Elevate your enterprise project with cutting-edge Next.js boilerplate powered by the latest technologies - Web3.js, Wagmi, and Ant Design! This boilerplate is tailored to provide a high-performance development environment an extensive suite of tools, ensuring a streamlined and delightful development process. Dive into the future of tech with our innovative solution!
- Connect & disconnect into multiple provider wallets (Metamask, CoinWallet, CoinBase)
- Full feature setup using [email protected]
- Switching Chain Network
- Ant Design and Tailwind for component styling
- Example of integration into Smart Contract using Wagmi's Hooks
- Write: NFT SetApproveAll() with only one state
- Write: NFT SetapproveAll() with multiple state
- Read: NFT IsApproveAll()
- Loading handling
- Error handling
- useWrite: this hooks will handle error, loading, and write action from the wagmi's hooks
npm install
npm run dev