@author Farhana Basrawala @version 1.0
This is a simple js script that sends the page a notification. It is implemented using:
- CanJS (http://canjs.us/)
- JQuery (http://jquery.com/).
One would use this send an alert or a message.
- Include, in this order, the jquery lib, the canjs lib, and alerts.js file.
#####* Alerts.js can be found in the js/lib/alerts folder. ######Source: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.js"></script> <script src="js/lib/can.jquery.js"></script> <script src="js/lib/alerts/alerts.js"></script>
- Create an element in the dom where the alert will appear.
- Create an instance of the Alerts control.
#####* Pass in the element into the constructor where you would like your alert to appear.
######Source: var NS = new Alerts("#alerts-display-wrap");
- Send alerts.
#####* The Alerts::sendAlert(message, alert_type) function takes two string parameters.
######1. (string) message - text to display ######2. (string) alert_type - possible values: 'error', 'success', 'info', 'warning'
######Source: NS.sendAlert('An error has occurred. Please try again', 'error'); NS.sendAlert('Success, you are entered to win.', 'success'); NS.sendAlert('Use the user panel to delete the post.', 'info'); NS.sendAlert('Your credit card is about expire.', 'warning');
It has been tested using qUnit (http://qunitjs.com/). Tests will be added to the repo soon.