I use this project constantly, change words, and libs.
So, I use the Quizlet (flash cards) to learn English words, expressions, idioms, etc.
The purpose of this project is to go through the decks and find repeat words and practice programmatically web data extraction.
- Java
- Maven
- HtmlUnit
- JSoup
- Apache Http Client
requirements (environment variables configured):
- Java 17
- Maven 3
- Git
# clone it
git clone https://github.com/fernando-romulo-silva/browse-words
import it in your preferred ide
Execute some of the class on the br.com.fernando.browsewords package.
https://scrapingant.com/blog/web-scraping-java https://www.zenrows.com/blog/web-scraping-java HtmlUnit/htmlunit#353
"htmlunit" "cloudflare"