Combinatory and Sequential Circuit of a microprocessor core with just the essential components that make it a turing complete machine
The System is of RISC architecture and implement partially the MIPS assembly language to have all the needed instruction to do any computation.
The content is the core (ALU+Control Unit+Register File+...) of the microprocessor without Pipeline, MMU, TLB, Cache, Bus of any kind (a pre-existing integrated circuit for RAM has been used as memory), Program status word, Interrupts (internal/external), other modern cool stuff like ACPI etc...
Is just a very very basic core.
A test program is loaded (in binary form) in the ROM when you open up the project. It computes the factorial number of a given number.
For further information, there's the project file, the program file and a subset of the MIPS instruction set.
The circuit has been developed with Logic Circuit
More info on Specs and Internals in the project file.
Tomas Bortoli - 2013