A flexible, WYSIWYG virtual store creator for anyone who wants to advertise their products online.
Navigate to QuickerCater and Login using your gmail account!
QuickerCater utilitizes the power of Neo4j to handle persistent data storage. Navigate to the site and follow the instructions to start using it.
QuickerCater also utilitizes the power of Node.js to run the application locally during development. We recommend downloading version 6.7.0 to enjoy the full power of this wonderful runtime.
After installing Neo4j and Node, clone the source repository by typing
$ git clone https://github.com/rubber-duckies/the-frank-tank
into your terminal. Navigate to the root folder of the project and type
npm install
After the dependencies finish installing, type
npm start
In your browser, navigate to localhost:3000. Make sure that you have a Neo4j server running!
Explain what these tests test and why
The database used is Neo4j. You can download it here.
- React.js
- Neo4j
- Node.js
- ESLint (AirBnB)
- Express.js
- Material-UI
- GrapheneDB
- Heroku
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the MIT License
- Thanks to the excellent instructors and staff at Hack Reactor