The function examples here are outdated and do not apply to flows.netwrok. Please check out
This repo consists of many functions to automate your workflows across multiple SaaS with the platform.
Since is programmable, you could write code to transform data between two SaaS based on your business needs as a developer.
The flow functions could be written in Rust and JavaScript.
Please refer to our Get Started guide to automating workflows with the functions.
The following table shows the usage of each package. Remember to select the corresponding inbound and outbound connectors on the platform.
Package Name | Inbound | Outbound | Description |
image-rotator | Cloudinary | Slack | Returns the URL of the image rotated by 90 degrees when a file is uploaded to the Cloudinary |
discord-welcome | Discord | Discord | Send a welcome message when new member joined |
discord-ping | Discord | Discord | Reply PONG to /ping message |
anti-invite-link | Discord | Discord | Ban a user when their messages contains invite link |
getting-started | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when new comments are added to GitHub issues |
branch-tag-created | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a Git branch or tag is created |
branch-tag-deleted | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a Git branch or tag is deleted |
commit-syncer | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a GitHub commit is pushed |
commit-comment-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a commit comment is created |
discussion-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a discussion is created, edited, deleted, pinned, unpinned, locked, unlocked, transferred, category_changed, answered, unanswered, labeled, or unlabeled |
discussion-comment-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a comment in a dicussion is created, edited, or deleted |
fork-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a user forks a repository |
issue-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a GitHub issue is opened, edited, or assigned |
issue-review-notifier | GitHub | GitHub | Assign an issue to a specified team member when an issue is created or comment on the issue to remind the creator in case of non-compliance with issue titling convention |
issue-pr-naive-bot | GitHub | GitHub | A multi-purpose script that performs different tasks when deployed on certain inbound/outbound pairs. i.e. it assigns labels, assignees, makes comment when a GitHub issue is created, or a pull request is created |
full-pr-review-bot | GitHub | GitHub | Request a specific pull request reviewer when the title meets requirements, otherwise send a comment prompt |
pr-reviewer | GitHub | GitHub | Automatically merge pull requests when 3 approval are reached |
dco-checker | GitHub | GitHub | Check that every commit in a pull request is dco signed, and leave a comment to remind |
label-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a label is created, edited, or deleted |
pr-messenger | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when an activity related to a pull request was performed. Can be one of: assigned, auto_merge_disabled, auto_merge_enabled, closed, converted_to_draft, edited, labeled, locked, opened, ready_for_review, reopened, review_request_removed, review_requested, synchronize,unassigned, unlabeled, unlocked |
pr-review-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a pull request review is submitted, edited, or dismissed |
pr-review-comment-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a pull request review comment is created, edited, or deleted |
release-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a release is published, unpublished, created, edited, deleted, prereleased, or released |
repository-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a repository is created, deleted, archived, unarchived, edited, renamed, transferred, publicized, or privatized |
slack-star-messenger | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when the GitHub repo gets every 10 stars |
workflow-job-notifier | GitHub | Slack | Send a message to Slack when a GitHub Actions workflow job has been queued, is in progress, or has been completed |
star-thanks-by-gmail | GitHub | Gmail | Send thank you message via Gmail when GitHub repo gets star |
star-thanks-by-sendgrid | GitHub | Sendgrid | Send thank you message via Sendgrid when GitHub repo gets star |
star-send-question | GitHub | Sendgrid | Send question message via Sendgrid when GitHub repo gets star |
pr-thanks-by-sendgrid | GitHub | Sendgrid | Send thank you message via Sendgrid when GitHub repo gets pull request |
label-issue-discord | GitHub | Discord | Send a message to Discord when with a label |
twilio-star-messenger | GitHub | Twilio | Send thank you message via Twilio(or Slack) when GitHub repo gets star |
calculator | Slack | Slcak | Compute the expressions on the Slack |
lucky-draw | Slack | Slcak | Simply type "lucky draw" in a Slack channel to do the trick |
upload | Slack | Cloudinary | Upload a file from Slack to Cloudinary |
assign-notifier | GitHub | Notion | Create a task on Notion when the GitHub issue is assigned |
jira-pr-status-updator | GitHub | Jira | Synchronize the PR state of GitHub to Jira (or Monday) |
sync-pr-to-jira | GitHub | Jira | Create an issue on Jira when the PR is created on GitHub |
monday-pr-status-updator | GitHub | Monday | Synchronize the PR state of GitHub to Jira (or Monday) |
comment-notifier | Jira | Slack | Send message to Slack when a comment is changed on GitHub |
group-bad-message | Telegram | Telegram | Ban a user when their messages contains shit |
group-link-limit | Telegram | Telegram | Warning a user when their messages contains link |
group-member-change | Telegram | Telegram | Send a message when group member changed |
telegram-ping | Telegram | Telegram | Reply PONG to /ping message |
Install WASM target if you not
rustup target add wasm32-wasi
Build package
cargo build -p <package-name> --target wasm32-wasi --release # Build specified package cargo build --workspace --target wasm32-wasi --release # Build all packages is driven by the community. You are welcome to contribute and share your functions with the community. So don't hesitate to create a PR when you have some ideas to share.