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MapStore2 users GeoServer integration with Authkey
This guide explains how to share users, groups and roles between MapStore and GeoServer.
Applying this configurations will allow users logged in MapStore to be recognized by GeoServer. So security rules about restrictions on services, layers and so on can be correctly applied to MapStore users (also using GeoFence).
With the suggested implementation the MapStore database will be also a UserGroup and Role service for GeoServer. This means that every user of MapStore will be also a user in GeoServer, with the same attributes, the same roles (ADMIN, USER) and the same user groups.
For every usergroup assigned to a user GeoServer will see also a role of the same name, from the role service, assigned to the members of the usergroup (as usergroup derived roles).
Permission on GeoServer can be assigned using these roles or with more detailed granularity using a custom Resource Access Manager (like GeoFence).
This solution partially degradate the functionalities of user management UI of GeoServer (for users, groups and roles that belong to MapStore). If you want to use this solution, you should use the MapStore's user mananger and avoid the GeoSever's one.
- GeoServer must have the Authkey Plugin Community Module installed
- MapStore2 Database must be reachable by GeoServer (H2 will not work, use PostgreSQL or Oracle)
- MapStore2 must be reachable by GeoServer
This example will focus on PostgreSQL database type
I am assuming this is a new installation, so no existing user or map will be preserved
- Follow Geostore wiki to setup a postgresql database (ignore the geostore_test part)
https://github.com/geosolutions-it/geostore/wiki/Building-instructions#building-geostore-with-postgres-support - Start Tomcat once to make it extract the war file
- Stop Tomcat
- Copy the WEB-INF/classes/db-conf/postgres.properties file over the WEB-INF/classes/geostore-database-ovr.properties
- Start Tomcat
- admin:admin
- user:user
Follow this https://github.com/geosolutions-it/geostore/tree/master/geoserver
Create the empty GeoStore database using scripts as described in GeoStore WIKI (geosolutions-it/geostore/wiki/Building-instructions#building-geostore-with-postgres-support).
Steps below referenve usergroup and role service configuration files, as needed download the files from the geostore repository.
- in GeoServer and add a new User Group Service
- Setup the User Group Service
- Select JDBC
- name: geostore
- Password encryption : Digest
- password policy default
- Driver org.postgresql.Driver (or JNDI)
- connection url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/geostore (or the one for your setup)
- JNDI only: the JNDI resource name should look like this java:comp/env/jdbc/geostore
- set username and password for the db (user 'geostore' with password 'geostore')
- Save
- Place the provided files in the created directory under <gs_datadir>/security/usergroup/geostore .
- Then go back to geostore user group service (the ddl and dml path should have values in them)
- Save again
* Add a new Role Service
* select JDBC
* name geostore
* db org.postgresql.Driver
* connection url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/geostore (or JNDI, same as above)
* set user and password (user 'geostore' with password 'geostore')
* save
* add the provided files to the geostore directory under /<gs_datadir>/security/role/geostore and save again
* go Again in JDBC Role Service 'geostore'
* select Administrator role to ADMIN
* select Group Administrator Role to ADMIN
* go To Security Settings and set the 'Active role service' to “geostore”
* go to Authentication Section, scroll to Authentication Providers and Add a new one.
* select 'Username Password'
* name it “geostore”
* select “geostore” from the select box
* Save.
* go to Provider chain and move geostore in the right list, on top
* save
These last steps are required to allow users logged in MapStore to be authenticated correctly by GeoServer.
* Install the authkey module in GeoServer.
* Go to the authentication page and scroll into the 'Authentication Filters' section
* Click 'Add new'.
* Inside the 'New authentication Filter' page click on authkey module.
* Insert the name (i.e. 'geostore').
* Leave authkey as parameter name.
* Select the **Web Service** as 'Authentication key user mapper'.
* Select the created geostore's 'User/Group Service'.
* Input the mapstore2 url:
* Save.
* Go into the authentication page and open default filter chain.
* Add 'geostore' into the 'Selected' filters and put it on top, and save.
Note: in the User Groups and Roles Services available options there are "AuthKEY WebService Body Response - UserGroup Service from WebService Response Body" and "AuthKEY REST - Role service from REST endpoint". Ignore them as they are not supported from MapStore2.
The last step is to configure MapStore to use the authkey with the configured instance of GeoServer. You can do it by adding to localConfig.json
like this:
"useAuthenticationRules": true,
"authenticationRules": [{
"urlPattern": ".*geostore.*",
"method": "bearer"
}, {
"urlPattern": "\\/geoserver/.*",
"authkeyParamName": "authkey",
"method": "authkey"
- Verify that "useAuthenticationRules" is set to
array should contain 2 rules:- The first rule should already be present, and defines the authentication method used internally in mapstore
- The second rule (the one you need to add) should be added and defines how to autenticate to GeoServer:
: is a regular expression that identifies the request url where to apply the rule -
: set it toauthkey
to use the authentication filter you just created in Geoserver. -
: is the name of the authkey parameter defined in GeoServer (set toauthkey
by default)