Catalog Microservice
Method | Request URI | Use Cases |
GET | /products | List all products |
GET | /products/{id} | Fetch a specific product |
GET | /products/category | Get products by category |
POST | /products | Create a new product |
PUT | /products/{id} | Update a product |
DELETE | /products/{id} | Remove a product |
Uses a vertical slice architecture
- Code is organized into feature folders, where each feature is encapsulated in a single .cs file
Patterns and principles of catalog microservices
- CQRS pattern divides operations into commands (write) and queries (read)
- Mediator patter facilitates object interaction through a 'mediator', reducing direct dependencies and simplifying communications
- Dependency injection
- Minimal APIs and Routing in ASP.NET 8
- ORM pattern
- MediatR for CQRS
- Carter for API endpoints
- Marten for PostgreSQL interaction
- Mapster for object mapping