This is an application created to help people who want to be early bird aka morning bees in this app. Let's create a bee(group) with friends and participate in the mission to make an early habits!
Each mission day, the mission assignor(one of the members) sets the mission, and within that time, participants must upload the mission photo.
Missions are voted for success or failure and fines are raised.
Bee 가 "모임" 이라는 뜻인걸 알고 계셨나요?
Morning Bees는 하루를 일찍 시작하고 싶어하는 사람들의 모임입니다 :) 여러분도 Morning Bees로 친구, 주변 지인들과 기상미션을 수행하며 일찍 일어나는 습관을 만들어 보세요. 재미있는 미션 사진을 만들어 하루를 기분 좋게 시작하고, 쌓인 로얄 젤리로 뒤풀이까지~!
Designed by 임지혜
- App Store Link: 모닝비즈
- SignIn with Social Media(Google, Naver, Apple(iOS))
- KeyChain Service
- Programmatic Layout
- Swift5
Import using Pod.
- Firebase(for SignIn with Google)
- naveridlogin(for SignIn with Naver)
- SnapKit(Layout)
- SwiftLint
- Kingfisher
- SwiftyBeaver