The code is structured with base folder Med12
and inside it is found:
- nemo-src, containing the source code of nemo v4.0.7;
- data-static, containing all those input fields that are not required to change during execution;
- data-dynamic, containing conversely all those data that change from run to run (forcings, lateral boundary conditions and so on)
- preprocessing-[era5, cmecs], all the scripts necessary to retrieve data and process them to finally put them into data-dynamics. This structure is represented in the following tree.
└── Med12/
├── data-dynamic/
│ ├── era5/
│ └── cmecs/
├── data-static/
│ ├──
│ ├── ...
│ ├──
│ ├── ...
│ ├──
│ └──
├── med12-src/
│ └── ...
├── nemo-src/
│ ├── arch
│ ├── ...
│ ├── src
│ ├── test
│ └── tools
├── preprocessing-era5/
│ ├── grib/
│ │ └── *.grib (raw data)
│ ├── run/
│ │ └── *.run (download scripts)
│ ├── tools/
│ │ └── *.F90 (process raw data into NetCDF)
│ └──
└── preprocessing-cmecs
This structure will be referred throughout these instructions and can be built with the following commands:
export ROOT=$HOME
# Base folder
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12
# Folder for static data
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/data-static
# Folder for dynamic data
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/data-dynamic
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/data-dynamic/era5-atmos
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/data-dynamic/cmecs-latbnd
# Folder for the nemo source code
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/nemo-src
# Folders for atmospheric forcing preprocessing
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/preprocessing-era5/grib
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/preprocessing-era5/run
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/preprocessing-era5/tools
# Folders for lateral boundary conditions preprocessing
mkdir -p $ROOT/Med12/preprocessing-cmecs
The configuration is described in Storto et. al.
installation can be done with the following steps
cd $ROOT/Med12
svn co nemo-src/
It is important to stick with version 4.0.7, version 4.0 does not work
cd cfgs
cp -r AMM12 MED12
cd MED12
echo "bld::tool::fppkeys key_mpp_mpi key_asminc" > cpp_MED12.fcm
then remove top
from cpp_MED12.fcm
sudo apt-get install cdo nco
Atmospheric forcing: ERA5 from Copernicus Climate Data Store, readme (instructions)
- 2m temperature
- 10m
$u-$ component of wind - 10m
$v-$ component of wind - snowfall
- surface solar radiation downwards
- surface thermal radiation downwards
- total precipitation