This project is a Flutter project, which leverages TFLite to count how many jumps your kid makes by camera. Please note this is purely a practice with some interesting technologies, e.g. Tensorflow and Flutter.
However if you really need to count jumps for your kid, I recommend you to buy this.
I list some features of Flutter used in this project.
teaches how to uselogging
plugin for a nicely logging.lib/json_localizations.dart
are about how to localize your app.JsonLocalizations.of(context).text('start'),
is a case of retrieving a localized text.lib/camera_preview_widget.dart
is about how to TFlite.lib/camera_preview_widget.dart
are also showing how to use a plugincamera
to preview the video captured by phone camera.lib/recognition_found_notifier.dart
shows how to use ValueNotifier for sharing the data between widgets (lib/camera_preview_widget.dart
shows how to paint on widgetlib/counter_widget.dart
- Learn how to use tflite in flutter from shaqian/flutter_realtime_detection