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add a full exmaple of shrimp biomass
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gavinsimpson committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent d4bd663 commit d89e5e7
Showing 1 changed file with 261 additions and 0 deletions.
261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions day-4/shrimp-biomass-example.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
# packages
pkgs <- c("here", "sf", "mgcv", "lme4", "ggplot2", "readr", "dplyr", "tidyr",
"gratia", "patchwork")

# load packages
vapply(pkgs, library, logical(1), character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE,
quietly = TRUE)

# Load the shrimp data
shrimp <- read_csv("",
col_types = "dcdddddddddddd") %>%
mutate(stratum = factor(stratum)) # to allow a random effect of stratum

# Plot the richness data
ggplot(shrimp) +
geom_violin(aes(x = richness, y = factor(year))) +
labs(x = "Number of species", y = "Year")

# A simple model for shrimp species richness
# completely ignoring the repeated measures on trawl locations / space
m_rich <- gam(richness ~ s(year),
family = poisson,
method = "REML",
data = shrimp)

# plot the biomass data spatially - can't load this from the internet
# as a shapefile is actually many files
coast <- read_sf(here("data", "nl_coast.shp"))
ggplot(shrimp) +
geom_point(aes(x = long, y = lat, size = shrimp), alpha = 0.5) +
geom_sf(data = coast) +
facet_wrap(~year, ncol = 5)

# A spatio temporal model for shrimp biomass
m_spt <- gam(shrimp ~ te(x, y, year, d = c(2, 1),
bs = c("tp", "cr"), k = c(20, 5)),
data = shrimp,
family = tw(),
method = "REML")

# data to predict at for thw two models
new_year <- with(shrimp, tibble(year = seq(min(year), max(year),
length.out = 100)))

sp_new <- with(shrimp,
expand.grid(x = evenly(x, n = 100), y = evenly(y, n = 100),
year = unique(year))

# or with data_slice
ds_year <- data_slice(m_rich, year = evenly(year, n = 100))
ds_spt <- data_slice(m_spt,
x = evenly(x, n = 100),
y = evenly(y, n = 100),
year = evenly(year, by = 1)
spt_too_far <- too_far(ds_spt$x, ds_spt$y, shrimp$x, shrimp$y, dist = 0.05)

# fitted values for shrimp richness
fv_rich <- fitted_values(m_rich, data = ds_year)

# plot fitted values of richness
fv_rich |>
ggplot(aes(x = year)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = .lower_ci, ymax = .upper_ci), alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted)) +
labs(y = "Species richness", x = NULL) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 2005:2014)

# fitted values for biomass
fv_spt <- fitted_values(m_spt, data = ds_spt) |>
mutate(.fitted = case_when(spt_too_far ~ NA_real_, TRUE ~ .fitted))

# plot the fitted values for biomass
fv_spt |>
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = .fitted)) +
geom_raster() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "plasma") +
facet_wrap(~year, ncol = 5) +
coord_equal() +
labs(fill = "Biomass")

# decomposed version of the spatio temporal model for biomass
m_ti <- gam(shrimp ~
ti(x, y, year, d = c(2, 1), bs = c("tp", "cr"), k = c(20, 5)) +
s(x, y, bs = "tp", k = 20) +
s(year, bs = "cr", k = 5),
data = shrimp, family = tw, method = "REML")

# We will now predict for the average f(year) trend

# 1. identify the names of the smooths

# 2. data to predict at
ds_ti <- data_slice(m_ti,
x = mean(x), y = mean(y), year = evenly(year, n = 100))

# 3. predict
fv_spt2 <- fitted_values(m_ti, data = ds_ti,
scale = "response", exclude = c("ti(x,y,year)", "s(x,y)"))

# 4. plot
fv_spt2 |>
ggplot(aes(x = year)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = .lower_ci, ymax = .upper_ci), alpha = 0.3) +
geom_line(aes(y = .fitted)) +
labs(y = "Biomass", x = NULL) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 2005:2014)

## Posterior simulation

# posterior smoothers for richness model
sm_post <- smooth_samples(m_rich, "s(year)", n = 20, seed = 42)

# plot the draws
sm_post |>
draw(alpha = 0.5)

# instead, use the Metropolis Hasting sampler and form a Bayesian interval
# takes a ~10 seconds to sample
sm_mh <- smooth_samples(m_rich, "s(year)", data = ds_year, n = 10000, seed = 42,
method = "mh", burnin = 1500, thin = 2)

# plot 20 of the draws
sm_mh |>
draw(n_samples = 20, seed = 2, alpha = 0.5)

# create the quantile interval from the posterior

# 1. a function to compute quantiles
quantile_fun <- function(x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), ...) {
.value = quantile(x, probs = probs, ...),
.q = probs * 100

# 2. add the row number to the data we are sampling at
ds_year <- ds_year |>
mutate(.row = row_number())

# 3. compute the quantiles of the posterior for all values of year
# and rearrange the data into long format ready to plot
q_int <- sm_mh |>
group_by(.row) |>
reframe(quantile_fun(.value)) |>
id_cols = .row, names_from = .q, values_from = .value,
names_prefix = ".q"
) |>
left_join(ds_year, by = join_by(.row == .row))

# 4. plot
sm_mh |>
draw(n_samples = 20, seed = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_line(data = q_int, aes(x = year, y = .q2.5), inherit.aes = FALSE,
colour = "yellow", linewidth = 1) +
geom_line(data = q_int, aes(x = year, y = .q97.5), inherit.aes = FALSE,
colour = "yellow", linewidth = 1)

## Posterior simulation for Richness

# To explore the uncertainty in the fitted values due to model uncertainty we
# can use `fitted_samples()`
rich_post <- fitted_samples(m_rich, n = 1000, data = shrimp, seed = 42)

# plot posterior distribution for a selected sample
rich_post |>
filter(.row == 587) |>
ggplot(aes(x = .fitted)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(title = "Posterior richness for obs #587", x = "Richness")

# if you want to simulate new data from the model you can use
# `predicted_samples()` - note this doesn't include any uncertainty in the model
rich_ppred <- predicted_samples(m_rich, n = 1000, data = shrimp, seed = 42)

# plot posterior predictions for a selected sample
rich_ppred |>
filter(.row == 587) |>
ggplot(aes(x = .response)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(title = "Posterior richness for obs #587", x = "Richness")

# if you want to include both the uncertainty in the model estimates and the
# sampling variation, use `posterior_samples()`
rich_ppost <- posterior_samples(m_rich, n = 1000, data = shrimp, seed = 42)

# plot posterior sample for a selected sample
rich_ppost |>
filter(.row == 587) |>
ggplot(aes(x = .response)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(title = "Posterior richness for obs #587", x = "Richness")

# Note that, for speed, I have only taken 1000 draws here. Typically we might
# use more draws when doing this for real, especially if creating a quantile
# based interval

# Posterior prediction for uncertainty in 2007 biomass
ds_2007 <- data_slice(m_spt, x = evenly(x, n = 100), y = evenly(y, n = 100),
year = 2007)
ds_2007_far <- too_far(ds_2007$x, ds_2007$y, shrimp$x, shrimp$y, dist = 0.05)

bio_post <- fitted_samples(m_spt, n = 1000,
data = ds_2007[!ds_2007_far, ],
seed = 42) |>
group_by(.draw) |>
summarise(total = sum(.fitted),
.groups = "drop_last")

# note I used a smaller `dist` in `too_far()` than in the slides
with(bio_post, mean(total))
with(bio_post, quantile(total, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)))

# If you want samples from the full posterior, we use posterior_samples

bio_post_full <- posterior_samples(m_spt, n = 1000,
data = ds_2007[!ds_2007_far, ],
seed = 42) |>
group_by(.draw) |>
summarise(total = sum(.response), # <-- changed
.groups = "drop_last")

# note I used a smaller `dist` in `too_far()` than in the slides
with(bio_post_full, mean(total))
with(bio_post_full, quantile(total, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)))

# because we are using the Gaussian approximation, the mean in `bio_post` and
# the one in `bio_post_full` are very close (increasing `n` will make them
# closer still), but we have a larger 95% interval because we include the
# sampling variation too

# If you want to use the Metropolis Hasting sampler, just set the `method`
# this takes about 10 seconds for 1000 draws
bio_post_full_mh <- posterior_samples(
m_spt, n = 1000,
data = ds_2007[!ds_2007_far, ],
seed = 42,
method = "mh" # <-- changed
) |>
group_by(.draw) |>
summarise(total = sum(.response), # <-- changed
.groups = "drop_last")

# note I used a smaller `dist` in `too_far()` than in the slides
with(bio_post_full_mh, mean(total))
with(bio_post_full_mh, quantile(total, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)))

# plot the posteriors for comparison
bio_posteriors <- bio_post |>
bind_rows(bio_post_full, bio_post_full_mh) |>
mutate(type = rep(c("Expectations", "Full posterior", "Full posterior MH"),
each = 1000))

bio_posteriors |>
ggplot(aes(x = total)) +
geom_histogram() +
facet_wrap(~ type) +
labs(x = "Total biomass")

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