This is the Github repo containing all source code for Quixz Esports website.
This project does not include comments explaining what is happening. It is not made as a project that was intended to be redistributed as a template, but you are free to use it.
It is not finished, and there might be bugs, or bad code. If you find any, feel free to make an issue, and I'll look into it.
If you fork this project, make sure your read Quixz' rules on using their logo and graphics. If you have any questions or concerns, please create an issue or email me at [email protected]
You WILL need to seed the database manually with some values manually. Please see errors thrown when rendering a view.
- Laravel
- Forge Laravel
- MySql (InnoDB)
- Bootstrap
- Blade
- NPM Dependencies
- Articles
- Matches
- Tournaments
- Player Profiles and Pages
- Team Profiles and Pages
- Games connected to teams
- Server Listing
- About Section
- Admin and Player user profiles
- Admin Dashboard