Intro: Some small Gym business here in the Philippines They record their Trassaction on Notebook. Thats why I created this Software for those who want thier record specially on members to be precise and easy to find. We all know that if if you write on notebook you by your self will encounter some difficulties finding and wondering. Not knowingly your customer are already due date to thier montly subcriptions
Before we could started the app and anyone want to use and modify :) This was the version 1.1 since some of design was not align Dont worry all of the data here are fake.
I would find fix and optimize some code starting 8/2/2024
this app is compatible for python 12.4
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv gym_venv
get the path of gym_venv/Scripts/activate
then install the following in your virtual environment
pip install PyQt6
both username and password was admin base on database you could edit that
this one was the Edit page you could only update thier Expiry here
this one is login data of your member
This is the page were you could see your member who was login on that day and employee who asign with them you could notice there is also authentication manager.
you could click some one them if you want delete before that you can delete them there is pop up if you want to delete them permanently i make this one so that to avoid mistake of employee who would delete a member
hello i already fix some sql input and have hoaver effects to every button we have <3