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Added and updated readme. Also, someminor fixes in pytorch_…
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fede-vaccaro committed Jul 18, 2021
1 parent 39e38d7 commit a7220a7
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75 changes: 58 additions & 17 deletions
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@@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
# Fast SR-UNet
This repository contains the implementation of [1]. It is an architecture comprised with a GAN-based training procedure for obtaining
a fast neural network which enable better bitrate performances respect to the H.265 codec for the same quality, or better quality at the same

This repository contains the implementation of [1]. It is an architecture comprised with a GAN-based training procedure
for obtaining a fast neural network which enable better bitrate performances respect to the H.265 codec for the same
quality, or better quality at the same bitrate.

#### Requirements:

- Installing CUDA with torchvision and torch: `$ conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch -c`
- [LPIPS]( `$ pip install lpips`
- FFMpeg compiled with H.265 codec and also VMAF metric. My version is included in the `helper/` directory but it won't likely work.
For references check [the official compilation guide]( and
- FFMpeg compiled with H.265 codec and also VMAF metric. My version is included in the `helper/` directory but it won't
likely work. For references
check [the official compilation guide]( and
the [VMAF GitHub Repository](

#### The dataset:
First, the dataset we use for training is the [BVI-DVC]( For preparing the dataset there are two helper script,
`` for spatially compressing and encoding each video, then with `` the dataset can be prepared.

First, the dataset we use for training is the [BVI-DVC]( For preparing the dataset
there are two helper script,
`` for spatially compressing and encoding each video, then with `` the
dataset can be prepared.
The train dataset should follow this naming scheme (assuming the videos are encoded with CRF 23):

Expand All @@ -38,23 +44,32 @@ The train dataset should follow this naming scheme (assuming the videos are enco

#### Training the model:

To train the SR-ResNet described in the paper for 2x Super Resolution (as used in the model for the 540p -> 1080p upscaling), you can use this command.
To train the SR-ResNet described in the paper for 2x Super Resolution (as used in the model for the 540p -> 1080p
upscaling), you can use this command.

$ python --arch srunet --device 0 --upscale 2 --export [EXPORT_DIR] \
--epochs 80 --dataset [DATASET_DIR] --crf 23
Or, since most of these arguments are defaults, simply

Or, since most of these arguments are defaults, simply

$ python --dataset [DATASET_DIR]

For more information about the other parameters, inspect `` or try

& python -h

However, in the bandwidth experiments we employed a lighter model, trained on a range of CRFs for performing an easier 1.5x upscale (720p -> 1080p). It is obtainable with the following command:
However, in the bandwidth experiments we employed a lighter model, trained on a range of CRFs for performing an easier
1.5x upscale (720p -> 1080p). It is obtainable with the following command:

$ python --arch srunet --layer_multiplier 0.7 --n_filters 48 --downsample 0.75 --device 0 \
--upscale 2 --export [EXPORT_DIR] --epochs 80 --dataset [DATASET_DIR] --crf [CRF]
Expand All @@ -63,8 +78,9 @@ $ python --arch srunet --layer_multiplier 0.7 --n_filters 48 --downsamp
#### Testing the models:

You may want to test your models. In our paper we tested on the 1080p clips available from the (Derf's Collection)[]
in Y4M format. For preparing the test set (of encoded clips) you can use the `` helper script.
in Y4M format. For preparing the test set (of encoded clips) you can use the `` helper script.
This time, the test set will be structured as follows, and there is no need of extracting each frame:

Expand All @@ -79,21 +95,46 @@ This time, the test set will be structured as follows, and there is no need of e
Finally, for testing a model (e.g. the one performing 1.5x upscale) which name is _[MODEL_NAME]_ you can use the command:

Finally, for testing a model (e.g. the one performing 1.5x upscale) which name is _[MODEL_NAME]_ you can use the

$ python --model [MODEL_NAME] --arch srunet --layer_multiplier 0.7 --n_filters 48 \
$ python --model [MODEL_NAME] --arch srunet --layer_mult 0.7 --n_filters 48 \
--downsample 0.75 --device 0 --upscale 2 --crf 23 --test_dir [TEST_DIR] --testinputres 720 --testoutputres 1080

Ultimately will be printed on screen the experimental results, and also will be saved a .csv file contained these infos.

#### Inference with the model using ``

You can use the script `` for using the model in real-time to upscale your clips. Examples:

- For 2x upscaling
$ python --clipname path/to/clip.mp4 --model models/srunet_2x_crf23.pth
- For 1.5x upscaling
$ python --clipname path/to/clip.mp4 --model models/srunet_1.5x_crf23.pth --layer_mult 0.7 --n_filters 48 --downsample 0.75
You will notice that by default the output is split in two halves: on the left there is the input, on the right there is
the upscaled version. You can show only the upscaled version by adding the flag `--show-only-upscaled`.
_About performances, my GTX 1080 Ti is enough for rendering at 30fps when upscaling 540p -> 1080p and 25fos when 720p ->
1080p. Note that in the paper we also employed [Nvidia Apex]( for speeding up inference
## Examples
Check [this link]( for the complete clip.

#### References:
This code is the implementation of my Master Degree Thesis, from which my supervisors and I wrote the paper:
- [1] Fast video visual quality and resolution improvement using SR-UNet.
Authors Federico Vaccaro, Marco Bertini, Tiberio Uricchio, and Alberto Del Bimbo (accepted at ACM MM '21)
- [1] Fast video visual quality and resolution improvement using SR-UNet. Authors Federico Vaccaro, Marco Bertini,
Tiberio Uricchio, and Alberto Del Bimbo (accepted at ACM MM '21)
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ def __init__(self, in_dim=3, n_class=3, n_filters=32, downsample=None, residual=
self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(n_filters, 3, kernel_size=1)

if downsample is not None:
self.downsample = 'interp' # nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d(scale_factor=downsample)
if downsample is not None and downsample != 1.0:
self.downsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=downsample, mode='bicubic', align_corners=True)
self.downsample = nn.Identity()
self.layers = [self.dconv_down1, self.dconv_down2, self.dconv_down3, self.dconv_down4, self.dconv_up3,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,8 +190,7 @@ def forward(self, input):
x = torch.clamp(x, min=-1, max=1)

return x
# return torch.clamp(F.interpolate(x, mode='bicubic', scale_factor=0.75, align_corners=True), min=-1, max=1)# self.downsample(x)
return torch.clamp(self.downsample(x), min=-1, max=1)

def reparametrize(self):
for layer in self.layers:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ def __init__(self, in_dim=3, n_class=3, downsample=None, residual=False, batchno
n_blocks=3 * layer_multiplier)

self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(2)
if downsample is not None and downsample != scale_factor:
if downsample is not None and downsample != 1.0:
self.downsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=downsample, mode='bicubic', align_corners=True)
self.downsample = nn.Identity()
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182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
import time
from threading import Thread
import data_loader as dl
import torch

torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
import numpy as np
from models import *
import utils
from tqdm import tqdm
import cv2
from pytorch_unet import UNet, SRUnet, SimpleResNet
from queue import Queue

# from apex import amp

def save_with_cv(pic, imname):
pic = dl.de_normalize(pic.squeeze(0))
npimg = np.transpose(pic.cpu().numpy(), (1, 2, 0)) * 255
npimg = cv2.cvtColor(npimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

cv2.imwrite(imname, npimg)

def write_to_video(pic, writer):
pic = dl.de_normalize(pic.squeeze(0))
npimg = np.transpose(pic.cpu().numpy(), (1, 2, 0)) * 255
npimg = npimg.astype('uint8')
npimg = cv2.cvtColor(npimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

cv2.putText(npimg, '540p CRF 23 + bicubic', (50, 1030), font, 1, (10, 10, 10), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.putText(npimg, 'SR-Unet (ours)', (1920 // 2 + 50, 1020), font, 1, (10, 10, 10), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)


def get_padded_dim(H_x, W_x, border=0, mod=16):
modH, modW = H_x % (mod + border), W_x % (mod + border)
padW = ((mod + border) - modW) % (mod + border)
padH = ((mod + border) - modH) % (mod + border)

new_H = H_x + padH
new_W = W_x + padW

return new_H, new_W, padH, padW

def pad_input(x, padH, padW):
x = F.pad(x, [0, padW, 0, padH])
return x

def cv2toTorch(im):
im = im / 255
im = torch.Tensor(im).cuda()
im = im.permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0)
im = dl.normalize_img(im)
return im

def torchToCv2(pic, rescale_factor=1.0):
if rescale_factor != 1.0:
pic = F.interpolate(pic, scale_factor=rescale_factor, align_corners=True, mode='bicubic')
pic = dl.de_normalize(pic.squeeze(0))
pic = pic.permute(1, 2, 0) * 255
npimg = pic.byte().cpu().numpy()
npimg = cv2.cvtColor(npimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
return npimg

def blend_images(i1, i2):
w = i1.shape[-1]
w_4 = w // 4
i1 = i1[:, :, :, w_4:w_4 * 3]
i2 = i2[:, :, :, w_4:w_4 * 3]
out =[i1, i2], dim=3)
return out

if __name__ == '__main__':
args = utils.ARArgs()
enable_write_to_video = False
arch_name = args.ARCHITECTURE
dataset_upscale_factor = args.UPSCALE_FACTOR

if arch_name == 'srunet':
model = SRUnet(3, residual=True, scale_factor=dataset_upscale_factor, n_filters=args.N_FILTERS,
downsample=args.DOWNSAMPLE, layer_multiplier=args.LAYER_MULTIPLIER)
elif arch_name == 'unet':
model = UNet(3, residual=True, scale_factor=dataset_upscale_factor, n_filters=args.N_FILTERS)
elif arch_name == 'srgan':
model = SRResNet()
elif arch_name == 'espcn':
model = SimpleResNet(n_filters=64, n_blocks=6)
raise Exception("Unknown architecture. Select one between:", args.archs)

model_path = args.MODEL_NAME

model = model.cuda()

path = args.CLIPNAME
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path)
reader =, "video")

if enable_write_to_video:
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V')
hr_video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter('rendered.mp4', fourcc, 30, (1920, 1080))

metadata = reader.get_metadata()

frame_count = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
height_fix, width_fix, padH, padW = get_padded_dim(height, width)

frame_queue = Queue(1)
out_queue = Queue(1)

def read_pic(cap, q):
count = 0
start = time.time()
while True:
cv2_im = next(cap)['data'] # .cuda().float()
cv2_im = cv2_im.cuda().float()

x = dl.normalize_img(cv2_im / 255.).unsqueeze(0)

x_bicubic = torch.clip(F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=args.UPSCALE_FACTOR * args.DOWNSAMPLE, mode='bicubic'),
min=-1, max=1)

x = F.pad(x, [0, padW, 0, padH])
count += 1
q.put((x, x_bicubic))

def show_pic(cap, q):
while True:
out = q.get()
scale = 1
cv2_out = torchToCv2(out, rescale_factor=scale)
cv2.imshow('rendering', cv2_out)

t1 = Thread(target=read_pic, args=(reader, frame_queue)).start()
t2 = Thread(target=show_pic, args=(cap, out_queue)).start()
target_fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
target_frametime = 1000 / target_fps

model = model.eval()
with torch.no_grad():
tqdm_ = tqdm(range(frame_count))
for i in tqdm_:
t0 = time.time()

x, x_bicubic = frame_queue.get()
out = model(x)[:, :, :int(height) * 2, :int(width) * 2]

out_true = i // (target_fps * 3) % 2 == 0

if not args.SHOW_ONLY_HQ:
out = blend_images(x_bicubic, out)
frametime = time.time() - t0
if frametime < target_frametime * 1e-3:
time.sleep(target_frametime * 1e-3 - frametime)

if enable_write_to_video:
write_to_video(out, hr_video_writer)
if i == 30 * 10:
print("Releasing video")

tqdm_.set_description("frame time: {}; fps: {}; {}".format(frametime * 1e3, 1000 / frametime, out_true))
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def __init__(self, args=None):
ap.add_argument("-e", "--epochs", type=int, default=80,
help="Number of epochs you want to train the model.")
ap.add_argument("--clipname", type=str, default="",
help="Optimize the network specifically for a clip")
help="[RENDER.PY ONLY] path to the clip you want to upscale")
ap.add_argument("--arch", type=str, default="srunet", choices=archs,
help="Which network architecture to train.")
ap.add_argument("--w0", type=float, default=1.0,
Expand All @@ -34,14 +34,16 @@ def __init__(self, args=None):
help="Adversarial Component Weight")
ap.add_argument("--upscale", type=int, default=2,
help="Default upscale factor, obbtained as resolution ratio between LQ and HQ samples")
ap.add_argument("--layermult", type=float, default=1.0, help="Layer multiplier - SR UNet only")
ap.add_argument("--nfilters", type=int, default=64, help="Net Number of filters param - SR UNet and UNet only")
ap.add_argument("--downsample", type=float, default=None, help="Downsample factor, SR Unet and UNet only")
ap.add_argument("--layer_mult", type=float, default=1.0, help="Layer multiplier - SR UNet only")
ap.add_argument("--n_filters", type=int, default=64, help="Net Number of filters param - SR UNet and UNet only")
ap.add_argument("--downsample", type=float, default=1.0, help="Downsample factor, SR Unet and UNet only")
ap.add_argument("--testdir", type=str, default="test",
help="[TEST ONLY] Where the test clips are contained.")
ap.add_argument("--testinputres", type=int, default=540, help="[TEST ONLY] Input testing resolution")
ap.add_argument("--testoutputres", type=int, default=1080, help="[TEST ONLY] Output testing resolution")
ap.add_argument("--crf", type=int, default=23, help="Reference compression CRF")
ap.add_argument('--show-only-upscaled', dest='show-only-upscaled', action='store_true',
help="[RENDER.PY ONLY] If you want to show only the neural net upscaled version of the video")

if args is None:
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
Expand All @@ -62,13 +64,14 @@ def __init__(self, args=None):
self.W1 = args['w1']
self.L0 = args['l0']
self.UPSCALE_FACTOR = args['upscale']
self.LAYER_MULTIPLIER = args['layermult']
self.N_FILTERS = args['nfilters']
self.LAYER_MULTIPLIER = args['layer_mult']
self.N_FILTERS = args['n_filters']
self.DOWNSAMPLE = args['downsample']
self.TEST_INPUT_RES = args['testinputres']
self.TEST_OUTPUT_RES = args['testoutputres']
self.CRF = args['crf']
self.TEST_DIR = args['testdir']
self.SHOW_ONLY_HQ = args['show-only-upscaled']

self.archs = archs

Expand Down

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