This package assumes you have already installed Jetstream and your Team
and User
Models are in the app/Models
directory and namespace.
Install this package via Composer by adding the package and the repository link:
"require": {
"truefrontier/jetstream-team-invites": "dev-main",
// ...
"repositories": [
"url": ""
Then run:
composer update
Publish the config options:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Truefrontier\JetstreamTeamInvites\JetstreamTeamInvitesServiceProvider" --force
Lastly, add the Invitation Trait to your Team and User Model:
use Truefrontier\JetstreamTeamInvites\Traits\HasJetstreamTeamInvites;
class User
use HasJetstreamTeamInvites;
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.