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Staking Reward Script

For each reward epoch (every 3.5 days) script that calculates staking rewards will be run. Relevant data will be posted on this repository.

The process

  • Clone this repository
git checkout
  • Set up (network) configuration file configs/networks/network_name.json
    • NETWORK: name of the network (e.g. flare). It should match the file name for the address configuration file deploys/<NETWORK>.json (e.g. flare)
    • RPC: RPC URL for the network
    • MAX_BLOCKS_FOR_EVENT_READS: how many blocks can be read with a single web3 API call (e.g. getAllEvents)
    • MAX_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND: how many requests per second can be made
    • REWARD_EPOCH: reward epoch for which rewards are calculated
    • REQUIRED_FTSO_PERFORMANCE_WEI: the amount of FTSO rewards that an FTSO provider needs to receive in a given epoch for its node to be eligible to receive staking rewards
    • BOOSTING_FACTOR: factor of boosting eligibility bond (BEB) validator received as a boost
    • MIN_FOR_BEB_GWEI: minimum total self-bond needed to be eligible to receive a boost
    • VOTE_POWER_CAP_BIPS: percentage of the network's total stake amount node can have for rewarding
    • UPTIME_VOTING_PERIOD_LENGTH_SECONDS: length of a period (starting at the given reward epoch) in which voters can cast a vote regarding nodes with high enough uptime
    • UPTIME_VOTING_THRESHOLD: number of votes a node needs to receive to be eligible for a reward
    • API_PATH: path to APIs which list active validators and delegators
    • REWARD_AMOUNT_EPOCH_WEI: reward amount to distribute in a given reward epoch
    • NUM_EPOCHS: number of epochs for which to sum reward amounts

If a configuration file doesn't exist or some parameters are missing, (those) parameters will have default values from configuration service. If a default value is undefined it will be read from the blockchain.

For the fastest execution RPC with unlimited number of requests should be used and parameter MAX_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND should be set to Infinity.

  • Install packages
  • Calculate initial nodes data
yarn prepare-initial-data
  • Calculate staking rewards
yarn calculate-staking-rewards

Note that for the second part of process to succeed reward-distribution-data.json for a given reward epoch should be present in the FSP Rewards repository.

You can also run it with optional parameters from file (e.g. yarn process-staking-rewards -b 8 -f 111), which will override parameters set in the configuration file.

For each run output of the process is in folder generated-files/reward-epochs-<REWARD_EPOCH>.

Verifying the results

To verify the official results posted in this repository one needs to update configuration file with values from the configFileData object of a data.json file for a chosen reward epoch.

To verify the results for the reward epochs from 126 to 243 inclusive one needs to use branch version-1. To verify the results for the reward epochs from 244 to 264 inclusive one needs to use branch version-2. For both branches one should run the following process

yarn process-staking-rewards

To replicate minimal conditions info files for reward epochs from 251 to 264 inclusive one should use branch min-conditions-info and run the following processes

yarn prepare-initial-data
yarn calculate-staking-rewards

Data for distributing rewards

Rewards will be distributed every four reward epochs, which means that every 14 days reward amounts from the past four reward epochs will be summed. This is achieved by running the process

yarn sum-staking-rewards

The config's file parameter REWARD_EPOCH specifies the latest reward epoch for which reward data is summed, and the parameter NUM_EPOCHS specifies the number of reward epochs for which reward data is summed.

Output of the process is a file epochs-<REWARD_EPOCH-NUM_EPOCHS+1>-<REWARD_EPOCH>, which is located in the folder generated-files/validator-rewards.


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