input$prediction_forward)

if(input$prediction_data>0 && input$prediction_forward>0 && length(list_pays)==1 && test_data && test_forward){
df2_pred <- f_prediction(df2, pred_forward, pred_data, input$CheckBox_percent)

pCasesCum <- pCasesCum + geom_point(data = df2_pred, aes(x=DateRelCases,y=CasesCumSumMean)) +
geom_ribbon(data = df2_pred, aes(ymin=CasesCumSumLower, ymax=CasesCumSumUpper),alpha=0.2) +
ylim(0, 1.5*max(df2_pred$CasesCumSumMean, df2$CasesCumMod))

pCasesRel <- pCasesRel + geom_point(data = df2_pred, aes(x=DateRelCases,y = NewCasespercentMean)) +
geom_ribbon(data = df2_pred, aes(ymin=df2_pred$NewCasespercentLower, ymax=df2_pred$NewCasespercentUpper),alpha=0.2)
pCasesRel <- pCasesRel + geom_point(data = df2_pred, aes(x=DateRelCases,y = NewCasesAbsMean)) +
geom_ribbon(data = df2_pred, aes(ymin= NewCasesAbsLower, ymax= NewCasesAbsUpper),alpha=0.2) +
ylim(0, 1.5*max(df2_pred$NewCasesAbsMean, df2$DifCasesCumMod))

#k <-ggplot(df2_pred, aes(x=DateRelCases,y=CasesCumSumMean)) + dark_theme_dark()
#k <- k+ geom_point(aes(x=Dates,y=CasesCumSumMean))
# ymax=CasesCumSumUpper),alpha=0.2)

output$tableDf <- renderTable(df2)
output$PlotCasesCum<-renderPlot({ pCasesCum })#, height = 400,width = 600)
output$PlotDeathsCum<-renderPlot({ pDeathsCum })#, height = 400,width = 600)
output$PlotCasesRel<-renderPlot({ pCasesRel })#, height = 400,width = 600)
output$PlotDeathsRel<-renderPlot({ pDeathsRel })#, height = 400,width = 600)
output$PlotCasesRel2<-renderPlot({ pCasesRel_2 })#, height = 400,width = 600)
output$PlotDeathsRel2<-renderPlot({ pDeathsRel_2 })#, height = 400,width = 600)
output$PlotlyGender100<-renderPlotly({ ggplotly(pGender100, tooltip = "text") })


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