Bootsrap & Angularjs PDF invoice creater
It's an invoice creater with simpele bootstrap forms, it is a Single Page Application. Angularjs will read the input information and will make a pdf invoice. It has a connection with a php backend with persistent storage in a mySQL database
feature's: -save invoice's to a SQL database -read and edit those invoice into a new view -select an invoice and it will open an editable invoice with all the information/data from the old invoice, for re-printing -download PDF -Customer management
I am an intern at MintyMedia, a small webdevelopment company. This is the project I am currently working on, this is also the end project for school.
Current UI:
Output('Bekijk PDF' button):
-localhost for php
-import SQL file in database
-Edit 'getOffertes.php' database credentials password etc...
-Chrome browser
© 2015 Geoffrey van Driessel ALL RIGHTS RESERVED