Welcome to the official website of FOSS, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, a student-run organization dedicated to assist students in enhancing the essential technical skills to survive in the present day world. The primary focus of this website is to educate it's audience about the current events of the club. It largely emphasizes on establishing a communication between the club and the fellow students of the college. This website briefs about the club's history, missions, achievements, members, events, and more.
Before you start, make sure you have the following software installed on your machine:
- Node.js
- npm
To install and run the website locally, follow these steps:
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-club-website.git
cd foss-cit-client-frontend
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server
npm run dev
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5173 to view the website.
The website is divided into various sections, accessible from the navigation bar at the top. Each section constitutes details about different components of the club.
Home: A brief introduction to the club and its mission. It includes a list of current events which are being conducted in the club. It also displays minor details about the kind of events being conducted along with the achievements of the club up until present.
About: Information about the club's history, founders, staff advisors and an event gallery displaying some pictures of the events conducted.
Members: A list of current members of the club, along with their photos and roles. A members gallery is also displayed.
Events: A calendar of upcoming events and past events. Additional details about the events can also be obtained if required.
Contact: A form through which messages can be sent to the club's officers. It also mentions the mail-id and location of the club.
We welcome contributions from anyone who wants to help improve or add features to the website. If you find a bug or have a feature request, please submit an issue. If you want to contribute code, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. Before submitting a pull request, please make sure your code follows our coding standards and passes our tests.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature/<feature-name>
- Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m '<commit-message>'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin feature/<feature-name>
- Submit a pull request.
This website was built using the following technologies and resources:
- React (Vite)
- TailwindCSS
- Axios
- Swiper
This website is released under the MIT License.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at [email protected] Thank you for visiting our website!