- Docker service running
The script will create a single node k8s cluster for your local tests
./install_k3d_kubernetes_cluster.sh example.com
The script will create a single node k8s cluster for your tests using Let's Encrypt certificates
# Use second parameter for let's encrypt staging and prd
./install_k3d_kubernetes_cluster.sh domain_name [stg|[prd]] ex@email.com
Note: email address must be valid.
- Single node kind k8s cluster running on docker containers
- Insecure docker registry running on
- Dashboard running on
- Hello world deployment running on
To change the configuration from single to multi-node k8s cluster, just add workers as you need around line 55-57.
Example on how to add two workers:
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
In order to get rid of the certificate not trusted
error for your ingress and test URLs, this artifact is using https://github.com/gespinal/ssl-wildcard-certificate-self-ca to generate and install a wildcard certificate for the domain *.example.com
I recommend using Edge or Safari to test certificate. Firefox gives some trouble with CACHE and cert validation when re-created. Haven't tested this on Chrome.
In case of Firefox:
Go to: about:config
Set: security.enterprise_roots.enabled to true