Francois Kroll, 2022 @Rihel lab, UCL.
FramebyFrame is an R package to analyse behavioural trackings of zebrafish larvae, mainly using the DanioVision (Noldus) or the Zebrabox (Viewpoint) in "Quantization" mode.
Already using the Zebrabox? Read below (Frame-by-frame manifesto) why you should consider doing your analysis on the frame-by-frame data.
Not did your experiment yet? Make sure to read Experimental design commandments for some advice.
📧 [email protected]
— I do not know anything about R so this package is not for me.
I wrote everything with that in mind, I promise! The amount of R (or any coding language) you need to know in order to run a complete analysis is minuscule, and I wrote it all below (see R basics).
Please cite us if you use FramebyFrame in your work.
François Kroll, Joshua Donnelly, Güliz Gürel Özcan, Eirinn Mackay, Jason Rihel
Behavioural pharmacology predicts disrupted signalling pathways and candidate therapeutics from zebrafish mutants of Alzheimer’s disease risk genes
eLife, 2024
FramebyFrame builds upon work from Rihel lab members/alumni & collaborators, primarily:
Original work describing sleep/wake tracking in zebrafish larvae: Rihel, Prober, Schier, 2010. Methods in Cell Biology.
MATLAB analyses written by Rihel & Prober labs, e.g. Lee, Oikonomou, Prober, 2022. Bio Protocols. The definitions of the sleep parameters were taken from there.
Work on analysis of the frame-by-frame data: Ghosh and Rihel, 2020. eNeuro. The definitions of the "active bout" parameters were taken from there.
Tahnee Mackensen and Tanita Tzotzolaki kindly contributed sample code & datasets to help with the support of DanioVision data.
Installation requires the package devtools
. To install it, run in R:
# load the package devtools
# install the package FramebyFrame from the present repo
It may say:
These packages have more recent versions available.
It is recommended to update all of them.
Which would you like to update?
Answer 1
to update all.
If it asks:
Do you want to install from sources the packages which need compiltation?
Answer No.
Now to load the FramebyFrame package:
# load FramebyFrame
And you should be good to go!
You do not need to re-install the package every time you open R. Next time, just load it with library(FramebyFrame)
But I recommend that you run the installation again once in a while so I can update things.
Already using the Zebrabox or similar set-up (e.g. DanioVision)? Here is why you should consider doing the analysis on the frame-by-frame data.
At its core, the Zebrabox in "Quantization" mode records, at each frame transition and for each well, the number of pixels that changed grey pixel value above the Sensitivity threshold set by the user. The Sensitivity threshold is in grey pixel value (0 for black to 255 for white). On the new generation of Zebraboxes, we typically use Sensitivity = 20 when tracking 5–8 dpf larvae in 96-well plates.
Precisely, my understanding of how Zebrabox works is: at frame
Therefore, the frame-by-frame data is, for each well, a long list of pixel counts. Each value represents the number of pixels which changed intensity vs. the previous frame. Something like:
frame | Δ pixel |
frame 1 | 0 px |
frame 2 | 0 px |
frame 3 | 12 px |
frame 4 | 8 px |
frame 5 | 0 px |
Looking at the larval behaviour in this way, zebrafish larvae are inactive the great majority of the time (i.e. most of the Δ pixels are 0) interrupted by frequent swimming bouts which appear as ‘peaks’ in the Δ pixel values, e.g. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 11 18 20 5 0 0 0 0 0
Many Zebrabox users analyse the middur parameter, often binned in 1-minute epochs. middur stands for "duration in mid-activity". Precisely, it is the number of seconds the larva spent in "mid-activity" during a given minute.
How does Zebralab (the software) calculates middur exactly?
Let us assume the frame rate is 25 frames-per-second and the integration period is 1 minute. Zebralab takes the first 1 minute of frame-by-frame data, i.e. 25 frames-per-second × 60 seconds = 1500 frames or Δ pixel values. Of these 1500 frames, it counts those which were above or equal to the Freezing threshold (set by the user, we use Freezing = 3 Δ pixel) but below or equal to the Burst threshold (set by the user, we use Burst = 200 Δ pixel). This is the number of frames spent in "mid-activity", i.e. above Freezing and below Burst. To calculate the middur value for that minute, Zebralab then converts the number of frames in "mid-activity" into "number of seconds in mid-activity" assuming 25 frames-per-second.
For example, of the first 1500 frames, 400 were below Freezing (i.e. they were 0 or 1 or 2 Δ pixel) and 100 were above Burst (i.e. they were 201 or 202 or … Δ pixel). We are left with 1000 frames, i.e. ⅔ of one minute. So, during the first minute, the larva spent middur = 40 seconds active.
Analysing the frame-by-frame data (i.e. the Δ pixels) is more accurate and more interesting than analysing the middur datapoints. Here are a few arguments.
A bunch of labs use the Zebrabox to monitor sleep in zebrafish larvae. To detect sleep bouts, the routinely used definition is any period of inactivity longer than one minute. If you are analysing the middur parameter and assuming you set the integration period to 1 minute, this translates to "at least one middur datapoint = 0" (or < 0.1 is sometimes used).
Unfortunately, this approach misses many sleep bouts. Here is why.
The middur algorithm runs on non-overlapping chunks of 1 minute of data (~ 1500 frames), i.e. the first minute runs from frame #1 to #1500, the second minute is from frame #1501 to #3000, etc. This is not ideal for detection of sleep bouts. Consider the following example: the larva stops moving at frame #1000 then starts moving again at frame #2900, for a total of 1900 inactive frames. Zebralab calculates the middur value for the first minute (frame #1 to #1500): the larva was active during this period, as it only stopped moving at frame #1000. It then calculates the middur value for the second minute (frame #1501 to #3000): the larva was also active during this period, as it started moving at frame #2900. Result: we get two middur values > 0, so no sleep is detected. This is incorrect. Indeed, the larva was inactive for 1900 frames = 1.26 minutes, which should count as a sleep bout. To see another example, see Fig. 2–suppl. 2.
This is why analysing middur datapoints binned in 1-minute epochs misses sleep bouts. For a typical 10-hr night, the middur analysis:
- underestimates total sleep time by 2.3 ± 0.4 hr.
- underestimates the number of sleep bouts by 35 ± 14 sleep bouts.
- underestimates sleep bout duration by 0.2 ± 0.2 min.
For more information, see Fig. 2–suppl. 2.
Why is working with the frame-by-frame data better? The FramebyFrame R package detects every sleep bout (period of > 1500 inactive frames) present in the data. In practice, at each frame, it sums the Δ pixels of the previous 1500 frames. Was there any positive Δ pixel in the previous 1500 frames? Then the sum will give some positive number. Were the previous 1500 Δ pixels all 0? Then
Zebrafish larvae make swimming bouts that last ~ 0.2 second. Using the 1-min binned data (the middur parameter) is a bit like recording at 1 frame-per-minute: one cannot detect single swimming bouts at such slow recording speed. This is a shame, especially as you may already have the datasets on your drive. Instead, studying the frame-by-frame data allows to describe the structure of single swimming bouts (see DOCUMENTATION > Behavioural parameters > Active bout parameters). You can learn more about the FramebyFrame behavioural parameters in Fig. 2 & Fig. 2–suppl. 1.
The middur analysis is also blind to the actual number of pixels that changed intensity at each frame transition. For the middur algorithm, a vigorous swimming bout which reached a whooping 100 Δ pixel is the same as a subdued movement which reached 9 Δ pixel, assuming both lasted the same duration. Therefore, using the middur parameter, one can only describe activity in terms of time spent active but cannot describe the intensity of this activity (how many pixels were moved). Accordingly, a larva which moved constantly but very calmly can, in theory, have the same middur values as a larva which moved constantly and very ‘violently’ (e.g. had seizures). The middur analysis cannot differentiate these two situations even though they are completely different biologically. In this example, we can use the FramebyFrame package to simply sum the Δ pixels, which will differentiate these two cases. We expect the first larva to spend all of its time active but have a low Δ pixel total, while the second larva would also spend all of its time active but its Δ pixel total would also be very high.
I can think of one potential drawback of using the frame-by-frame data: as it actually takes the Δ pixels into account, I would expect it to be more biased in situations where there is a difference in pigmentation or size between larvae. For example, say the mutant larvae are less pigmented than their wild-type siblings. In this case, you would expect the mutant larva to trigger fewer pixels when doing the exact same movement as the wild-type larva, which would underestimate the activity of the mutant larva. If you think this is the case in your experiment, give more weight to parameters which are given in a different unit than pixels. Those parameters do not take the Δ pixel values into account and so should be fairly robust to differences in size or pigmentation. You can also use the adjustPixel command to attempt to counteract the bias caused by the difference in size or pigmentation.
Ready? Here is the shortest possible tutorial of a FramebyFrame analysis. The package can do more than what is presented here, so make sure to check the full DOCUMENTATION once you got the gist of it.
I will assume you have R and RStudio installed. If not, have a look at R basics.
FramebyFrame accepts Zebralab or DanioVision data! For other data formats, get in touch with me.
During your experiment, Zebralab stored all the frame-by-frame data in a .raw file (a Viewpoint-proprietary format). For a typical ~ 65 hours experiment at 25 frames-per-second it is 25–30 Gb.
Make sure you have ~ 50 Gb free on the drive where the .raw file is. If you do not have enough, make some space or move the .raw file to another drive (local or external).
On the computer connected to the Zebrabox, open Zebralab as you would normally and open the protocol you used. I think using a different protocol makes no difference, but best to use the same one to be safe.
If you are using an older version of Zebralab, you may have to:
Go to Options > Customize > Raw Data Export Setup. Check that:
Split ASCII file
is ticked ON.Maximum ligne number
(excuse my French) is set to 1000000 (i.e. 1 million).
Go to Raw Data > Export…
Pick the .raw file of your experiment.
Zebralab will now write a bunch of .xls files in the folder where the .raw file is.
Zebralab may act like it froze but you can check it is writing files in the folder.
For a typical ~ 65 hours experiment, you expect ~ 1,000–1,500 .xls files in the folder.
The export takes a few hours and you will not be able to run Zebralab on this computer on the meanwhile.
Each file will contain 1 million rows of frame-by-frame data.
Once the raw export is done, get all the .xls files in one folder called YYMMDD_BX1_BX2…rawoutput, e.g. 220531_14_15_myexp_rawoutput.
If you have a single box connected to the computer: YYMMDD_BX1...rawoutput, e.g. 220531_01_myexp_rawoutput.
It is a good idea to check how many .xls raw files you have by selecting all the files and looking at the bottom of the window. Check that the total number of files matches the number in the name of the last file. Example: if I have 1,201 files, last .xls file should be called YYMMDD_BX1_BX2…rawoutput_1201.xls.
Zip this folder by right click > Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder. You should get YYMMDD_BX1_BX2… The zip is now ~ 2–3 Gb which makes it easier to transfer or archive.
Delete the original rawoutput folder now (the unzipped version). Do not let it clog the drive. Even if you have an issue later, you can just do the raw export again from the .raw.
Transfer the zip archive to the computer when you will do the FramebyFrame analysis. You will also need the Zebralab .xls results file, so transfer it now too. It should be called YYMMDD_BX1_BX2….xls_ or YYMMDD_BX1….xls_ for a single Zebrabox.
You can export the frame-by-frame data files directly at the end the experiment. Alternatively, if you closed the experiment already, re-open the saved experiment (.evxt file) in EthoVisionXT as you would normally.
Go to Export > Raw Data.
- Check that
& dependent variables is ticked ON;Trial Control log
is OFF;Hardware log
is OFF (default). - Choose a destination software. By default, this is "Export Files" folder of your data.
- File format: choose "Unicode text – default (*.txt)".
Missing value representation
is "-"Delimiter
is ";"
Click "Start Export".
DanioVision will now write one .txt per arena (well) in the folder specified above. The export takes a few hours and you will not be able to run DanioVision on the computer in the meantime.
The files will be named "Track-{Experiment Name}-{Spaces}-{Trial number}-{Well name}-Subject 1.txt". The well names may differ dependent on how you called the arenas, e.g. 1, 2, 3, ... or A1, A2, A3, ...
It it recommended to create a back-up of your experiment using File > Make Backup. You may want to use:
Include Export Files
ticked ONMake Backup Read Only
ticked OFF
You can then delete the original file. Before deleting, check that you can start the experiment from the backup.
Zebralab users: The general structure of each raw .xls file in rawoutput is: first frame, data for every well; second frame, data for every well, etc. All one below the other in a tall format. Something like:
frame1 – well 1 – 0 px
frame1 – well 2 – 12 px
frame1 – well 3 – 8 px
frame1 – well 96 – 0 px
frame2 – well 1 – 1 px
This is in theory. In practice, Zebralab makes various ordering errors, for example shuffling the order of the wells or not giving frames in the chronological order.
DanioVision users: each Track-....txt file contains all the frames for one well (File1 has all the data for well1, etc.) and the data seems much more orderly.
We will now fix any Zebralab errors and get our frame-by-frame data in a simple format.
Create a new folder for your experiment, e.g. YYMMDD_myexp. Move your in there.
on Windows: click once > Extract (at the top) > Extract all > Extract
on Mac: double-click
Fire up RStudio. See also R tips below for a nicer experience.
Create a new R script (File > New File > RScript) or Cmd/Ctrl + ↑ + N.
Install and load the FramebyFrame package (see Installation above).
We then run the vpSorter
command to sort our raw .xls files (vp
stands for Viewpoint).
## do not forget to load the package first...
## vpSorter
: path to the folder containing your raw .xls/xlsx files.zebpath
: path to the Zebralab results file (.xls/xlsx).boxGen
: 2 if you are using the newer version of Zebralab (post circa 2020), 1 for previous versions.
Not sure which one? Open one of the raw .xls/xlsx files, are the Δ pixel values (typically in column data1) mostly 1s or mostly 0s? If mostly 1s:
; if mostly 0s:boxGen=2
if you had two boxes running in parallel, otherwiseFALSE
: leave asboxnum=1
, except if you had two boxes running in parallel, then runvpSorter
once withboxnum=1
then a second time withboxnum=2
to generate one RAWs.csv file per box.zt0
: Zeitgeber 0 (ZT0). What is the time of your sunrise?dayduration
: how long does the day last in your experiment? By day, we mean lights ON.
These are only brief notes on the settings, please refer to the DOCUMENTATION for the full explanations, especially if you get stuck.
DanioVision support is new, so please do not hesitate to get in touch if you find any glitches!
We run the dvSorter
command to sort our .txt files (dv
stands for DanioVision):
## do not forget to load the package first...
## dvSorter
: path to the folder containing your raw .txt files.zt0
: Zeitgeber 0 (ZT0). What is the time of your sunrise?dayduration
: how long does the day last in your experiment? By day, we mean lights ON.
Important: are you on DanioVision and not recording from a 96-square well plate? Please read the DOCUMENTATION to run dvSorter
From here onwards, you can treat your RAWs.csv as if it was from Zebrabox/Zebralab.
Are you getting Error: vector memory exhausted (limit reached?) (or similar)? Please check the Troubleshooting section in DOCUMENTATION.
or dvSorter
should write 220531_14_RAWs.csv in your experiment folder. The format is fairly simple:
fullts | zhrs | exsecs | f1 | f2 | ... |
2022-05-31 14:08:12 | 5.136678 | 0.040393 | 0 | 29 | ... |
2022-05-31 14:08:12 | 5.136689 | 0.079975 | 3 | 19 | ... |
Each row is one frame. Each column is one well (f for fish), plus a few timestamp columns at the start.
: full clock date/timezhrs
: number of hours since ZT0 on the day you started the experiment (day0). ZT0 always occured before you started the experiment.exsecs
: number of seconds since experiment started. If you recorded at 25 frames-per-second, you expect roughly: 0.04, 0.08, etc.f1
: data for well #1.f2
: data for well #2.
Getting stuck here? Viewpoint changes the format of the output files all the time, so it is much more likely I have not seen your particular format yet, rather than you doing anything wrong. Just send me the first 10 or so raw .xls/xlsx files on [email protected] and I will update the package.
This will assign each well to a group. We say 'genotype' as our experiments often look at larvae of different genotypes (e.g. wild-type vs knockout), but your groups can be anything, e.g. different concentrations of a drug.
Grab the template which matches your plate format in genotypeMap_templates/ (find Download
To edit the genotypeMap, follow the instructions written in the file.
Let's say you called it 220531_14_genotypeMap.xlsx.
We need a simple .txt file listing the wells belonging to each group. You can write this file manually (and skip making the genotypeMap above) but it is not a very rewarding task and is prone to errors. Instead, we can use the genotypeGenerator on our genotypeMap:
## genotypeGenerator
should write 220531_14genotype.txt in your experiment folder, which lists the number of the wells belonging to each group.
Tip: it also generates 220531_14_README.txt which I find useful to get the sample sizes (N =
) when preparing figures.
It is a good idea to check that the frame rate was fairly stable throughout our experiment.
To plot instantaneous frame rates during our experiment:
xname='hours since first 9 AM',
Every command that generates a plot starts with gg
(it stands for "grammar of graphics", if you were curious).
Minimal explanations of the important settings:
: full path to the RAWs.csv file.
Plotting every instantaneous frame rate would take a while and is unnecessary, so instead we only plot a subset of them:
: whether to plot only a subset of the instantaneous frame rates (TRUE
strongly recommended). -
: e.g. 1000 means we only plot every 1000th instantaneous frame rate. -
: whether to export the plot to a .pdf file. -
: width of the plot pdf in mm. -
: height of the plot pdf in mm. -
: where/under which name do you want to save the plot? Note, it has to finish by .pdf.
We can plot the activity trace of every well with
## activity grid
Minimal explanations of the important settings:
: full path to the genotype.txt file.smoothOrNo
: whether to smooth the trace.smooth_nsecs
: a bigger number smoothes the trace more. Precisely: the size of the rolling average used for smoothing in seconds, e.g.30*60
means 1800 sec or 30 min.binOrNo
: whether to reduce the number of datapoints plotted by binning (TRUE
strongly recommended).bin_nsecs
: a larger number reduces the number of datapoints plotted, which speed things up. Precisely: the size of the bin in seconds. For example10*60
means 600 seconds (10 minutes), which sums the data in 10-minute bins.tracecols
: one colour for each group in genotype file, as words (e.g.tracecols=c("red", "blue")
) or HEX values (e.g.tracecols=c("#fcb505", "#78ac63")
uses automatic R colours. Wells omitted from the genotype file (excluded or empty) are always drawn in grey.nightBgOrNo
: whether to add grey backgrounds to represent the nights.ncol
: number of columns in the grid.nrow
: number of rows in the grid.
Tip: if you match ncol
and nrow
to the actual plate format you used (for a 96-well plate: ncol=12
and nrow=8
) the grid will match your plate.
You can check the activity trace of each larva and exclude any that look particularly aberrant, e.g. flat activity or completely missed a light transition.
If you want to exclude a larva, edit the genotypeMap and re-run the genotypeGenerator
command to update the genotype file.
We are ready to draw our first nice plot! Let's start with activity:
## activity trace by group
grporder=c('sorl1', 'scr'),
tracecols=c('#417dcd', '#697a87'),
ribboncols=c('#a3bbdb', '#b3bcc3'),
xname='hours since ZT0',
yname='activity (sum of Δ px/10 min)',
plots one activity trace by group as mean (main trace) ± SEM (ribbon around the trace).
Many of the settings are the same as before. Some minimal explanations of the ones we have not encountered (or talked about) yet:
: preferred order of the groups. The order should match the colours you give intracecols
. You can also exclude some groups here: any group you do not mention will not be drawn.NA
will put groups in alphabetical order.tracecols
: colours of the main trace. Give one colour per group or none (tracecols=NA
) for automatic.ribboncols
: colours of the ribbon for each trace. Give one colour per group or none (tracecols=NA
) for automatic. You probably the same colour as each trace but lighter.xname
: name of the X axis. Givexname=''
if you want empty.yname
: name of the Y axis. Giveyname=''
if you want empty.ymin
: where the Y axis should start (ymin=0
: where the Y axis should stop. You can find a good value by trial and error.xstart
: where the X axis should start, in number of hours since first ZT0.xstop
: where the X axis should start, in number of hours since first ZT0.xstop=0
means all of the experiment.
As you may notice, xstart
and xstop
are not strictly respected, it leaves a bit of a gap for aesthetic reasons. For example, xstart=24
will start the plot around 18 hours. You can adapt this value by trial and error but you will likely end up with the trace being against the Y axis which does not look amazing. Instead, a solution is to leave this gap but trim the trace before xstart
and after xstop
: trim the trace before that value. -
: trim the trace after that value.xstop=0
means all of the experiment, i.e. no trimming. -
: whether to write the legend. I personally find it a waste of time to get the legends exactly as I want them in R, so what I recommend is to draw the plot once withlegendOrNo=TRUE
to check that you are matching each group with its colour correctly then export the plot without the legendlegendOrNo=FALSE
and add it yourself in Illustrator or InkScape or whatever you use.
Important: the bin_nsecs
setting determines the unit of the Y axis. In example above: bin_nsecs=1*60
means that each datapoint is the sum of Δ px in each 10-min bin, therefore the unit on the Y axis is sum of Δ px/10 min.
Now let's plot the sleep traces.
## sleep trace by group
grporder=c('sorl1', 'scr'),
tracecols=c('#417dcd', '#697a87'),
ribboncols=c('#a3bbdb', '#b3bcc3'),
Some notes about the settings we have not encountered yet:
: size of the epoch in minutes, e.g.epo_min=10
means that each datapoint represent the total sleep (in minutes) in each 10-minute epoch.smoothOrNo
: whether to smooth the trace.smooth_npoints
: a larger number smoothes the trace more. Precisely: the size of the rolling average in number of epochs.
Important: the epo_min
setting determines the unit of the Y axis. In example above: epo_min=10
means that each datapoint is the total time spent asleep (in minutes) in each 10-minute epoch, therefore the unit on the Y axis is min/10 min.
As before, not all possible settings are mentioned here. Read the full DOCUMENTATION to learn about those.
FramebyFrame can currently calculate 17 parameters for day and night, for a total of 32 unique parameters (two parameters are not defined for the day).
A few examples:
- activityPercentageTimeActive: the percentage of time spent active per larva per time window. For example, larva #5 spent 10% during day2.
- activeboutNum: the total number of active bouts one larva performed during one time window. For example, larva #22 performed 34,736 swimming bouts (active bouts) during day1.
- sleepHours: the total number of hours one larva slept during one time window. It is 0 hours if the larva had no sleep bout. For example, larva #2 slept a total of 3.54 hours during night2.
See Fig. 2 & Fig. 2–suppl. 1 for a graphical explanation of each behavioural parameter and DOCUMENTATION for the precise definitions.
Any idea for a new behaviour parameter? I want to hear it! Raise an issue on Github (tab
) or get in touch ([email protected]). The main criterion of a good parameter is: it should be calculable on the Δ px timecourse of one larva for a complete day or night and return a single value.
In Console, you can run allparameters
to see the list of every available parameter:
> allparameters
[1] "activityPercentageTimeActive" "activityTotalPx"
or alluparams
to see the list of every unique parameter:
> alluparams
[1] "day_activityPercentageTimeActive" "day_activityTotalPx"
We calculate every parameter with:
## calculate behaviour parameters
Did you run two Zebraboxes in parallel? I would recommend calculating the behaviour parameters for both Zebraboxes in one command, simply give the multiple ffpath
and genopath
. For example:
## for two Zebraboxes at once
Make sure that the ffpath
and the genopath
are given in the same order!
Calculating every parameter for two Zebraboxes at once takes about 50 min on my MacBook 2017.
will write "behaviour tables" in a folder called bhvparams/, within your experiment folder. It writes one behaviour table per Zebrabox per parameter, so you expect 17 files for each Zebrabox.
The name of each behaviour table is parameter_YYMMDD_BX.csv, e.g. sleepHours_220531_14.csv. The format is fairly intuitive, for example:
parameter | date | box | fish | grp | night0 | day1 | ... |
sleepHours | 220531 | 14 | f1 | wt | 8.01 | 0.55 | ... |
sleepHours | 220531 | 14 | f2 | ko | 9.11 | 1.47 | ... |
The values depend on the parameter. In the example above, the parameter is sleepHours, so the values (8.01, 0.55, ...) represent total number of hours spent asleep during night0, day1, etc.
We can plot a grid of parameter scatterplots using:
## plot grid of parameters
grporder=c('sorl1', 'scr'),
colours=c('#417dcd', '#697a87'),
You will see a bunch of statistics passing by in the Console, we will get to them in a minute.
Some of the settings we have not encountered yet:
: path to the bhvparams directory (folder).ggParameterGrid()
will simply plot every behaviour table it finds in that folder.skipNight0
: whether to skip the first night. In the Rihel lab, we typically collect data for three nights and two days but skip the first night as habituation period.ynameOrNo
: whether to have Y axes as small sentence, e.g. "total sleep (hr)".yunitOrNo
: instead, you may prefer having Y axes as just the unit, e.g. "hr".xtextOrNo
: whether to write labels on the X axis of each plot. Make sure to at least usextextOrNo=TRUE
the first time so you understand the order of the groups on the X axis, then you can write them manually for the final figure if you prefer.titleOrNo
: whether to have the parameter name as title of each plot.keysOrNo
: whether to add A, B, C, ... keys to label each panel.statsOrNo
: whether to calculate the statistics and add the p-value asterisks on top of each plot. Read below about how these p-values are calculated.
The parameter grid will not display in RStudio, do not be alarmed. It is relatively big so it slows things down. Instead, look directly at the pdf it generates.
Sleep latency is, for each larva, the amount of time before the first sleep bout after lights switched off, i.e. how long each larva took to fall asleep.
In addition to its scatterplot drawn above, the sleep latency parameter can also be represented as a survival curve. The idea is: when lights just switched off (start of the night), 100% of the larvae did not sleep yet. As the night goes by, larvae start falling asleep one after the other. Each time a larva falls asleep for the first time, we say it "died" (in survival statistics jargon), so it is removed from the curve. The result is a survival curve where the proportion of larvae that did not sleep yet (Y axis) decreases in a step-wise fashion as the night goes by (X axis).
## sleep latency survival plot
grporder=c('sorl1', 'scr'),
colours=c('#417dcd', '#697a87'),
: path to the sleep latency parameter table(s). Please give the path(s) to the .csv file(s) itself, not the bhvparams directory. You can give multiple parameter tables here, e.g.c("~/.../bhvparams/sleepLatency_220531_14.csv", "~/.../bhvparams/sleepLatency_220531_15.csv")
: where to stop the X axis, in number of hours after lights turn off. Best to decide this by trial and error.
For one experiment, ggSleepLatencyGrid
will draw a horizontal grid, where each plot is one night.
It will also calculate survival statistics using a Cox Proportional-Hazards model. The output should look like:
>>> Cox Proportional-Hazards Model
compared to reference group * sorl1 *,
group scr is associated with...
Hazard Ratio = 1.802116
Hazard Ratio 95% confidence interval = 0.2107428
p-value = 0.005194907 **
i.e. at any time point, members of group scr were 80.21 % ± 21.07 % more likely to 'die' than members of group sorl1 ; pvalue = 0.005194907 **
Any feedback on this section is welcome, especially if you think I got something wrong!
As promised, here are the statistics. It uses linear mixed effects (LME) modelling. Here is a very brief summary of the approach. For more details, please refer to the DOCUMENTATION.
Remember here that "unique behaviour parameter" means one value per larva per time window, e.g. number of sleep bouts larva #12 had during night2. For each unique behaviour parameter, the question is whether the group has an effect on the values. Or in other words, the null hypothesis is that the group has no effect on the given behaviour parameter, e.g. which genotype you are (wild-type or heterozygous or homozygous) does not change your number of sleep bouts at night. In LME jargon, the group is the fixed effect, i.e. we want to measure how the group affects the parameter. However, we need to take into account a bunch of variables that probably affect our data. For example, it could be that larvae were always less sleepy during the second night of tracking. We do not really care about quantifying how these variables affect our data, we just want to control for them. These are the random effects.
The random effects in our LME model are:
- the experiment; if you are analysing multiple replicate experiments at once (which is recommended, this is a big advantage of using LME here). Ideally, each Zebrabox tracked a single clutch of larvae (same parents & same mating), so replicate experiments control for both technical (e.g. light levels not being exactly the same between the Zebraboxes) and biological (different clutches vary a lot in most behavioural parameters) variability. Other experimental designs may work too, so please read the DOCUMENTATION to adapt the settings.
- development, i.e. the larva’s age. If you recorded multiple days/nights (recommended), the larvae were also growing during the experiment, which likely had an effect on their behaviour. For example, we often notice that sleep is slightly lower during night2 (7 dpf for us) vs night1 (6 dpf) so we want to control for this and not simply pool the datapoints from multiple days or nights (this also risks "pseudo-replication", which occurs if, for example, you were analysing your data as if you had n=50 larvae when really you had n=25 larvae measured on two different days).
- the larva's ID (e.g. larva #12). This is to account for non-independence in the data. Indeed, each larva is typically sampled multiple times during the experiment. For example, larva #12 is sampled once on day1 and once on day2. Or in other words, day1 and day2 are not independent measurements as they include the same animals. This also avoids "pseudo-replication" (see above).
The formula to create the LME model looks like:
lmer(parameter ~ group + (1|experiment/larva ID) + (1|larva age))
The model provides the slope, i.e. magnitude of the effect (e.g. in average, KO larvae slept 30 min less than WT) and the standard error. If you have more than two groups, there is a slope and error for each comparison to the reference group (e.g. heterozygous vs wild-type; homozygous vs wild-type).
We then compare this model with a model that omits the group assignment to obtain a p-value. You will obtain a single p-value for each unique parameter here, regardless of the number of groups. This is because the null hypothesis is "group assignment has no effect on the behaviour parameter", so we do not worry (yet) about which group(s) exactly. The interpretation is like an ANOVA, essentially.
We then run "post-hoc" tests, comparing each group to the reference group, returning one p-value for each comparison (e.g. one p-value for heterozygous vs wild-type and one p-value for homozygous vs wild-type). Please refer to the DOCUMENTATION for more details.
Do not worry if it is a bit confusing. It should make more sense once you see the output.
So far, our examples of commands only had two groups. Let's analyse an experiment with three groups so we can better explain the output.
To calculate the LME statistics, we run:
## LME stats
grporder=c('wt', 'het', 'hom'),
: put the group you want as reference group (e.g. wild-type or DMSO-treated) as the first group.exportPath
: full path to the statistics report we will write. You can call this file however you like but make sure it finishes with .csv.
While LMEreport()
run, it also prints summaries in Console, such as:
Parameter activeboutSum
>>> Separating day and night datapoints
... NIGHT summary
>>> wt vs het = 4.561757 ± 1.676933
>>> wt vs hom = 5.764397 ± 2.029445
>>> Does group significantly affect this behavioural parameter? pval = 0.006698481 **
Here, 4.561757 and 5.764397 are the slopes (magnitudes of the effect) and 1.676933 and 2.029445 is the error associated with each slope. As we are looking at parameter activeboutSum
, you should read it as, for example: "during the night, each swimming bout of larvae from group hom moved in average 6 ± 2 extra pixels than the swimming bouts of larvae from group wt".
All this information is recorded in the statistics reports (LMEreport.csv in our command above). Have a look at the corresponding rows in the report:
exps | parameter | daynight | referenceGroup | beingGroup | LMEslope | LMEerror | pval | pvalsymbol | posthocval | posthocpvalsymbol |
220316_14 & 220316_15 | activeboutSum | night | wt | het | 4.56175675466967 | 1.67693318829172 | 0.00669848089039374 | ** | 0.00747698513255208 | ** |
220316_14 & 220316_15 | activeboutSum | night | wt | hom | 5.76439680434721 | 2.02944541645242 | 0.00669848089039374 | ** | 0.00525474836388776 | ** |
lists the YYMMDD_BX of the experiments you analysed together.LMEslope
is the effect of being frombeingGroup
compared toreferenceGroup
, here: "if I am from group hom, each of my swimming bouts moved 6 ± 2 more pixels compared to wt larvae".pval
is the p-value for the null hypothesis "group assignment has no effect on this behaviour parameter". Notice that this p-value is simply repeated in the two rows as it is not group-specific.pvalsymbol
: ns for p > 0.05, * for p ≤ 0.05, ** for p ≤ 0.01, *** for p ≤ 0.001.posthocpval
is the p-value of the post-hoc test. This p-value is specific to each comparison, i.e. there is one p-value for wt vs het and one p-value for wt vs hom.posthocpvalsymbol
, same logic aspvalsymbol
but for the post-hoc p-value.
When we plotted the behaviour parameters (see 9– Plot every behaviour parameter), the asterisks that get added when statsOrNo=TRUE
are the pvalsymbol
, i.e. they represent the p-value of the null hypothesis "group assignment has no effect on this behaviour parameter".
The "behavioural fingerprint" is a synthesised way of looking at the changes across all the behavioural parameters. For each unique parameter (e.g. number of sleep bouts at night), it is simply the Z-score of knockout larvae (or any other genotype/treatment group) from the controls' mean. Please refer to DOCUMENTATION for how exactly this is calculated.
We calculate the behavioural fingerprint with:
## calculate behavioural fingerprint
grporder=c('sorl1', 'scr'),
# if you give grporder (instead of NA), make sure to also give the controlGrp (here: scr)
: whichever group you want to use as reference/baseline in your experiment. The fingerprint will represent the Z-scores from this reference.
will write fingerprint.csv in the experiment folder.
You can give multiple bhvparams/ directories to calculateFingerprint(...)
in the format: paDir=c("~/exp1/bhvparams/", "~/exp2/bhvparams/")
. The calculations will always use the controls within the same experiment (i.e. same YYMMDD_BX) for normalisation so this is equivalent to calculating fingerprints for each experiment separately, but it has the advantage to write a common fingerprint.csv file.
We can give the fingerprint.csv file to ggFingerprint(...) to plot:
## plot behavioural fingerprint
grporder=c('sorl1', 'scr'),
colours=c('#417dcd', '#a3bbdb'),
: whether (TRUE) or not (FALSE) to plot the controls. Controls have all datapoints at Z-score = 0, as expected from calculating the mean of Z-scores.xtextOrNo
: whether (TRUE) or not (FALSE) to write the names of the behavioural parameters as X axis labels.xParamNum
: whether (TRUE) or not (FALSE) to write numbers instead of parameter names.
There are other ways to calculate/plot behavioural fingerprints, please refer to DOCUMENTATION for more details.
Do you have multiple experiments you want to compare? For example replicate experiments of the same genotype. We can calculate the similarity between pairwise behavioural fingerprints and represent the results as a heatmap.
grporder=c('sorl1', 'scr'),
: choose one of three possible "similarity scores":correlation
(Pearson correlation),cosine
(cosine similarity),euclidean
(Euclidean distance).minCol
: colour for the start of the colour gradient, i.e. colour assigned to –1 whencorrelation
is used or to 0 wheneuclidean
is used.maxCol
: colour for the end of the colour gradient, i.e. colour assigned to +1 whencorrelation
is used or to the maximum value wheneuclidean
is used.onlyHalf
: as we are plotting a pairwise matrix, the heatmap is symmetrical across the diagonal, i.e. the similarity scores repeat each other on each side of the diagonal. If that is okay, you can omit this setting or giveNA
. If you prefer to plot only one side of the diagonal, you can choose betweenupper
, which will respectively plot the upper or lower half.scoreSize
: font size for the similarity scores.
will also return in Console the similarity score between fingerprints.
And that is all for the minimal tutorial! The FramebyFrame package can do other things, such as analyse different experimental designs, calculate and plot behavioural fingerprints and more. Make sure to check the DOCUMENTATION to make full use of it.
Here is the minimum you need to know about R to get started.
Did I forget something? Let me know and we will make it 1% easier for the next user!
Download and install R & RStudio from R is the coding language, RStudio is a fancy text editor to make it easier to write R code.
Open RStudio and start a new script (File > New File > R Script or Cmd/Ctrl + ↑ + N). The panel that just opened is your script. This is where you write R code. The bottom is the Console, this where the computer answers. In the top-right is the Environment, this is where you keep stuff in memory.
For example, try to write in your script:
print("Hello World")
Now to run the command, place your cursor at the end of the line or select the command and press Cmd/Ctrl + Enter. In the Console, you will see your command repeated, then the answer from the computer:
> print("Hello World")
[1] "Hello World"
- The computer does not see lines that start with
. Use that to write comments as notes to yourself or others. e.g.
# this is a comment
print("Hello World")
As you may notice, you need to indicate to R what is actual text (and not computer code) by using double quotes, like
"Hello World"
. One unit of text is called a string. -
You can give R a series of things at once, it is called a vector. In R it is written
c(thing1, thing2)
. Examples:
c("ho", "hey")
c(1, 2, 3)
c("hey", 3)
stands for "Not Available". It is a way of telling R "missing value". -
A "logical" simply means
. In R, you write the full word in uppercase. -
You will often need to give R a path to some file on your computer. You need to give it as text.
Here is an example of a path on Mac:"~/Desktop/myExperiment/210907_12_RAWs.csv"
means Home directory).
Here is an example of a path on Windows:"C:\\Desktop\\myExperiment\\210907_12_RAWs.csv"
(the double\\
is an unfortunate R quirk). -
Writing complete paths manually is boring. Instead, when you open the quotes like
, press Tab and R will list the folder/files it currently sees. You can just pick in dropdown menu and press Tab repeatedly until you reach your destination. See below R tips for an even better solution. You can often use Tab for shortcuts so try regularly to see what it does.
A few tips that may make the experience smoother.
I almost never want to save what I have in Environment when closing RStudio, yet it constantly asks.
To switch this off:
Tools > Global Options > untick Restore .RData into workspace as startup
Also change > Save workspace to .RData on exit to Never -
For paths, I recommend the
package. This is how it works: open RStudio, then File > New Project > Existing Directory > navigate to your experiment folder > Open > Create Project. This will create a .Rproj file in your folder. Now install and load thehere
In Console, you should see: > here() starts at /Users/.../myExperiment
. Basically, here
sees your .Rproj file and will now start all the paths from there. This makes writing paths less painful. For example, instead of writing "~/Desktop/myExperiment/210907_12_RAWs.csv"
, you can simply write here("210907_12_RAWs.csv")
. Another advantage is that if you move your experiment folder or change its name, you will not need to update all the paths in your script. For example, imagine we moved the folder myExperiment to Documents, we would need to update all our paths if we were using absolute paths. Instead, if we use relative paths (thanks to here
), as long as you did not touch the .Rproj file everything is still working.
Next time you work on that analysis, double-click the .Rproj file to open RStudio and get started, not the .R script. This will ensure here()
starts in your project folder.
I do not have a Zebralab .xls results file!
No problem. The only information we get from the Zebralab file is the date and time when your experiment started. You can give that information manually to vpSorter()
Ideally, you should be precise at the second as FramebyFrame will use this to determine when the light transitions occured.
If the experiment crashed and did not generate a Zebralab results file, one source for the date0/time0 may be the .phc file, if you can find it in the folder. Open the file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and you should find the start date and time at the top. Make sure to give date0 as DD/MM/YYYY and time0 as HH:MM:SS (24-hr format, so e.g. 9 PM should be 21).
The first timestamp in my Zebralab results file is wrong!
Yes, this happens when running a Replay on Zebralab, for example. The software (stupidly) takes the computer clock time when you started the Replay, not the original start of the experiment. Follow instructions above to give the start date/time manually to vpSorter()
I do short experiments without any light transitions. Can I still use the package to analyse my data?
You can use some of it. When calculating behaviour parameters (multiBehaviourParameter(...)
), please make use of the woi
setting to define one or more time window(s) within your experiment (see DOCUMENTATION).
Currently ggParameterGrid(...)
and the LME statistics unfortunately expect full days/nights, but it is certainly possible to make them work for short experiments. Get in touch with me so I have some motivation to work on this!
I shall have my controls in the same Zebrabox and from the same clutch
As you are guaranteed to have variability between clutches and likely have variability between Zebraboxes (e.g. light levels or temperature not being exactly equal) or between runs. In other words, you never want to be in a situation where you are comparing e.g. WT clutch1 vs KO clutch2, or WT Zebrabox1 vs KO Zebrabox2. In this situation, you are almost guaranteed to find a difference because of clutch-to-clutch variability or box-to-box variability. In this case, claiming that the animals' genotype contributes to the difference you observe is just wishful thinking. When doing experiments with stable knockout lines, this is why we track the offspring of an in-cross of heterozygous adults, i.e. the clutch is 25% homozygous (–/–), 50% heterozygous (+/–), 25% wild-type (+/+).
More broadly, when analysing multiple experiments simultaneously, try to have every group represented in each Zebrabox. -
I shall refrain from drawing important conclusions from a single clutch
The variability between clutches can be very important. Accordingly, drawing important conclusions from a single clutch is asking for future trouble, for example the phenotype not replicating in a more complex experiment. Try to track at least two clutches to control for biological (clutch-to-clutch) and technical (Zebrabox-to-Zebrabox or run-to-run) variability. Give all your replicates to the LME command and let it worry about it, I think this is a better solution than calculating statistics on experiments one by one. -
I shall refrain from comparing absolute datapoints between clutches
Again, the variability between clutches can be very important, so making comparisons where both the group and the clutch/Zebrabox are different (e.g. wild-type from clutch #1 vs homozygous from clutch #2) is asking for wrong conclusions. It is still possible to do comparisons between clutches (e.g. is the effect size larger in clutch #1 vs clutch #2 ?), but you will need to normalise the datapoints to within-clutch and within-Zebrabox controls first, using for example Z-scores. -
I shall randomise the well positions as best as possible
Disclaimer: I do not know how important this is, but probably best to be safe.
When you place the larvae in the wells, do you know which group each larva belongs to (e.g. injected vs uninjected or drug-treated vs DMSO)? If yes, then alternate the rows or columns to avoid edge effects (e.g. water from the well evaporates faster from the outer rows/columns). If you are tracking the offspring of a cross (e.g. heterozygous in-cross) and will genotype the larvae after the experiment, then the wells are already randomised. Problem solved! -
(optional) I shall track a single clutch in each Zebrabox
Where clutch means offspring from the same parents and (ideally) mating event. The easiest experimental design is one where you have one clutch per Zebrabox/experiment. In other words, I recommend you do not mix multiple clutches in the same Zebrabox.
exception 1: if you are lucky enough to have multiple Zebraboxes and a very large clutch, you can track the same clutch in two Zebraboxes. You should mention this when calculating the LME statistics so it can adapt the random effects accordingly (more details in DOCUMENTATION. For example:
LMEreport(paDir=c(here('220906_run1', 'bhvparams'),
here('220912_run2', 'bhvparams')),
sameClutch1=c('220906_01', '220906_02'),
sameClutch2=c('220912_03', '220912_04'),
grporder=c('wt', 'het', 'hom'),
means that experiments 220906_01 + 220906_02 tracked the same clutch #1 and that experiments 220912_03 + 220912_04 tracked the same clutch #2.
exception 2: alternatively, if you are unlucky and only have small clutches and one Zebrabox, you can track multiple clutches in the same Zebrabox (while keeping note of which larva is from which clutch!). To analyse that experimental design, the procedure is (assuming a single Zebrabox):
– prepare one genotypeMap.xlsx for each clutch, leaving all the other wells as 'empty', e.g. you should make 230306_01_genotypeMapclutch1.xlsx and 230306_01_genotypeMapclutch2.xlsx.
– run genotypeGenerator(...)
once for each genotypeMap. You will likely need to rename the output files (especially genotype.txt) so they do not overwrite each other. For example:
# rename output file 230306_01genotype.txt into 230306_01genotypeclutch1.txt
# rename output file 230306_01genotype.txt into 230306_01genotypeclutch2.txt
– when calculating behaviour parameters, give one ffpath
and all the genopath
(one per clutch), for example:
– the parameter tables (in folder bhvparams/) will now have a new column clutch. The clutch number simply corresponds to the order in which the genotype files were given (genopath=
above), i.e. clutch1 are all larvae found in 230302_01genotypeclutch1.txt, clutch2 are all larvae found in 230302_01genotypeclutch2.txt.
– run ggParameterGrid()
and LMEreport()
as usual. The formula of the linear mixed effects model will be adapted automatically to control for multiple clutches within the same box (you can read about this in DOCUMENTATION).
To see which version of FramebyFrame you have, run:
First real version (arbitrary).
- ggFingerprint() now allows multiple paths as input (
). - Can give multiple bhvparams directories to calculateFingerprint().
Allows analysis of an experiment where there are multiple clutches in the same Zebrabox. Read in Experimental design commandments and in DOCUMENTATION > LMEdaynight for details about how to proceed.
(Issuing as new version as it will affect slighly existing results, mainly of parameter sleep latency).
Caught small inconsistency when detecting sleep bouts. For an empty well or if the larvae was asleep throughout the light transition, the first asleep frame was #1500 (assuming zthr_min=1
and framerate 25 fps). However, in this situation, first asleep frame should #1, as definition of sleep is retroactive, e.g. if at frame #1500, the larva had been asleep for 1 minute, this means the sleep bout started exactly one minute earlier, i.e. at frame #1. In this situation, the first asleep frame is now correctly marked as #1. See comments in function detectNaps() for more details.
I think the main consequence of this change is on parameter sleepLatency. Previously, it was returning ~ 1.0 min for empty wells or if the larva was asleep during the transition. Now it returns 0.0 min (more precisely 0.00067 min, i.e. one frame in minute) which I think is more accurate.
New settings fainterExp
and faintMax
for ggParameter/ggParameterGrid. See DOCUMENTATION.
New setting connectMean
for ggParameter/ggParameterGrid. See DOCUMENTATION. Might change default to TRUE once confirmed it behaves as expected.
New setting splitBy
for ggParameter/ggParameterGrid. See DOCUMENTATION.
- Option to give an LME report to ggFingerprint (setting
) so it adds p-value asterisks on top of the fingerprint plot. See DOCUMENTATION. I have not extensively tested this feature yet, please check manually for a few parameters that the asterisks match what you read in the the LME report. Please let me know if you find anything odd. - ggFingerprint: new settings
to control the size of the point ± SEM range;lineSize
to control the thickness of the lines;asteriskSize
to control the size of the LME asterisks.
Better definition of parameter activitySunsetStartle. It now looks for the maximum Δ px from a bit before the light/woi transition up to a bit after (currently −1 min up to +1 min). Solves a concern which was that we might miss the real startle response if the precise frame at which the light transition occured was not perfectly accurate.
- New function adjustPixel to increase or decrease all Δ px of some larvae to counteract bias due to difference in size and/or pigmentation. See DOCUMENTATION).
- ggParameter: new setting
to control spread of dots in X.
Caught error which affected results when analysing by windows-of-interests and ZT0 was not 9 AM. In such case, it was incorrectly assuming that ZT0 was 9 AM.
Now, it back-calculates ZT0 from the timestamps in the RAWs.csv data, which should return exactly what the user gave as zt0
when running vpSorter
. This is to avoid asking ZT0 to the user repeatedly, which also prevents the user from making a mistake (i.e. giving a different ZT0 than they gave to vpSorter
). It returns the result of this calculation to Console so user can check.
Minor edits:
was generating file omitted.txt which listed wells labelled as empty or excluded. I never found this file to be useful, sogenotypeGenerator
does not generate it anymore to avoid creating a mess in the user's directory.- DOCUMENTATION of
were still mentioning parameterzebpath
but that was deleted a while ago. Note, code forrawToMiddur
also had the parameter in function definition, but was not used in actual code. Now, only documentation forvpSorter
, which is correct. importRAWs
added clear error if theffpath
is incorrect.
New setting tracedash
for every ggTrace
FramebyFrame now supports DanioVision data! Please see function dvSorter
- New function
to plot small plot of Δ pixel timecourse for one well. See DOCUMENTATION). - (BETA) New function
to replace frames during which a sentinel well moves. Collaboration with Leah Elias, Johns Hopkins University.
- for all timecourse plots (i.e.
): new settingxtick
to control x axis tick intervals. See DOCUMENTATION).
- slightly better support for analysis by windows of interest (woi),
are usable.
New setting dbgorder
for ggPairwiseHeat