and yes, that is just text. Pretty sigma, eh!?
In a modern terminal emulator that is at least 126 characters wide and 31 characters tall perform the following steps:
If you already have uv
and uvx
skip this step ->
pipx install uv uvx
uvx --from git+ rpn-15c
uv tool install --from git+ textual-rpn15c
then run straight from your CLI
Clone this repo, create a pip environment, add textual and start with Python.
Establish your TUI environment... do this only once
$ echo $COLUMNS
$ echo $LINES
$ mkdir rpn_test_dir
$ cd rpn_test_dir
$ git clone
$ python -m venv .venv
$ .venv/bin/python -m pip install textual
Start the calculator...
$ source rpn_test_dir/.venv/bin/activate
$ python rpn_test_dir/textual-rpn15c/src/textual_rpn15c/
$ deactivate
or as a one liner.
rpn_test_dir/.venv/bin/python rpn_test_dir/textual-rpn15c/src/textual_rpn15c/