Hi there 👋
I'm an RF engineer with a background in quantum computing, radio astronomy and biomedical imaging.
Here are some of my software projects:
- RF engineering:
- DispersionTransform: map dispersive waveguide data from the frequency- to distance-domain
- CZT: calculate the Chirp Z-Transform, a flexible implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform
- GradientModel: calculate the effective conductivity of a rough metallic surface using the Gradient Model
- Mattis-Bardeen: calculate the surface impedance of a superconductor using Mattis-Bardeen theory
- Waveguide: calculate the various properties of rectangular waveguides, e.g., phase constant, conductor loss, etc.
- RF-tools: various tools for RF engineering, including useful command line tools
- Radio astronomy:
- QMix: simulate quantum tunnneling in SIS junctions
- Other projects:
- SciencePlots: format your Python/Matplotlib plots for scientific papers, theses and presentations