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CV Wonder


Getting started

Download the latest release from the releases page.


VERSION=$(curl -s "" | jq -r '.tag_name')
curl -L -o cvwonder "${VERSION}/cvwonder_${DISTRIBUTION}_${CPU_ARCH}"
chmod +x cvwonder
sudo mv cvwonder /usr/local/bin/

Write your CV in a YAML file (i.e; cv.yml):

Generate your CV using the following command:

cvwonder generate --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default



The default theme is a simple theme to help you get started. It includes:

  • Simple design
  • Printable version of your CV
  • Web version of your CV
  • Github stars and forks count of your side projects
  • Graphical bar level for you Tech Skills
  • Logo of your companies and schools

Theme Functions

Theme templating is based on template/html package from Go. It is a simple and basic templating engine without any flourish stuff.

To allow basic string manipulation, here are the functions available in the templates:

  • dec - Decrement a number
  • replace - Replace a substring by another
  • join - Join a list of strings with a separator
Function Description Example Result
dec Decrement a number {{ dec 2 }} 1
replace Replace a substring by another {{ replace "Hello World" "World" "Universe" }} Hello Universe
join Join a list of strings with a separator {{ join ["one", "two", "three"] ", " }} one, two, three

Serve your CV

Serve your CV on a local server to preview it in your browser:

cvwonder serve --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default

Watch for changes

Enable the watcher to automatically generate your CV when any involved file is modified:

  • themes/<theme-name>/index.html: The main template of the theme
  • <input-cv>.yml: Your CV in YAML format
cvwonder serve --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default --watch



go run ./cmd/cvwonder/cvwonder.go --input=cv.yml --output=generated/ --theme=default 
# make run


go build -o cvwonder ./cmd/cvwonder/cvwonder.go
# make build


A .vscode/launch.json file is provided to help you debug the application.