The Ansible-Role allows you to perform a series of post-installation manipulations on a freshly installed Windows 10 Pro to configure the basic working environment at home or in the enterprise.
The role has a modular structure, which makes it easy to customize the desired result, or continue to modify it for yourself.
- the value of the set variable on the host matches the value in the playbook.
- the value of the specified variable on the host did not match the value in the playbook and was changed.
- the specified variable cannot be changed.
- checking the value of the specified variable is skipped.
Control Server (Windows, Linux, macOS):
- Python3
pip install ansible
pip install pywinrm[credssp]
Сontrolled Host (Windows 10):
ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -EnableCredSSP
Details WinRM Setup
- Get all files:
git clone
- Modify inventory file:
nano inventory.yml
- Modify var file for access to target host:
nano /group_vars/all.yml
- Modify tasks for run:
nano /Pre-Process W10/roles/common/tasks/Main.yml'
[Optional] Check target hosts availability:ansible target_host -m win_ping
- Run
ansible-playbook pre-process.yml -v
, where number of v is extent of details output: -v - less details, -vv - more details, -vvv - very details
- Install-addtl-pwsh-PackageSources-and-Modules.yml - Add Chocolatey and PowerShellGet PackageSources and install some modules like oh-my-posh and Get-ChildItemColor
- Fixes-PowerShell.yml - Fix bug with capital letters in the PSReadline module and disable powershell telemetry
- Disable-ReservedStorage.yml - Disable Reserved Storage (reserving disk space for future updates)
- Install-Chocolatey.yml - Install package manager Chocolatey
- Cinst-BasicSet-Software.yml - Install some basic program for work
- Install-Win-BasicFeatures.yml - Install basic features like - NetFx3, LegacyComponents, Directplay, TelnetClient, TFTP
- Install-OpenSSH.yml - Install OpenSSH (server and client)
- Uninstall-Wordpad-MSPaint.yml - Uninstall some legacy components like Wordpad and MSPaint
- Install-MSEdge-(old).yml - Install MSEdge (for old win10 releases)
- Install-Fonts-(curl).yml - Install some useful fonts
- Customize-Prompt.yml - Customize Prompt (powershell and cmd)
- Install-Office-(curl).yml - Install Office (default - 2016)
- Pull-PostInstall-Folder-(curl).yml - Download PostInstall Folder contains some useful utilities
- Pin-StartMenu-Apps.yml - Pin StartMenu Apps (using xml from PostInstall Folder)
- Set-Default-FileAssociations.yml - Set Default FileAssociations(using xml from PostInstall Folder)
- Setup-Powercfg-Modes.yml - Setup Powercfg Modes like High and Max Perfomance (set default high profile)
- Clean-SystemDrive.yml - Clean temp files
- Activate-Win-Office-(encrypted).yml - Activate Windows and Office (non including real keys)
- Install-Win-Updates-(reboot).yml - Install Windows 10 Updates and reboot with notify
TODO List:
- [Show system desktop icons for all users ]
- [Neutral color scheme for all users]
- [ ]
Pre-Process W10 is distributed under GNU GPL 3.