- Portland, OR
- geografa.io
- @geografa
- Pro
A useful responsive layout to use in your web mapping project
Theme for Zendesk Guide on support.exclaimer.com
probabilistic multi-agent trip simulation with physically realistic GPS modeling
⚽️ FIFA World Cup 2018 Lookup
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
A quick, simple tool for creating, viewing, and sharing spatial data
A little help to viewing ArcGIS Server, Geocommons, Arc2Earth, CartoDB, GIS Cloud, etc. vector data in a Leaflet map
generates random kml markers all over the friggin' place.
Tilemill styles for rendering Oregon geologic data.
geografa / HighRoad
Forked from migurski/HighRoadThe last OpenStreetMap road query you will ever need.
The last OpenStreetMap road query you will ever need.
A slider for controlling the radius of a selecting circle.
A TileMill/Carto project for OpenStreetMap PostGIS databases
geoloqi / geoloqi-ruby
Forked from kyledrake/geoloqi-rubySimple, flexible, lightweight, thread-safe interface to the Geoloqi API
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
Polymaps is a free JavaScript library for making dynamic, interactive maps in modern web browsers.
Determines who the mayor of your neighbourhood is on Foursquare
TextMate XHTML Bundle that extends the functionality of the default HTML bundle