Install different software on Ubuntu 18.04.
sudo apt install nvtop # GPU monitoring
sudo apt install htop # CPU monitoring
sudo apt install git # Git
sudo apt install mc # Midnight Commander
sudo apt install autoconf # automatic configure script builder
sudo apt install make # utility for directing compilation
sudo apt install curl # tool for transferring data with URL syntax
sudo apt install gcc g++ # GCC and C++ compilers
sudo apt install net-tools # ifconfig command
sudo apt install traceroute # traceroute command
sudo apt install python-is-python3 # for Ubuntu 20.04 default Python
sudo apt install nemo # Nemo file manager from MATE
sudo apt install emacs # Emacs editor
sudo apt install filezilla # FileZilla free FTP
sudo apt install geeqie geeqie-common # Geeqie image viewer
# pydot is a Python interface to Graphviz's dot
# pydot is needed for TensorFlow
sudo apt install graphviz
sudo apt install python3-pydot
sudo apt install python3-pyparsing
# Or in one command
sudo apt install nvtop htop git mc autoconf make curl gcc g++ net-tools \
traceroute python-is-python3 nemo emacs filezilla \
geeqie geeqie-common \
graphviz python3-pydot python3-pyparsing
filezilla &> /dev/null # start FileZilla in background
Remote desktop sharing with AnyDesk on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa.
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb all main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install anydesk
#sudo apt remove anydesk
ASAP, Automated Slide Analysis Platform is an open source platform for visualizing, annotating and automatically analyzing whole-slide histopathology images.
Download DEB file from here.
NOTE: there is no deb
for Ubuntu version 20.04 yet (2020.07.06)
# Fix broken dependences
sudo apt --fix-broken install
# Install
sudo dpkg -i ASAP-1.9-Linux-Ubuntu1804.deb
# Permanently add /opt/ASAP/bin to PATH for ALL users
sudo nano /etc/environment
# Edit the file. Make sure that the path is something like this:
# PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/opt/ASAP/bin"
# Run environment file to effect changes.
. /etc/environment
# Check it
ASAP & # run ASAP
# Download Google Chrome browser
# Install the package
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
# If some dependency errors occured
sudo apt --fix-broken install
Chrome is better.
# Install Chromium web browser
sudo apt install chromium-browser
# Start Chromium in terminal background
chromium-browser &> /dev/null
NOTE: there is no installation for Ubuntu 20.04 yet (2020.06.07)
# Toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of images
sudo apt install elastix
# Documents for Elastix toolbox
sudo apt install elastix-doc
# Check installation
elastix --version
Geeqie is an open source image viewer and organizer that allows the users to view graphics files.
It is useful to process images with it.
# Install image viewer using GTK+ and data files for Geeqie.
sudo apt install geeqie geeqie-common
geeqie &> /dev/null # run Geeqie
# Uninstall Geeqie if you like
sudo apt remove geeqie
# Install JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Community edition
sudo snap install intellij-idea-community --classic
# Run JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Community edition
intellij-idea-community &> /dev/null
sudo apt install libreoffice
#sudo apt install libreoffice-common
#sudo snap install libreoffice
libreoffice --version # show version
Note: LibreOffice terminates the X2Go session for our DL4 server. Installed OpenOffice instead (ru instructions).
sudo apt remove --purge libreoffice\* # remove all libreoffice tools
sudo apt install -f # find unused dependencies
sudo apt-get autoremove # delete unused dependencies
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless # install Java version >= 6
# Download the last version for Ubuntu - Linux 64-bit (x86-64) (DEB)
tar xzf Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.15_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz # unpack installer
cd en-US//DEBS/ # go to directory with packages
sudo dpkg -i *.deb # install all packages in the directory
cd desktop-integration/ # go to subdirectory
sudo dpkg -i *.deb # install all packages in the directory
soffice -help 2>&1 | head -n1 # show OpenOffice version via command line
Mango – short for Multi-image Analysis GUI – is a viewer for medical research images. It provides analysis tools and a user interface to navigate image volumes. There are three versions of Mango: Mango for Desktop, Papaya for Browser and iMango for Apple iPad.
In the Midnight Commander create extension associations:
Open Midnight Commander (mc
) → press →
choose menu "Command" → menu "Edit extension file" → copy-paste this text:
Open=~/install/Mango/mango %f
View=~/install/Mango/mango %f
Open=~/install/Mango/mango %f
View=~/install/Mango/mango %f
Open=~/install/Mango/mango %f
View=~/install/Mango/mango %f
Warning: Wine Tool is large! Notepad++ is a Best Programming Text Editor and as well as a Source Code Editor which was developed for Windows Platform and is more famous among the Windows users. It provides a simplified speed typing interface with a lot of features such as Syntax Highlighting, Brace Matching, AutoComplete, Color Codes, and a lot more features. Source Code Editor also makes it very easy to run Compliers, debuggers, and more. Though Notepad++ is not available for Linux, there is a way to use Notepadd++ on Linux Ubuntu Distributions.
sudo apt install snapd # install Snap tool
sudo apt install wine-stable # install Wine tool
sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus # install Notepad++
notepad-plus-plus &> /dev/null # run Notepad++
See Change SSH Port.
Install free of charge PyCharm Community edition.
How-to install needed version How to Install PyCharm on Ubuntu
# Install PyCharm Community last stable release
sudo snap install pycharm-community --classic
pycharm-community &> /dev/null # run it in background mode
# Remove possible error with Canberra Gtk.
# canberra-gtk-module translates GTK+ widgets signals to event sounds
# This module is needed for PyCharm successful start
sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module
Download deb package for TeamViewer Host.
sudo apt install -y ./teamviewer-host_15.7.6_amd64.deb
teamviewer # launch and configure TeamViewer
Tmux (the Terminal MUltipleXer) allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. It is useful for running more than one command-line program at the same time. It can also be used to detach processes from their controlling terminals, allowing SSH sessions to remain active without being visible.
# Tmux terminal multiplexer
sudo apt install tmux
# Tmux session manager
sudo apt install tmuxp
# Tmux plugin manager based on git
sudo apt install tmux-plugin-manager
# Create and manage tmux sessions easily
sudo apt install tmuxinator
# Python 3.x scripting library and ORM for tmux
sudo apt install python3-libtmux
# Tmux session manager
sudo apt install python3-tmuxp
# Terminal multiplexer with instant terminal sharing
sudo apt install tmate
# Start a session
tmux new -s nvidia-digits
# Attach a session
tmux attach-session -t [name of session]
# Check active sessions
tmux ls
# To split a pane horizontally press <ctrl>+<b> and then press <">:
ctrl+b "
# To split pane vertically:
ctrl+b %
# To move from pane to pane press <ctrl>+<b> and then press arrow key:
ctrl+b [arrow key]
# Cycle through panes:
ctrl+b o
# Resize pane:
ctrl+b :
resize-pane -D 2
# Kill current pane:
ctrl+b x
# Detach from session:
ctrl+b d
# Kill named session:
tmux kill-session -t [name of session]
# Kill tmux server, along with all sessions:
tmux kill-server
Ubuntu Software Center is a GUI to install software for newbie.
sudo apt install ubuntu-software # install Ubuntu Software Center
gnome-software # run ubuntu software center
snap find torrent
snap install utorrent
utorrent &> /dev/null
tmux a -t nvidia-digits # attach an existing session
# Start any process in background mode
ctrl+b d # detach from session
# Exit from SSH or log out from the system, but process will run.
tool to interact with snaps.
Snaps are packages that are mainly designed to be sandboxed and isolated
from other system software, secure, and easily installable, upgradeable,
degradable, and removable irrespective of its underlying system.
To craft needed snap visit the SnapCraft web-site.
How to Install and Use Snap on Ubuntu 18.04
# Install Snap tool
sudo apt install snapd
snap --version
snap search pycharm # search for PyCharm packages
# Use Snap tool
sudo snap find # to list the available packages
sudo snap install <package> # to install a package
sudo snap list # to view all the installed snap packages
sudo snap changes # to view a list of logged actions
sudo snap refresh <package> # to upgrade a package to its latest available version
sudo snap refresh --list # to see which packages have updates to be installed
sudo snap revert <package> # to revert it to the previously installed version
sudo snap remove <package> # to uninstall a package
# To update all snap packages
sudo snap refresh
# To remove broken snap installation
snap changes
# The output is:
# ID Status Spawn Ready Summary
# 11 Doing today at 16:15 +03 - Install "intellij-idea-community" snap
sudo snap abort 11
# or
sudo snap remove intellij-idea-community
# Temporary enable-disable package.
sudo snap disable <package>
sudo snap enable <package>
# Add /snap/bin/ directory to the $PATH
sudo nano /etc/environment
# Run environment file to effect changes.
. /etc/environment
How to Set Up a Remote Desktop with X2Go on Ubuntu 18.04
Install X2Go server and client software.
# Install X2Go server
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common
sudo apt install -y python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y x2goserver x2goserver-xsession
sudo apt install -y x2gomatebindings # if you use MATE/mubuntu
sudo apt install -y x2golxdebindings # if you use LXDE/lubuntu
# Install X2Go client
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:x2go/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y x2goclient
# Install LXDE, Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
# for X2Go remote sessions.
# Set lightdm display manager in the appeared config window.
sudo apt install -y lxde
# Installing MATE Desktop
sudo apt-get install mate-core mate-desktop-environment mate-notification-daemon