Instructions to compile and run a global circulation configuration with NEMO 4.2
Nemo 4.2 is incompatible with XIOS-2.5. This configuration has to be linked against Xios-trunk
- The eOrca1 configuration can be built starting from the shipped reference configuration
. First, lets duplicate this configuration with the command
./makenemo -m 'local' -r ORCA2_ICE_PISCES -n 'OrcaDef1' -j 0;
where -j 0
sets the number of processors for compilation to 0: with this peculiar choice the command ./makenemo
will only duplicate and rename the necessary files without compiling.
- Modify the
: the filecfgs/OrcaDef1/cpp_OrcaDef1.fcm
should contain the following line
bld::tool::fppkeys key_si3 key_xios key_qco key_isf
- Compile the code
./makenemo -m 'local' -r ORCA2_ICE_PISCES -n 'OrcaDef1' -j 32;