This is a very basic Phoenix and Elm application that can be used as a starting point for new applications. It has been configured for deployment to Heroku. It is using Brunch to build all assets.
The application has been built using Phoenix v1.3.0-rc.2 and Elm 0.18.
- Clone the repo and make sure to have the heroku toolbelt installed. In the project root, run:
mix deps.get
heroku create --buildpack ""
heroku buildpacks:add
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku config:set POOL_SIZE=18
, replace the placeholder "REPLACE_WITH_HEROKU_APPLICATION_NAME" with whatever name heroku gave you when you ranheroku create
, and commit the changes. -
Now run
mix phx.gen.secret
and copy-paste the returned string into the commandheroku config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE="<insert_secret_key_here>"
, -
Before deploying, let's test to make sure the application runs locally. Run:
cd assets && npm install --save-dev elm-brunch elm && cd ..
mix phx.server
Then visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
- Finally, deploy using
git push heroku master
and visit your app usingheroku open
If Heroku deployment fails due to version issues, you may need to create a file elixir_buildpack.config
in the application root dir, with contents:
To find the version numbers:
- Erlang:
- Elixir:
elixir -v
In case of any other issues, check, e.g.:
- Phoenix 1.3.0-rc.2 Heroku deployment guide: (not completely up to date as of writing this)
- Deploying a Phoenix 1.3 Umbrella app to Heroku (has some useful updates for non-umbrella apps too):
- Phoenix static buildpack: